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Phil hears knocking on his door. Confusion invades his mind, not knowing how to react. The knocking gets louder which leaves him without any other choice but to open the door and see who it is. Philip immediately goes downstairs. He hates loud noises. "Who is it?" Phil asks. "It's me" the person from the other side said. It took Philip a moment to recognize the voice. It's Russia.

Philip opened the door to see Russia standing while holding a bouquet of flowers. "Why are you here?" Philip asks the tall male. "Why else? I'm here to pick my lover up" Russia replies to him. Philip is given the bouquet of flowers. Philip accepts them. "Lover?" Phil furrows his brows in confusion. "Yes, you accepted my confession yesterday, remember?" Phil's eyes widened as he remembers everything. Phil took pills to make him drunk. Him being drunk yesterday might be a reason to why he didn't remember the fact that eh accepted Russia's Confession.


"Remember now?" Russia then puts a hand on Phil's waist.

"Why are you getting so close?"

"Why not? We're lovers after all, it's only natural" Russia says to him.

Philip counts the flowers. It was evident that the flower quantity is an odd number.

"An odd number of flowers" Philip says out loud without noticing.

Russia takes his hand then he kisses it. "Yes, an odd amount of Flowers for my lover, this is a happy occasion after all" Russia tells him. This makes Phil raise a brow in slight confusion.

"Why? What happens if it's an even amount?"

Russia comes closer to his ear juts to whisper.

"It means that I'm going to get rid of you and you no longer have any purpose for me"

A huge chill went down Phil's spine. He gulps hard, feeling quite nervous about that.

"But don't worry, I'm not going to get rid of you"

Russia tells him in a much cheerful tone.

"Yet" Russia adds.

Russia laughs at Phil's reaction.

"Oh come on, I'm just joking, come on, let's go"

Phil doesn't feel like he's joking. He thinks that he's serious about what he said... With one glare from Russia, Philip immediately went in the car with him.

There's only the two of them. None of Russia's siblings. Philip doesn't bother asking since he doesn't want to pry.

Russia puts a hand around Phil's shoulder. Philip couldn't help but flinch.

"What's with that reaction? Did you think I'd hit you?" Russia asks him. Philip stays quiet, unable to think of a response.

"Do you want some Beer? Vodka? Gin? Wine?" Russia asks him.

"What?" Phil is confused.

"You don't want to drink?"

"Of course not! It's 6 in the morning!" Phil replies.

"So you want to drink coffee?" Russia asks, not really amused.

"Yes, that's what you should be drinking, not gin or vodka!"

Russia squeezes Phil's neck a bit.

"Don't tell me what to do"

Russia glares into his eyes. Phil is quite uncomfortable.

"Know your place, you're mine now"

Phil gulps. This is another red flag. He's regretting accepting Russia as his lover.

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