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I am a leader of a group in my new school. since i am also a country i have to attend this school. it really sucks being around pigs. pigs is what i call bullies, they are disgusting. and i saw one of the people getting bullied. i think Lippines was his name. I know he is probably hiding a scar on his face or maybe something else. to be honest i hate helping people and i hate them thinking that i am a good person for helping them get rid of their bullies but as some say i am a control freak and i hate that if someone is breaking the law. and i am a sadist as they call it whatever i do not care. one of the people getting bullied is that short petite boy. even tho he has a jacket i know he is very skinny. he is very quiet and because of trauma maybe, he is mute. i really could not care less but the others are breaking the law by abusing hi and bullying him. they beat him up half dead. i stop walking when one of my friends called my name. "Hey Lan! wait up!" i sigh and turn to look at Iceland. "come with us!" Norway says. like i even have a choice

Philippines POV

It's time to go and buy medicine again.
My mysophobia has gotten better. We were supposed to go to the therapists today but they said they had some business to take care of, which is fine for us because we don't care either way. Before I left the house I wore my gloves and put on my mask. In the past my mysophobia was so bad. Because I will have a mental Breakdown if a person is not 2 meters away from me, well a boy but if a girl I'm ok with 1 meter. I guess it's because of my past. I can now grab an item from Someone's hand unlike before I couldn't take anything from anyone if they don't wash it in front of me or if I wash it. I remember to have a mental Breakdown if a boy touches me or even tries to get near me. America and the others have been treating me like an outcast for years now and i think it all started because i hide my face and i have a boy phobia. it's probably because of my hatred, but i'm not going to lie i think i over came my fear of it......... no.......... i still am scared.... but also....... no........ i am scared to make physical contact with everyone like touching my skin by their finger or hands....... it actually does not make sense and i know it...... 

i snap back to reality when i heard a honk. "HEY ***HOLE! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET HIT BY MY CAR" an old man says from his car and i just sigh. that was seconds ago. Ah... Some pathetic humans, humans don't matter to me, well actually, nothing matter to me, everything is pointless. I sigh and ignore the shouting man, I continued to walk. All I have to do is get my medicine and leave.
I went to the hospital, well the pharmacy to be exact. I reached in my pocket to get my wallet, but instead of only my wallet, I touch something cold.... I pulled the mysterious object out of my pocket, it's.... A phone? But I'm sure I didn't bring a phone... I then went to grab more things from my pocket, I also got... Airpods? And a note.... I took the note and I sighed.

To be honest I'm just going to crumple and throw it away and pretend that I didn't see it but.... It's Asean's handwriting. I sigh, what a pain. Why even do something this pointless? I ask myself, Asean can be stupid sometimes. I started to read the note, from begging to end. Asean said that I should listen to music to ease my mind. I sighed, how pointless, does he really expect that I would? I read further into the note 'i know you won't listen to music and so, I ORDER YOU to listen to music, this is NOT a request this is a COMMAND' I sigh. He got me.... I have a phobia or well.... Things were rough and so whenever someone commands me I have to do it. I sigh, "this is pointless" I muttered. I connected the Bluetooth airpods to the phone and I selected a random song. I then continued to walk to the pharmacy to get my medicine.

It took some time but I finally got my medicine, this is such a waste of time, I should be in my house, trying to die, not getting medicine to try and make me better. This is pointless, I should just throw the medicine away. I sigh and I walk out of the hospital. I hope I don't see any unwanted people during the way home. I just want to get home and no problems to occur. I started walking, it's going to get dark soon. I start to walk faster, I don't know why but something tells me that I should walk faster... Or run... I started to move faster, I feel eyes on me, I don't like it.... I don't want to do anything. I quickly try to escape the mysterious stares.

After some while of walking, I still feel their eyes on me, what is going on? Am I being targeted?

"Hey lan we found him"

A deep, voice said from behind me, are thy going to hurt me? I sigh. I then looked forward, what a stupid coincidence... I'm at a dead end.... There's no way to escape, I turned to look behind me, I'm surrounded, why are they so many? Are they going to kill me? Who's lan? I don't know anyone named lan.... I took slow steps backwards, they are only getting closer. They are armed I can tell. I hit the wall behind me, I clench the paper bag that I'm holding. I then bit the inside of my cheek. I sigh.

They are... Countries...

What do they want?

I didn't do something wrong did I? I already put my phone away, sigh.... They faintly chuckled, this situation isn't getting better for me. Their chuckles, faintly echoed in this small place. I gulp. It's over..... Again... I'll get hurt.

I look at their leader in the eyes, he gets closer and closer to me, my curly hair flows with the wind. I then realize... It's the man... The man I gave a school tour.
He examines me.


His voice cold, his piercing gaze all over me, hearing him speak with his dark and cold tone, send shivers down my spine. He's extremely tall... "What do you want?" I ask, I don't care if they think I'm over stepping my boundaries.

"I just want to talk"

He says, what could he possibly want to say. After a while, he held his hand out, I didn't take it, I just looked at it then back at him. "I'm lan" he says, in a more calm tone, almost friendly. what does this country want from me?. He went closer, he held his hand up, close to my head. He pay me on the head, feeling my hair, he then checked my forehead, checking my temperature? I don't like the this.... "Stop touching me" I say. He stopped in his tracks, then tched, he then moved my hair awawy, revealing my other eye... The eye I'm not proud off... It's a different color. I got irritated so I slapped his hand away then I pulled up my hoodie " you're not a ghost after all aren't ya" he says. "Well obviously" I say. They all look surprised, yes we'll i don't care if they get angry of not. Yes I'm disrespectful I don't care either way.

Before his friends could get closer, he stoped them.

"I'm being nice here"

He says, is an irritated tone, cold once more.

"Whose the king?"

He asks me, I don't know what he's talking about, I slightly tilt my head to the side in confusion.

He sighs.

"Who is the king of the school?"

He says.


I responded

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