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Philip and Finland have been living their lives, happily dating. They have graduated from college. They are now free to pursue businesses, jobs and, hobbies.

Philip has been working at home, focusing on expanding his business. Finland has been going to work everyday, going to a physical company. He even goes to Phil's company from time to time. Phil can still manage his company even without going there. He just doesn't like to be around people.

Phil has mentioned that he would be happy to get married to Finland. Finland is very happy hearing Philip's ay this at least 3 times now. Finland started giving hints that he's about to propose about a month and a half ago. From time to time, Finland would talk to Philip about how great he would look in a wedding dress or in a white tuxedo. He would also talk about how good Philip's hand would look if his ring finger had an engagement ring, or even better, a wedding ring. Philip only smiles at him when he says things like that. Phil knows I'm his heart that Finland is just waiting for a specific date to propose to him. Finland is so clear, he's very easy to read when he's in love.

Phil is always in the house. He never leaves since he doesn't want to. Finland goes out to work everyday. Philip works from home. People thinki that he doesn't work but actually, he works hard day and night behind a screen. 

They never fight because the two of them live each other very much. Not all relationships are like fairy tales. They both make compromises. They don't fight because they understand each other. They take time to talk about everything. To completely understand each other, and to avoid any conflicts. Because not their compromises, they have a healthy relationship without any conflicts.

Finland always comes up with the best gifts and the best dates. He would always show his affection towards Philip. He would hug Philip all the time. He hates to be separated from Philip. When he's separated from Philip, he turns into a different person... Someone that would punch someone in the face just for breathing in the same room as him. Finland is very loyal to Philip to the point where it's quite concerning but great at the same time.

No words can express how much he loves Philip. He's very much in love with him. The nations have already forgiven him for the cause of Philip breaking up with him. Every week, he would give Philip a bouquet of flowers. Even though he's not a great cook, he tries his best. Phil still has the upper hand in housework. Phil cleans better and he cooks better. Phil is usually the one who cooks and cleans but Finland would occasionally make him breakfast in bed. Finland cooks basic breakfast meals. It's better if he doesn't try to cook fired rice or other complex breakfast foods or else he might accidentally burn the house down.

Poland has sent them baby clothes and  other baby accessories as a hint that they had found surrogates to carry their children.

They Face timed the couple. They smiled as they congratulated the two. After face timing, Philip went back to baking. He placed the pie crusts in the refrigerator before going to congratulate the two. "Isn't it exciting? We'll have children soon!" Germany says. "Congrats you guys. So how many weeks has it been? Any news on the gender? Any thoughts on what you guys will name the baby?" Finland seems to be happy asking them questions. Germany is seen holding Poland's hand. Poland is sitting on an arm chair while Germany is on the floor. "We've been thinking on the names. Also, boy or girl, we would be happy with either gender" Poland says. "Do you guys have any suggestions?" Germany asks.

Phil just smiles slightly as he looks at the couple. Finland thinks hard about suggesting names for the children. "Jurgen? I don't know... Well... You guys pick any name that will make you guys happy. Congratulations again, you guys. I hope you guys will ha a great life together with your future children" Final d says. "Don't forget to invite us to the hospital when it's time. Also,  don't forget to invite us to the gender reveal party" Phil says. "I'll make you guys a gender reveal cake. So hehe, I'll know the gender" Phil adds. "Will do. Anyway, e have to go. Bye guys" Poland says. Poland and Germany waves at them goodbye, as Phil and Finland also does the same.

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