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Phil and Norway are in a room at the place where the blue law gang resides. They are on the third floor and no one is allowed to go inside the room. They are left alone so that they would be comfortable with each other. Phil just stayed very quiet. Phil and Norway are sitting on the couch, about a meter away from each other.

Norway wants to take this chance to get to know Philip. He gathers all his strength to ask Phil down questions. He really wants Philip to be his friend. "Can we be frie-" before he even finishes his sentence, Phil quickly answers him. "No" Phil answered coldly and sternly. "Is there a higher position than acquaintance?" Norway asks, wanting to be closer to Phil's heart. Phil stays quiet for quite some time before answering. "There is" this gave Norway hope. "Really?!?? What is it?!" Norway asks. "Alright acquaintance" Philip says. "Is there a good acquaintance? Great acquaintance?" Norway asks. "None" Philip replies. "That's the Highest?" "No fr-" Phil glares into his soul. "No friends... Got it....." Norway says as he shuts his mouth. Norway's doesn't want to irritate Philip nore than he already is.

"Hey Phil... what do I do to be one of your alright acquaintances? Are there tests that I have to complete? Norway asks. 'you're so dumb, you don't even know that you already passed them' Phil says In his mind. "As you now know... Yes... I'm a homosexual.... And do you think about it?" "Do you have me now?" "Are you still willing to stay to be my friend?" Phil asks him. Phil expects him to say no. Phil expected him to say that he's disgusting and that Norway should have had never talked to him in the first place because he might turn him gay as well. "Of course" Norway says. "Of course I still want to, I love your imperfections, no one is perfect, okay? It's fine that you're gay, live knows no boundaries, so what if someone is gay, lesbian and etc. It's alright, everyone deserves love, gender is fluid. I think you're brave for coming out since not everyone can do something so brave like that. No one has the courage that you posses" Norway says to him with a genuine smile. Phil has a talent for knowing if someone is lying or not.... And Phil knows that Norway isn't lying... Phil feels, a hundred percent that Norway is absolutely genuine about what he said.

"I'll be very happy to be your friend" Norway tells him with a genuine smile. "Stop looking at me like that!" Phil tells him. Norway is puzzled. "Huh?" "Shut up EDJIOT!" Phil said the word 'idiot' in his Filipino accent. Norway couldn't hold laughter in. "Pffft- Bwahahahahahahaha!" "What's so funny?!" Phil is getting fairly embarrassed. "Phil you are so adorable! I really like you!" Norway says with a smile. "Oh f*CK off will you?" Phil is embarrassed. Norway can see that he's embarrassed. Phil is just too adorable, Norway can't contain his happiness. Phil feels more comfortable with him now, unlike weeks ago when Phil would just completely ignore him.

Whenever Norway thinks of something good to ask or talk about, he immediately talks to Philip. He wants to learn more about Phil. He wants Phil to be more comfortable around him and trust him more. He wants to spend more time with Philip.

They have been talking for hours. Phil thinks that he just talked more than he usually says in a month. Phil actually cracked a smile at Norway's jokes. Norway's hands never grabbed his phone this fast in his while life. Norway took his phone out of his pocket extremely fast, to take a picture of Philip. He will treasure this photo until the day he dies. This might be his only chance on capturing Philip smile. Phil is having too much fun, he didn't been realize that he himself is smilling. Phil only realized a few minutes later. Good thing that Phil didn't see Norway take a picture of him because Phil might throw his phone out the window. Yes, Phil is this savage. Some people take photos of Philip, and when he's really having such a bad day, he would come up for the creeps and take their phones, show then that they took a photo of him then he would throw it out the window. Of course Phil gets in trouble but he doesn't care. Phil ain't afraid of getting beat up by some creeps.

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