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Without Finland and Russia knowing, Philip has been sending more and more important things to the both of them. Philip has also been taking advantage of the situation. Philip knows that he has control of Finland now. But Russia, he's still working on it. He hasn't fully succeeded in making Russia into his pet yet. Philip has been very careful. He shushes the ones who found out.

"Phil, do you want to join?"

Philip stands up to face Russia.


Philip smirks evilly. Russia smiles at his lover. They are a power couple. They are both feared and admired. They are perfect for each other. Not only do they look perfect for each other but they have a lot of common personality traits.

Russia puts a hand around Phil's waist. "We're you lonely without me?" Russia asks. "What did you expect? Of course not" Philip replies with a smirk and one brow slightly raised. Their guys are getting quite uncomfortable. They don't know if they should stay in the room or leave to give the two of them some privacy. "You're so cold, Philip, I love it"

Their guys slowly back away to leave the room. Once they shut the door, Philip and Russia both laughed. "Let's go"

They gather a lot of stares as they walk through the halls. Phil is now known to not only be ready to cuss at you but also to be quite violent when pissed off. Philip kicked America, Japan and Spain in their groins. It hurt for sure. Philip wanted to do more but he held back. He also wanted to press a knife on Japan's neck but he tried his best to stay calm so he didn't do it. He knows that he could have sliced his neck open so he didn't do it.

No one would dare get close to Philip.

Philip has been having fun just like always. He might look like a prey from a far but don't make a mistake..... He's armed at all times and he's not afraid to hurt anyone.

Philip has been very cautious but....

The day has finally come....

Russia found out that Philip has been sending very important files and information to Finland

And Finland also found out that Philip has been sending important files and information to Russia

They both got played by Philip.

Philip knew that this day would come but he didn't expect it to be this early.  He can't lie.... He's not very prepared for what will happen.....

But he's ready to get punched in the face

He knows that he deserves it.


Finland shouts at him.

Philip Looks at him with a poker face.

"Russia roulette is not the same without a gun"

"It may but it won't be as fun"

Philip tells Finland which very much confuses him. "What?"




"Can you really blame me? I've done what you've asked me right? I also told you s million times that the risks and the exchange would be very high"

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