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"Are you all set to go?" Russia asks Philip. "Yep" Philip replies. Before they could even get close to the front door, the door bursts open with a loud bang. The both of them are confused to how Poland managed to get in but then again, they probably forgot to lock the door when they came back inside after going to the car. "Poland? What are you doing here?" Philip asks. Poland seems very distressed and disturbed. Poland is shaking vigorously. "Calm down. You're shaking like you're on drugs. What happened?" Phil tries to make Poland answer as fast as he could.

"We don't have time! Indo! His place is burning! There's a fire! He's still in there!" Phil's eyes widened in shock. "Then what the f*ck, POLAND!" "Why didn't you just call us?" "Phil, we did call the police and the paramedics" "I... I don't even know why I even went here... You're right, I should have called instead" Poland feels quite dumb now. "What are we all waiting for? Are we going to wait until he's dead? Come on!" Germany tells them that they need to move it. They immediately headed to Indo's Loft. The building is on fire. Their cars passed the firefighters which isn't a good sign. When they arrived at the building, Philip immediately opened the door to go inside. Russia couldn't stop Philip since he was too fast. Phil is small and fast so he got passed the crowed, but Russia and the others couldn't.

"Let me in! My.... Phil just went inside! I'll break your bones if you don't let me in!" Russia tries to intimidate them. "Russia, calm down" "Phil knows what he's doing" "let's juts wait patiently" Poland tells him to calm down and wait patiently. "What is he even going to do? You can't make me believe that he can drag him down here! He's three times bigger than Philip!" Russia is very concerned. Poland is happy to see that Russia is concerned but it's best if they don't chase after him. Russia was about to run in but he got blocked by the civilians and the firefighters. "Finally! They are here!" Poland smiles with a bit of hope.

Philip doesn't want to loose another person that he considers as family. 'Indo please.....' 'No.... Please... I'm begging you... Please be okay.... You and Poland are the only family I have left....' Philip says in his mind. He tries to maintain his composure by not shaking nervously. He finally sees Indo's door.

Russia and the others are impatiently waiting downstairs. "What happened? What caused this?!" Germany asks the civillains. "A gas leak" one person says to them. "What the hell? There should be a rule that only Induction stoves are allowed!" Germany complains to them even though they can't do anything about it. It's already done......

When Philip arrived at his door, Philip did everything he could to open it. Philip broke the doorknob by using a heavy item that he found on the floor. He immediately went inside the room. Flames are eating up the loft space. Philip looks for Indo. He sees a chair and a hanging rope.... He sees Indo on the floor. A rope is tightly suffocating him by the neck. He is slowly getting engulfed by the flames. Philip tries his best to put the flames out. Phil doesn't want to lose Indo. He's speechless when he saw the scene before his eyes. He doesn't want to loose another person that he cared for... A person that he loved. Phil thinks that Indo tried to kill himself by hanging himself but the rope was burnt which caused it to tear. Phil hopes that Indo is only unconscious and not dead yet... Philip grabs a knife on the floor. Even though the knife is extremely hot, he endured it. He starts to cut the rope around Indo's neck.

"Hang in there, Indo"

"Don't do this to me! Not you! Not yet!"

"Damn it! Open your eyes!"

After quickly cutting the rope off of his neck, he starts to perform chest compressions. He performs CPR to give him oxygen. Tears fall from Phil's eyes. He doesn't know if this is helping or not but he's desperate to keep Indo alive.. so  desperate, trying mouth to mouth to give Indo some oxygen.

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