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Phil had been hanging around the blue law lately, it's been four weeks since Phil agreed to be their translator. Phil has actually been a great help to Finland and his gang. Norway even got Philip to give him his phone number and Phil added him on Friendsbrook messaging app. Phil doesn't really use Friendsbrook or the Friendsbrook messaging app but he has them because the nations told him to download it, so that he could have contact with them. Phil also has Indonesia and Poland added on his Friendsbrook messaging app.

Phil only goes to where the gang resides and he only helps because Norway is there and he's a part of the Blue law gang. Just like a few weeks ago, Philip and Finland are alone in a room because Norway and the others left to buy food. Finland didn't have the best first impressions of Philip and hair first impressions haven't changed because Phil is still so quiet and he doesn't talk much as if he's like a ghost or as if he's mute. Philip and Finland both close their eyes, everyday is a hectic and stressful as ever. Philip listens to music on his phone. It's actually the first time that Finland saw Philip use his phone.

Finland groaned, pissed off at his dumb brother. "Oi, they wanted me to talk to you so we could get along better.." Finland says which made Phil forcefully open his eyes and u plug his earphones. Phil doesn't look at him. Phil blinks once, he's just looking at the ceiling. "When did you last cut your hair? It's covering your eye" Finland asks him. Finland hates small talk. Finland doesn't see the point in having small talk. Finland likes to be quiet. Finland doesn't like to speak much.

"I don't remember the last time I cut my hair" Phil tells him without making eye contact. They both stare at the ceiling,
to avoid making eye contact. Philip then looks at Finland. Finland feels Phil's gaze and they he also gazes into Phil's eyes. "You do know that we could just not do that they said, we can just be quiet, we already made small talk so we wouldn't be lying if we were to say that we talked to each other. I know that you don't like to make small talk, and neither to I" Phil says to the tall Finnish. Finland likes how Phil think. Phil and Finland thinks in quite the same way but also not.

Phil and Finland rates quiet for hours until the others got back. This not that they hate each other, they are just he type of people who do not like small talks. Phil used to live small talks but after all the torture and trauma, he just lost interest in everything that he liked to do. They stayed quiet for houra but Finland took out his phone then he showed it to Philip. He pointed at a day and at a time. Phil raises a brow at him. Meaning to say 'what the hell does he mean?' "It's a good day and time to watch the sunset" Finland says to him. They both then hear footsteps. They are back.

"Hey phil~ I got you a strawberry popsicle!" Norway says with a smile. They all went inside the room while holding a lot for coolers. That's a lot of ice cream... Phil likes sweet stuff but he doesn't really show it. Norway smiles brightly as he gives Philip the popsicle."He likes Melon flavor best" Finland says as he takes away the strawberry popsicle away, the popsicle that Norway gave Philip. Norway furrows his brows in irritation to his brother's actions. Norway glares at his brother. Norway knows that he has to be calm and he should be the cheery and always smilling one. Norway has to stay calm. Finland knows that they always buy extra ice cream and so he he puts the strawberry ice cream, back to one of the coolers them he takes a melon flavored one to give to Philip.

Finland throws it to Philip. Phil catches it with ease. Finland then leaves the room since he has no business being here anymore. Finland took an ice cream then left the room.

Phil opens up the ice cream packet to eat it. Norway watched Philip eat. "You don't have to force yourself to eat" Norwag tells him with a genuine smile. "Why? I'm not forcing myself" Phil replies to him. "So does that mean that you actually fancy Melon flavors more than strawberry?!" Norway asks. "Yes" Phil replies to him."m "what? So I've been buying the wrong flavor this whole time?"
Norway asks but Phil doesn't respond. Phil only continues to lick the ice-cream.
"Why didn't you tell me that you liked melon more?" Norway asks Philip, to which replies to and which Norway must have expected, "did you ask?" Phil is very cold and Phil doesn't give a sh*t is his words you get offended by his words or not. The humans and Denmark all "oooooh" because of Phil's savage response.

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