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Philip takes the cup of tea that was offered to him by Russia. "Are you okay?, Phil" Russia's asks as he puts a hand on his lover's shoulder. Philip has been staring at the window for quite a while now. While the tea is still smoking hot, Philip puts it close to his mouth to drink it. Luckily, he was stopped by Russia. "Phil, are you really okay? You've been spacing out....." "Is something bothering you?" Russia is concerned. Who knows what Philip is thinking about? They just know that when he's spacing out, staring at a distance means that he's feeling quite depressed. Their relationship has been pretty rocky. Philip doesn't really know if he loves Russia as much as he loves Finland and Norway.

It's most likely that Philip has developed some feelings for Russia but they aren't as strong as the feelings he had for Norway and Finland.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Russia is in distress, not knowing what to do. Philip let's put a deep sigh. Phil finally turns his gaze to Russia. Philip takes the cup of tea that he was supposed to drink earlier. He then blows the liquid gently to drink.

"I haven't seen Indo in weeks"

Philip says in a monotone voice. He doesn't seem happy about that fact. Russia gulp, not knowing how to respond. "It's better than seeing Soviet, am I right? Haha......" Russia says with an awkward smile. Russia's laugh sounded quite forced and awkward.

Philip raised a brow at him. "I suppose you're right" Philip replies to him. 

"Why? Are you worried about him? What do you want me to do?" Russia's asked him in a calm matter.

"He's like family to me, of course I'm worried about him"

"We're the same"

"We've been friends for a long time and I want to make sure that he's alright"

Russia sighs, feeling defeated. He understands. The only people that Philip is considering as family are Poland and Indonesia. They are the only ones left.


"I guess it's been months....."

"Fine..... I'll make arrangements for you to meet with him"

"I won't come with you if that is what you wish"

Philip looks at Russia. Phil's gaze means to say that he appreciates the fact that he's respecting his privacy.

A bottle of Arak Bali can be heard shattering in a million pieces. Indonesia out of frustration, threw a bottle of Arak Bali on the wall. A loud scream can be heard across his loft space. It's a good thing that the walls are completely sound proofed, and thus no one can hear him.

Tears fall from the corners of his eyes. His sleeves are drenched in blood. Dozens of bottles are on the floor right beside him.


He curses in anger.

He looks at the new papers that have just arrived a few minutes ago. This has been going on for months.....

Texts from unknown numbers, physical letters and etc.... The person who keeps doing this is very determined.

Indonesia has been very depressed and suicidal lately....

He was already feeling very depressed when he found out that Philip is yet again in a relationship with someone that isn't him. Now he's even more depressed. Someone has been reminding him everyday that he doesn't have a chance with Philip and that he is useless to Philip. They even go farther by saying that he will be erased from Phil's memory because of how useless he is to Philip and so he won't be remembered or missed. He's trying his best not to listen to these taunts. He fully accepts the fact that he doesn't have a chance with Philip. He's satisfied with being Phil's friend, and he knows that he's like family to Philip. He's like a brother to Philip.

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