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Norway paces back and forth. What going on with him? He can't sleep at night. Norway had even gone to the doctors but they couldn't find the cause for his heart beating extremely fast. Iceland knocks on Norway's door. "Come in" Norway tells his twin brother that he is allowed to go in. "Dude what happened to you? Come on just eat this food, you should take care of yourself more, you're getting weak! You f*cking got sick! You're a f*CKING COUNTRY WITH. A. GOOD. ECONOMY., HOW THE F*CK DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Iceland shouts at his brother for letting himself get sick.

"Are you really okay bro? Don't die on us, your country needs you" Iceland tells him before leaving his room. Norway heard it again... 'your county need you' he's getting quite sick of hearing it. Norway sighs deeply. He's not depressed. Norway lays down on his bed. His height is incredible, and his body is a body that most people wishes to have. Norway eats healthy. Norway doesn't go out in the rain... So why? Why did he get sick? His cheeks are always so flush, his temperature is extremely high...... His heart also can't stop beating fast and his head is filled with Philippines.

When Norway sees the picture of Philip smilling makes his heart beat faster. Norway sighs as he closes his eyes. "What's going on with me? Why can't I get you off my mind...?" Norway says to himself. Philip is just amazing... Phil doesn't expect anything from him... Phil is extremely honest, even if you don't think he is. Phil is actually very honest. Phil is cold hearted but he's an amazing person for being strong and smart. Norway thinks that he could write a book about Philip. Just a book about why Philip is an amazing person. Norah drifts asleep after thinking about Philip the whole day. He even dreamed of Philip. He dreamed of him holding Philip's hand. When he was about to kiss Philip, he suddenly awakens. Norway's cusses were heard all across the mansion.

The next three days, he spent them very miserable because he can't focus and think properly. Phil is always in Norway minds. "Hey guys look at this" "what is is Mark?" "Den, take a video of this, look!" Denmark takes out his phone to show Norway a picture or Philip, Denmark didn't take good photos because Phil is always glaring at him, looking at him as if he wants to murder him. Denmark then shows their other brothers how Norway reacts when he shows him a picture of Philip. Norway goes from a serious face or just a resting face which doesn't really show any emotions, into a face with heart felt eyes. Norway immediately changes his mood and gave when he sees a picture of Philip. Norway has the same reaction even with a picture of Philip giving the middle finger.

"He's crazy loool" Denmark funds it very funny that Norway reacts like this. Sweden, Iceland and Finland, all face palm to the obliviousness and idiocy of their brothers. "Don't you know what this means, Denmark?" They all asks him. "Yes! Of course!" They are all relieved for him to know what they mean. "Norway is starting loosing his mind HAHAHA" they still have a bit of hope. "That's all? Come one Mark!" Denmark looks at them with a confused look. "What? What do you expect me to say?" Denmark asks them. They all has enough of him being too much or an air head. They pulled him out if the room. "Guys what the f*CK?! I wans going to tell greenl-" they whispered to him what is actually going on with Norway and now Denmark understands. "Oh...." "See?!" "We have to tell h-" "no you f*cker! He needs to realize it a by himself!"
"We just have to wait and see for him to make a move!" They tell Denmark to stay quiet because it's tire that Norway has to figure it all out by himself. They shouldn't tell him. He has to figure it out.

Norway again walked with Philip, followed him a round the whole day like normal. Phil doesn't know why he keeps following him but Phil doesn't protest. Norway just followed Philip because Phil caught his eye and he likes Phil very much. But now.... He still likes Philip but... There's something different... He feels strings and extreme emotions.... "Hey you, are you okay? Phil asks him. "H-huh? Y-you're concerned... About me?" Norway ask with a blushing face. Phil furrowed his brows. "Then I'm not! F*CK of then!" Phil says, agitated.

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