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"You guys are a couple?"

Indo asks them. He hopes that he heard it wrong.... Be nope that he's only misunderstanding. "Yes, we've been together for months now. I said it to the whole school and it was all over the news. Why? How did you not hear about this news?" They are both surprised to know that Indo just knew now.

"Oh.... I don't listen to the news.... I also don't use the internet as much...." Indo fakes a smile. He chose to shut up instead of tell Phil how he really feels. He will shut his mouth.... He will....

Indo puts a hand on Norway's shoulder. "Take care of him alright? Anyways, when's the wedding?" Phil and Norway both blushed when he asked them 'whem is the wedding'.

"What do you mean wedding? Come on, Indo, we're not even engaged....." Phil says to which Norway adds "yet" Phil looks at Norway with a brow raised. "What did you say?" "Yet..... Not yet...." Norway awkwardly replied.

"If you guys get engaged, invite me to the wedding" Indo tells them. "Will do" Norway replies to him.

Indo feels so heartbroken..... How come he had just found out that Phil and Norway are a couple?

Indo is very pained.... He wants to cry and get drunk....

After the couple left, Indo locked himself in his room. All he can do now is to accept the fact that they are a couple and he can't confess to Philip. Indo got someone to deliver him some alcoholic beverages. Indo harmed himself that night. It hurts when you're the last person on earth to know that the one you love has been dating someone else for the past months....

Indo opened up his t.v and he also took out his phone to look at the trending news. On the T.V the news anchor said "Congratulations to Sir Germany and to Sir Poland on their engagement! We look forward to their wedding!" "Yes indeed, and what about Sir Norway and Sir Philippines? When will they get engaged and get married? We all hope that they will be engaged soon" "this leaked photo of the two for hem holding hands is truly adorable!" "Sir Philippines is a very private person and we're happy to get updates on him every once in a while because he's now sir Norway's lover" "yes, it's very exciting to hear news about the two of them. Sir Philippines is always hiding from the Media!" Indo thinks that he had heard enough. Indo chugs down some beer as he lets his blood just flow on his arm.......

He sighs deeply, he has a pokerface on with tears falling every once in a while. He opens up his phone to see the trending news and one topic is about Phil and Norway. The first ever news about the two of them being a couple was a very long time ago..... Indo remembers that there was a time when he was absent at school. That was a long time ago and maybe that was the time when Norway said to the whole school that Philip was his lover.

Indo can't keep acting strong anymore. Indo breaks down. He cries heavily with sound. Tears fall from his eyes as he has his hands on his face, covering his eyes. His place is soundproofed so no one could hear him cry. He cries loudly, regretting about being too slow.

A few days had passed and Norway is finally ready to propose. "You don't have work today?" Phil asks. "Yup! I don't, remember what I told you about? a few days ago, I said I wanted to take you to Norway" Norway says to him as he fixes his clothes. "You were serious? " Phil sighs. "If that will make you happy.... Fine... I agree to go with you to Norway" Norway immediately hugs Philip I'm excitement. "Oi! Put me down! Don't do that so suddenly?" Phil out of nature, hit Norway in the age. But it felt like nothing.

"Sorry. I'm just.... Very excited" Norway says with a genuine smile. "Welp, going back to your country IS a big deal" Phil understands why he's excited but he actually doesn't know. Norway is planning to propose to him.

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