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Norway brought Phil to their mansion again. Iceland opened the door for them. They are all happy to see Philip be brought home by their brother. Phil and Norway had been living together every once and a while but they live in Phil's house mostly. Phil doesn't like it when the house is too big because it's hard to get around when it's too big. "How have you guys been doing?" Denmark asks them. "Great" Norway replies with a. Genuine smile. "We're really happy for you guys" Norway's brothers say. Finland nods in agreement he doesn't speak.

"So when will the question be popped?" Sweden asks then he continues to sip his coffee. "What question?" Phil raises a brow at Sweden. Sweden avoids Phil's eyes, he pretends as if he didn't say anything. "Nothing~" Sweden closed his laptop then he leaves the room. "Hey!" Phil doesn't like that he just left without explaining what he meant. Norway is sweating in his seat. "He means, when is Norway going to ask you to live with him, here? With us" Finland saves Norway. "huh?" Phil now Haas his full attention on Finland. "Do you want to live here instead of only the two of us at my house, Norway?" Phil asks Norway. Phil's tone and face is calm and understanding.

Norway gulps hard. "Y-yeah...." Norway replies, avoiding Phil's eyes as he scratches the back of his head. "If that is what you wish" Phil says in a calm voice, he's seriously accepting it. "Really?! You'll live with me here? With us?" Norway is elated but also disappointed..... Norway did not think this through. "Yes, I don't mind" Phil says to him. Norway smiles but hides his frown. Now they won't have any privacy because four other people live here too. "I'll get my secretary to bring your stuff here, Phil, can you give me the key? What should we bring back?" Iceland asks. "Just clothing" Phil replies as he takes out the key to his house. It's better to ask for the key, rather than break in with consent....

Phil and Norway spent the whole day together, just what lovers do. They are always together to remind the four that they are all single. "Ahaha.... I think... Uhm.. yeah... I'm going to go and go on a blind date-" Iceland stands up to get ready to leave, he's actually going to a blind date and he's not saying that for show. "Hey, can I come? Is it a mixer or just a blind date?" Denmark asks. "I'm meeting a blind date and if that doesn't work out, I also have a mixer to attend to. You can take my place at the mixer if my date works out. But if me and my date doesn't work out then you can still come with me to the mixer since Jonathan is most likely to chicken out" Iceland replies to him. "What time?" Iceland asks. "7" Iceland soon leaves after telling him the time. "You're really going to go out on a date just like that?" Finland asks. "Yeah dude! Come on! It's 2021! It's how it works" Denmark tells his brother as he rolls his eyes. "Come on, there's nothing wrong with finding love using the modern tactics! Stop being a boomer and start dating dude! Maybe then you'll stop acting like a grumpy boomer" Denmark tells him.

Denmark isn't thing to make his brother mad. Denmark is really concerned, after getting his heart broken, he stopped living anyone. Finland's cold heart that was melted by someone he really cared about, went back to being cold. Finland doesn't say anything about what Denmark said. Denmark sighed then went to his room to get ready for the mixer. Everytime they want to date a human, it's mandatory to use make-up and look like a human. They are forbidden from dating a human using their true looks AKA them looking like their true selves/ a countryhuman. Just to not stir up any rumours since every move they make can go viral. Them just eating chocolate ice cream in peace in an ice cream place can go viral.

Finland becomes alone again. He sighs. What did he do wrong? What does he do wrong? Everytime he tries... They all want to break up with him. "Is it because I'm too cold?"

Phil and Norway slept together on Norway's bed. Not in a separate room or in separate beds because as everyone knows. Phil and Norway are lovers and it's not eh first time that they slept together in the same bed.

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