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The slight shine in Phil's eyes disappeared once more. Phil is so tired... Just as kazkhstan told him. Everything was going well but the fun didn't last long.... Phil doesn't know how long he can't endure all of this. It's all his fault, he shouldn't have let himself be manipulated into making such an irrational decision.... Russia became extremely cold to Philip... He might not hit Philip or slap him but sometimes his squeezing becomes too hard that it hurts Philip. He shows no remorse for it all.

And Sometimes he gets very toxic, by toxic, he says things to Philip that he shouldn't be saying such as "you should fix yourself" "go dress up" and he would judge Phil's every move. This is very suffocating for Philip. It's affecting his mental and emotional state... He would rather get punched in the face than endure all of this.

"Phil, let's go, what are you waiting for? Don't be so slow, hurry up!"

"Okay... I'm coming..."

As Philip walks through the halls, he's feared. No one makes eye contact with Philip because of the fear that's they would make him angry. Phil never wanted this... Phil should be confident and act like a badass but he became so drained again. He stays quiet with his usual pokerface. Being with Russia is tiring him.... He can't do this anymore but he's scared that Russia would do something bad, not to him but to what he treasures the most.

The heat between Russia's and Finland's group became even more intense. Phil is in the middle. He is even more involves in the tension. Philip doesn't join the fights. He's only needed for decoding and for planning. He serves as the brain.

It's been so long since Phil and Finland had talked to each other and even now, they still don't know how to talk to each other.


Phil stops walking when he heard Finland call out his name. Phil ignored him, he started to walk forward as if he didn't heard anything.

"Phil! Please wait!"

Phil started to walk even faster.


Finland chased after Philip and Surprisingly, he managed to catch up to Philip. He grabbed Phil by his wrist. "Why are you running away from me? Did he say that he would hurt you if you were to be seen with me?" "Does he hurt you? Is that why you've been hiding your eye again?" Finland asks him these questions. "No!" Phil replies but Finland is very paranoid, he can't sleep at night since he blames himself for being the reason why Philip is stuck being Russia's lover. Finland pulls Phil's hoodie off then he puts Phil's hair to the side to see his eyes, to see his whole face. To his surprise, Phil has no bruises. Phil is also not wearing any makeup to cover them up. Finland them pulls Phil's sleeves. There's no bruises....

"Wha... What?" Finland is confused...

"I told you! I kept telling you all! He doesn't hurt me! So will you quit it? Leave me alone!" Philip tells Finland.

"Why are you even following me? Just say it! I want to be alone! So if you don't have anything worthwhile to say, just leave me alone then!" Philip tells him. Finland sighs deeply.

"Philip.... I'm sorry-"

"Lan.... Please... I don't want to hear it... The past is past... And besides... No one knew about it except Russia.... So we're we really dating? Or were we just playing?"

"If that's all you have to say, then please... Leave me alone, lan"

"It my fault that you're with Russia-"

"Would you please quit it?, lan, I don't want to hear any of those either"

"I want some peace and quiet... Can't you do that for me, lan?"

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