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This short guy name Philippines is very quiet too quiet.... He might be mute and even his footsteps are quiet. If you aren't looking at him you will never think that he's here and in front of you. He stopped walking. He practically showed me the whole school in such a quick time. He's fast at walking but very very quiet. Is he a ghost? Nah he can't be.... I'm losing my mind with this idiotic questions. "So were are we?" I ask. Then he shows me the note and points to history. I go in and examine the place. In just 20 minutes he shower me the whole school I'm impressed. I don't really talk to anyone nor day thank you. I turn around to see him gone.

He can't be a damn f**king ghost that's absurd. And he got beaten up. So desequilibrado high. The school to the countryhumans and humans. This used to be such a nice kindergarten to some other prestige humans and ofcourse the countryhumans. But this became a war like field. Heh nowadays people are crimefull and so even the teachers can make them quiet for 2 minutes. Corrupt some teachers became corrupt. I walk around and trust me I'm not as clueless like the humans that went here. desequilibrado high. Forged by the elders to train the countryhumans and to make good relationships humans are allowed as well. But because it's the modern era the student made a special additions. King and a Queen. Jeez now there's stupid gangs around the globe. And even here!!!. I color coded eh?.

America, Malay and some others are the white injustice. Egypt and others are the black Pharaohs. The Idiot and his bafoons are the Red R. Mafia. And some others that I don't give a sh*t. And also my gang The Blue Law. Funny how to know about it but I just got here. This place used to be Fine but now behind the public's eye and the elders back this becomes a war zone. And I want in. I'll take that number one Spot from That American and I won't let that idiot be number one. I heard there's lots of Betrayals here and splitting of the gangs again because of Betrayals. Fortunately no one died here. Although Because of maltreatment and bullying. Some humans cant take it anymore and transferred schools and some even just transferred do that they could Suicide in another school or hang themselves into heir house. Sadly we can't kill that Monster Because he's a countryhuman and therefore can't be killed by a human or else they'd be killed first. Neither can we because it's in the law to never kill another countryhuman. Well now Atleast.

But if I get to the number one place first then I will be able to stop him. If I become the king or number one leader then I'll have all the power and they will listen to me rather than the others. But if the a$$hole gets to it first then Fights will be allowed. It frustrates me just to see his face and thinking about what could happen. I look outside the window to see a small country sitting there. It's Philippines. This tall country then walked pass info and they both stopped walking and Indo glared at this male and as well as this male glared at him. "Don't mess with Phil" Indo says. "I won't" this tall county said. "Are you also in a gang?" This tall Country said with a dead pan face. "Yeah we are the outcasts" he says and this tall Country thought for a moment. This tall Country isn't naive or stupid and so he understood. "Who else are outcasts? Are you guys getting bullied?" This tall man says still with a dead pan face.

"Yeah especially Philippines and Poland, me Philippines, Poland, Kazakhstan and some other kids" Indo says and this tall country nods and starts to walk but Indo yelled his last before leaving. "if you are planning on joining those demons then fine but it's better to watch and not laugh just leave Will ya? And also Don't Call Philippines any other name only Philippines" then the Indonesian walked away. This tall country doesent care for anyone but he just hates it when someone breaks the law. And bullying isn't something he can stand. But in other words this country is also like them like Emotionsless and doesent care.

This tall country only watched he doesn't like that they are bullying because it's above the law for him but this tall Country is a sadist and he's not showing it but he kinda liked the face of people twisted with pain. All day this tall country watched with a dead pan face. Watching Phil get tripped in the cafeteria, watching him get thrown food on his face, watching his food get thrown on the floor by America. This country couldn't care less although he's a control freak and cannot stand anyone who crosses the law. But he really doesn't want to get involved since it's not his business and Philippines seems to not care. This tall country has almost all subjects with Philippines and so he can see him all day but during the whole day he noticed that Phil isn't talking nor fighting back neither is he crying he's just there sitting and his eyes are dry. He's taking everything in but not moving until he gets punched or pushed.

This tall Country was bullied as well but only once because when he got pushed he punched the others and so until he is grown he's one of the scariest and most dangerous countryhumans to be angered
It's now the end of the day and the gangs are getting together and doing whatever. "Yo Lan aren't you gonna join us?" A voice from a far said and This country which was called lan sighed and stood up "yeah whatever" Lan said and followed then out. Lan is the leader of
The blue law. The blue law gang has their worst enemy and which is the Red R. Mafia. The two Leaders got in a fight lately and so they are frenemies.

Philippines also went home and Quickly bathe and changed his clothes then he bandaged himself. Philippines doesent feel the pain sometimes and so most of the time he just doesent care anymore. Philippines has gone through a lot before when the Nations haven't Gotten him yet he lived with a foster family when his parents died and he was a cry baby before. Philippines hates remembering them and hates it when he dreams about them like right now. Phillippines got a perfectionist Foster family. It doesn't mean that his parents and step brothers are the best and he got a perfect life. No. His step brothers hated him. They never talked to him only when Philippines has done something good. At first Philippines was ofcourse just a child and so he was playful and cheerful. But because of their influence he lost his cheerfulness and he was always called Philippines and so he hates being called Phil or Philip. Philippines would always get hurt, by a belt or something thrown at him because he doesn't have an A or a perfect score. After years Philippines became cold and quite Emotionsless and always got a Perfect score and so his step brothers talked to him then but only well done, good, finally. Those are also the words that his Forster parents tell him. Philippines ages differently and so he has more time with school. When His foster Parents died he was there on their death beds but never attended the funeral. That was the happiest thing that ever happened to Philippines when he had a foster Family. But in truth Philippines went to the funeral but he watched from a far with a smile and once they all left he went to the graves and cursed them and that's the first and only time Philippines visited.

Philippines was in that Family for years. He ages slowly and so he looks like a 13-14 years old but his step brothers are 40-50 years old when their parents died.
Philippines hates really really hates remembering those memories. Hehates dreaming about them and if he does he might end up cutting himself again. "You are a mistake" "we shouldn't have taken you in" "go die" "you are nothing but a sad little crap" those words ring in Philippines head all the time and it makes him crazy and want to kill himself. But even if he tries his best. He can't die because the nations will stop him Everytime.

Philippines woke up in his room panting and he seems like he's choking but it'll last for a bit. It's his trauma that makes him be like this. He grabs his pills and drink them so he can breath. If he doesent drink his pills he might not calm down and he will die. Be won't be able to breath. Philippines lays back down and sighs while panting. Philippines has no one and so he has to endure this all on his own.

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