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Russia's and Philip's unhealthy relationship continued. It's toxic, suffocating.... Controlling.... it's really not good.... Philip's deserves better

Finland didn't really know how to approach Philip but he thinks he's been avoiding him for too long... It's been weeks.... He really missed him. He hasn't heard about him in weeks. How is he doing? Finland doesn't know. Philip doesn't talk to anyone which is normal for him to do so. Germany and Poland hasn't been in contact with Philip either. Poland told Finland that he thinks he saw Russia break Phil's phone. Just noting that this was outside school. Germany quickly went to Poland, to make sure that nothing would harm him.

After school, Finland quickly went to find Philip. Up and down the stairs, left and right. He searched for Philip. He was pretty sad and disappointed when he couldn't find him. He then remembered that there was a small hole at the old library. It was sealed, covered by a large bookshelf. Finland immediately went there just to find that the bookshelf hasn't been moved.... It made him very disappointed..... Even though Philip might not have went inside the library, he still had the gut feeling to check it out. He moved the bookshelf to reveal a cracked hole that is quite large enough to fit him. He crouches down as he goes inside. It's pretty dusty but once you get inside the actual library it won't be as dusty as you would think. It even looks quite untouched.

He hears no one. Philip is also not here... He's not sitting on one of the shelves. When he was about to leave, he remembers to check the hole. He walked around the Library, remembering the times when he used to read books with his brother here.

To his surprise, Philip is actually here... He's sitting in the hole, laying his head on his knees as he hugs his legs tightly. Tears fall from his eyes as he quietly sits. When Philip opened his eyes, his eyes widened in pure shock and confusion.

"Hi... Phil...."

Philip quickly left the hole. Finland grabbed his hand to make him unable to leave. "Phil... Please... I'm sorry... I was wrong too... I didn't understand what you  were trying to say..." "Phil, can we talk?" "I just want to talk to you.... I miss you..." "I might be like the ones that you call marupok? I don't know if that's how to say it but I guess I'm one of them..." "Phil, I came to say sorry and I just.... I..." Finland couldn't hide the blush on his face. "I miss you..."


"Don't you hate me?"

"Why would I ever hate you? I love you, remember that"

Finland takes both of Phil's hands.

"I love you so much, why would I hate you? You're the only one for me and you know that"

"You're my missing piece-"

"Lan... Please.... Enough with your-"

"Philip... Please... I'm not kidding... I'm serious... Until now, I'm still madly in love with you"

Finland takes Phil's hand them he places it on his chest why his heart should be. Phil raises a brow at him. Finland then pulls Philip in a tight embrace. Phil is surprised to hear his heart beat irrapidly.

"I don't know if your heart still feels the same but know that mine still does..."

"Phil, I love you"

Finland suddenly takes both of Phil's hands to place them on his cheeks. This also caused Phil's hair to move a bit. He noticed that Phil is wearing am eye patch?

"Phil.... Is that an eye patch?"

"What happened to your eye?"


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