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Days pass again and Philip goes back to therapy. Honestly, Phil doesn't feel depressed anymore. Phil hasn't done anything to harm himself in months. Phil is getting bored of the therapy now. Philip peeks out the door to see if it's raining or not because he heard in the weather forecast that it should rain today and it hasn't rained yet. Philip sees that it's not raining and he's good to go. Philip goes out of the hospital to go back home. It's been about four days since he last went to the spot that Finland told him about. As Phil goes home, someone spots him. That someone wanted to approach him and talk to him but Finland was the first to approach Philip.

That someone decided to leave before anyone spots him. Finland smiles at Philip as he holds Phil's arm. "What's up with you?" Phil notices that Finland is kind of gripping his arm. It doesn't hurt but it's new... "Shush, I think you have a stalker Phil" Finland whispers to him so that the stalker won't be alarmed. And also because Finland wants to catch the person and put them in jail. "Yeah.... I've been feeling since earlier, in school, I keep feeling that someone was watching me" Phil confesses. "What?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Finland is worries and conference. He could ha e done something but Phil didn't say anything.

"Since when?" Finland asks to gather information to track this person down and put them in jail."I don't know... Months ago?" Finland furrows his brows in frustration. "Why haven't you said anything?! What if they hurt you?!" Finland is worried but Phil doesn't seem to care. "Why do you care, Finland?" "So what if they hurt me? I can take it and you know that" Phil tells him with a brow raised. "Nothing... I'm just worried and concerned, that's all..." Finland explains then he lets go of Phil's hand. "Anyways... How have you been doing? Anything new?" Finland seems quite disappointed that Phil refuses to take his help. "I'm going to tell the Nations that I don't need any medicine or therapy anymore, I'm fine now" Phil tells him. Finland is quite sad that Norway is the person who made Philip forget about all the sadness. Norway is the reason why Philip is smilling and not him...  "Really? I'm proud of you for that, now you'll have more time for yourself" Finland smiles at Philip. Phil can see that it's very genuine.

"I really don't get you guys..." Finland is confused about what he just said. "Why?" Finland is confused. "You guys are always smilling genuinely... It kinda pisses me off" Phil says. Finland only smiles. "And you're brutally honest" Finland says. "After all this time, you're still a peruna" Finland says which makes Phil smile, he finds it funny and annoying all at the same time. Peruna means potato in Finnish. "Oh yeah? Well I bet all this time, you haven't washed your hat" Phil snaps back. Finland lets out a small laugh. "I really can't loose to this cute gremlin when it comes to burns" Finland says with a little laugh. "What did you say? did you just say that I'm cute?" Phil raised a brow at him. Finland gulps hard. Finland didn't notice that he said that. Finland mentally panics. "I said mute" Finland says. "Okay" Finland sighs in relief because Phil just said okay and he didn't question Finland even more.

As they both continue to walk, Phil suddenly taps him on the shoulder. Finland looks at Phil, confused. "I know that what you said that utter bullsh*t, mute, how funny" Philip whispered to him. Finland gulped which made him choke in his own saliva. "Vittu!" Finland curses in Finnish. "Lol" Phil just laughed at him. Finland only sighs then smiles. Phil is really a cold hearted person. They both started to laugh but then Phil's phone started to buzz. Philip took out his phone to answer it. "Hey Phil, remember about our little date?" Norway says from the other side. Phil's cheeks turn a but flush. "I-it's not a date..." Phil says as he tries to cover his face because he's blushing. Finland sees that Phil is blushing and he said the word date. Finland frits his teeth, annoyed. 'that sneaky bastard....' Finland says in his mind. "Yeah uhm... Finland, I'm going to leave now, it was good to see you but I gotta go" Phil tells him but Finland tries to stop him.

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