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Phil casually walked inside the office of the nations. Their intimidating aura that would make any human pee themselves because of fear, turned into a loving aura of three fathers who love their dear youngest son very much. "Phil! How are you doing? I've missed you! Do you miss your papa Asean?" Asean is very happy to see Philip. No one really visits them about non work related things anymore.

"Hi... Papa Asean..." ASEAN's heart just dropped, Phil called him papa Asean. Asean didn't expect for Philip to actually call him papa Asean. Asean is overwhelmed with joy. Tears are filling up his eye glasses. "I'm so happy Philip.... I'm at lost for words... What angel made you overcome everything? I'm so happy for you.... I'm so proud of you" Asean couldn't help himself, Asean hugged Philip very tightly.

"Because of a good friend...." They are all baffled that those words came out of Phil's mouth. "A good friend?!? Who is this person Philip?" UN asks. They are very curiously intrigued. Phil hesitated a bit before speaking "Norway...." They all furrowed their brows. "THAT'S MY F*CKING BOY!" EU shouted proudly. Whilst EU celebrates, UN AND ASEAN both look at each other. "Norway? That shy boy?" Asean asks as he looks in UN's eyes. "How do you feel about him Philip? Do you want to marry him? He seems like a good person, I approve so you can say yes to him at any time!" Asean is thinking too much in the future. "I too approve" UM says as he puts a hand on ASEAN's shoulder. EU regains his composure then he breaks the two nations up. EU glares at UN who is just about as tall as him. "He's my wife too, don't f*cking forget that you little c*nt" EU says with a death glare to UN. UN glares back.

"But of course I f*cking approve of you two getting married!" EU says with a big smile. Phil smiles at them awkwardly. "But we're just friends..." Phil is quite uncomfortable because of their extreme supportiveness. "Don't worry Phil we won't be angry and we won't get in the way of the both of you if you and Norway become lovers" they tell him with genuinely comforting smiles. EU then raises his hand into a thumbs up "well supportive the two of you, wholeheartedly" they all say in unison.

"Bitch it's my day to be intimate with Asean, he's my wife too! Your day s tommorow so stop holding hands!" EU says with a glare, to UN. UN is really tempted to punch EU in the face. Asean has two wedding rings, one for each ring finger. One being the same design as EU's and the other has the same design as the ring that UN is holding. Everyone knows about their poly relationship. Asean is a male himself and he has two husband's and Asean is their wife.

"Is there anything that you wish to tell us Phil? We were told that you wanted to talk" they stopped with the teasing to be serious and finally talk. "Yes... I want to talk about the pills and therapy" Phil tells them. They all sit down to be more comfortable. "We heard that you don't drink the pills anymore, well isn't that good?" Asean and EU both agree with UN. "Well yes and also...." Phil gulps, stoping his sentence which makes all the nations wait in anticipation.

"I want to stop the therapy...."

"I mean... I feel great, spending time with Norway is really great, I don't think that I need to go to therapy, it's just-" "Phil it's okay, we understand, we allow you to stop your therapy" Asean says with a smile. "Yes, your therapist says that you've been very happy ever since you've been spending time with your special, one and only friend" UN remarks all the positive things that his therapist has been telling them. "Just go one last time, just to say good bye, Poland is also just going to say goodbye" EU tells Philip that he should at least say goodbye. "Okay... I'll say goodbye" Phil replies, understanding their wish. It's the least that Phil could do.

"That's good to hear!" The three Nations aka for Philip to give them a hug which Phil sighs but obediently obeys their wish. This might be the second time? Or the first time that Phil has hugged them? Phil can't remember but Asean had told him that Phil had Hugged Asean when he was like a toddler or child. Asean was looking like a 17,18 or 19 year old back them but of course, he's not 17,18 or 19, he was probably 78 years old at that time or higher than that.

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