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Finland isn't liking the view so he let the curtains down. He doesn't want to see them. To be exact, he wants to see Philip but he doesn't know why Norway spending time with Phil instead of him is kind of pissing him off. "Who the f*ck  goes out in the garden at this time of night?!" "Go the f*ck to sleep will ya?!" Finland is in a bad mood. He keeps scoffing at his brother. He doesn't drink alcohol to get rid of his anger or to ease his mind. There's no liquor I'm their house. He doesn't smoke either. Finland just sits on his chair, sighing deeply, very agitated for some odd reason.

Norway can't stop smilling as he walks in the garden ugh Philip. He's litteraly all alone with his crush. "Are you okay, Norway?" "You're sweating" Phil asks Norway if he's okay, Phil is quite worried.
"Y-yeah.... I-i'm okay..." Norway can't hide his blushing face. Norway also can't stop stuttering. "You're face is red, are you really okay? Let's go insi-" "NO!" Norway refuses to go inside. Norway wants to spend more alone time with Philip. Technically they aren't alone since three of Norway's brothers are spying on them with binoculars. This is mandatory for the but also not.... They just want to spy on them. Phil and Norway both feel as if they are being spied on, from time to time which is quite creepy to think about.

They both do not know that it's actually Iceland, Sweden and Denmark whose spying on them. Denmark can't stop taking pictures of them. Denmark and their other brothers, support Norway, wholeheartedly. "I'll take care of the gown, suit and the accessories" Iceland says. "I'll take care of the priest" Denmark adds. "I'll take care of the venue and the ring" Sweden continues. "And I'll f*cking add the police, this is spying, this is invasion of privacy, everyone of you, get in your rooms and shut the f*CK up!" Finland suddenly ruins their conversation.

They all have their brows furrowed I'm confusion. "What's going on with you today, Lan?" They ask. He's acting very weird. "Need a Sleeping pill? Jeez, take a chill pill, what the f*CK?!" Denmark is ready to throw hands. Fe mark was having a good time but Finland had to ruin it all. "You've been pissed off since earlier, what actually is going on with you?!" Sweden is usually calm and chill but what also getting tired do Finland's bullsh*t. Finland ember acts like this. "Why are you acting like this?!? Do you have a problem with Phil?!" Iceland asks His older brother who looks as if he's ready to punch someone in the face.


Finland shouted with a very angry face so they all shut their mouths. They can tell that he's very angry and he's seriously angry.... Finland isn't a little angry, his mood isn't the type that you could still talk back to... No.... Finland seems truly pissed off, to the point where he Wil punch his brothers. "I'm your rooms" Finland said with a cold glare. They all can't understand him... They all obeyed his order, they all went to their rooms.

Finland went to the window to close the curtains. He saw Philip touching Norway's cheek.  They look like a very sweet and intimate couple. Finland gritted his teeth in annoyance before closing the curtains. "What? What were you looking at?" Phil asked. "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing, I was just looking at the mansion, are you cold?" Norway said, genuinely smilling as he puts his full attention back to Philip, the one he loves.  Phil was touching his cheek earlier since Norway grabbed his hand and put his hand on his cheek. Phil just went with the flow and held Norway's cheek. Norway saw that Finland was near the window and he was a hundred percent sure that Finland was going to see Philip holding his cheek so Norway planned this. Norway wanted to remind him that Phil is supposed to be his, and not Finland's. "Are you an EDJIOT? Why would I be cold? I litteraly wear a thick hoodie and I'm wearing pants and not shorts" Phil says to him, back at it again with the Filipino accent to the word 'idiot'.

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