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"Phil, did you know that I also like you?"

"What?" Phil is speechless to hear what Russia had just told him.

"Yes, I'm Confessing to you" Russia tells him.

"Wha.... Is... Is this a joke? Of course I'm going to say no! I'm not going to be your lover! You already know that me and Finland are lovers!" Phil refuses him. He doesn't even hesitate to reject him.

"But what's the evidence?" Russia tells them. The two of them are left speechless. "What do you mean by that, Russia?"

"Come on! Why are you two even hiding the fact that you guys are lovers?!" Russia asks them. Phil doesn't know how to answer his question. "Has Finland ever told you the reason why he wants you guys' relationship to be hidden from anyone else? What's the reason, can you tell us? Finland" Finland gulps hard. He doesn't know how to answer him.

"Come on, Philip, be my lover, choose me instead! if I was your lover, I would tell the whole school, f*CK whatever they say, this is my life, no one else can have a say about my decisions, I don't care about what people will say about me" "So what if they were to hate me? Who the f*CK cares?" "If I was your lover, Phil, I would tell everyone, I will tell the public, I will yell loudly for the whole school to hear" "I will even got he nations to tell them that we are dating" "I'll tell everyone that you're my boyfriend, my girlfriend that is a boy"  Russia tells Philip all of this.

And now... The question that will start the fight.

"what about him? Can he do that for you?"

"Does he have the courage to do that?"

"Does he really love you?"

Phil forcefully takes his hand away. He shakes russia off.

"Of course he can! He loves me and I love him! I'm Important to him and he's important to me!"

"I love him very much and I know that he really loves me too!"

"He never forgets to show me how much he loves me, everyday, and he never forgets to show me how much he cares about me, that's enough proof for me to know that I'm Important to him and that he really loves me!"

Phil tells him which surprises Russia. Russia expected for Phil to realize it much earlier.

"He protects me-"

Russia cuts Philip off.

"Yes, he can protect you, but I can protect you better, I can do a better job in protecting you"

Russia tells Philip but this isn't enough to make Philip change his view of Finland.

Phil takes Finland's hand.

"I love him, nothing you say can change our relationship! This is the man that I'm willing to take a bullet for!"

Finland grabs Phil's other hand

"I love Philip! Nothing you say can destroy our love for each other! You can't destroy our relationship by poisoning Phil's mind! We love each other and that's final, why can't you understand that? Russia" "oh yeah, because you don't even know what love means!" "Just leave before I punch you in the face!" Finland says to Russia.

"Fine.... I'll leave......."

"But.... Do you have proof?" Russia asks.

"What proof?"

"Proof that he would do that for you, can he call his brothers? Call the nations right now and say that the two of you are dating?" Russia asks. Finland is getting even more nervous. Phil on the other hand is very confident.

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