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Norway has been trying to closer to Philip. Norway does everything to please Phil. During his quest to get Phil's heart, he learned more about Philip. Not a lot had changed over the months. It's been about over a year and a half since Norway and Philip met. Phil is currently making tacos and wrapping dumplings. Phil hums a new song that he heard a while ago. Phil let his phone charge so he had to turn off the speaker.

Phil whiffs the smell of the meat. He's very pleased with what he had made. Just as soon as Phil turned off the heat, his phone dinged. The lights were turned off, and thus, Phil noticed his phone light up, menacing to say that he received a text message. Phil sighs, thinking that it may be America or Spain, spamming him negative texts like 'kill yourself'. Phil's mental and emotional state has been the same ever since. He's not completely normal yet, he doesn't feel constant guilt to the point where he can't sleep at night, anymore. He also doesn't have nightmares about the past, that often.

He still gets bullied and he still wears a Black hoodie along with his iconic face mask. But the bullying doesn't bother him that much anymore. Norway really helped Philip a lot. Phil ties his hair once again before he takes his phone. After so many months... Phil still hasn't cut his hair. About two weeks ago, Indonesia came to Philip while holding a pair of scissors. Indonesia told Phil that he should cut his hair but Phil refused. Indonesia stops by, every three weeks or so. Phil also meets with Poland every three weeks, Phil doesn't have a choice because nNorway is the one who makes him and Poland spend time with each other. But when it comes to Indo, Norway pretends as if he doesn't exist. Seems like Norway doesn't like kazkhstan and Indonesia visiting Phil.

'Hey Phil, are you free? (*´ω`*)' Norway was the one who texted Philip. Phil shakes his head at the emoji that he sent, Phil can't help but smile. Phil who is happy to receive a text from Norway, sends a like to mean 'yes'. Phil is still giving everyone a taste of his coldness. Norway is used to Philip texted cold and being a ghoster. 'great! Want me to pick you up? I'd be very happy to!' 'or if you don't want then, this is the place' Norway texts the place of where he wants to meet with philip. 'send a like if you want me to pick you up, and two likes if you don't want me to pick you up' Phil decides whether he should or shouldn't have Norway pick him up. None the less, Phil decides to click like, two times.

'great! See u Soon! (人*´∀`)。*゚+' Norway sent another emoji. Philip quickly settled everything that he was doing, aside. Phil cleaned up the dishes then placed the ingredients in the fridge.  Phil washed them dried his hands before going to the mirror to examine how he looks. Philip makes sure that he doesn't have any stains on his clothing. It seems like everything is good, he's ready to go. Philip used a new facemask then he fixed his little ponytail before leaving the house. Everything seems better to Philip when he's going to see Norway.

Phil looks at the sky, it's quite peaceful today, considering that his desk at school was smeared with pigs blood to write mean sentences. Philip looks at his phone, making sure that he is going I'm the right direction. Philip even passed the church that him and Norway visits. The children saw him and they all waved at him, jumping around since they are very happy to see him. Phil smiles as he remembers Jessica, Leo, Andres and others who begged and cried to not be taken away because they got adopted but they didn't want to, since they know that they won't get to see Philip and Norway ever again. Phil told them, to comfort them, that he would meet them again when they grow up....

Phil makes his way to the place. It's just a bit farther from the place that Finland showed him. He never got this far before. He should really explore the city more. Finally, Phil arrived at the place. It's a restaurant that is connected to a park? Philip goes up the stairs to go inside the restaurant. The guards seem to have expected his arrival, they opened the doors for him. When he got inside, there was no one there. It was completely empty, no one was sitting on the chairs.

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