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Philip spends time with Finland and Russia. The two have been trying to not kill each other as they both some time with Philip. Philip doesn't have any time to go and visit Indo. Indo also doesn't have the chance to visit Philip since just like Norway and Finland, Russia also does not trust Indo.

Phil and Russia relocated. They got a house that was just as big as the old one. For sure, this time, Soviet won't find them. The ones that were forced to give Soviet that address were all killed. Not by Russia but by Soviet himself. Soviet is very Evil.

"Are you okay?, Phil" Finland and Russia both ask in unison. "Yeah...." Phil usually sounds dead inside but today, he sounds very dead inside. "Why, Phil, is something bothering you? Are you not feeling well? What happened?" Philip stays silent as they all continue to walk. "Nothing... It's just.... I haven't heard from Indo.... I wonder how he's doing...." Philip tells them. "I guess I don't have any time for him anymore..." Philip adds which makes them feel quite guilty but they don't really feel remorseful since they didn't want Indo to steal Philip says from the two of them. "Do you want to meet up with him?" They ask him. "I suppose so-" Philip got interrupted by someone saying "Guten tag" they all turn to the owner of the voice. It's Germany and Poland.

"You guys are just in time" Poland says. Poland grabs Philip by the hand to take him somewhere private. "Aaaaand there they go again" the three of them shake their heads. "Want some beer?" Germany asks the two of them. "I also have gin, vodka and other drinks" Germany adds. "No thanks, I don't drink" Finland says to him. "You have polish vodka right?" Russia asks to which Germany replies with "Ja"

Philip and Poland goes to their usual place to talk while Russia, Finland and Germany goes to the living room that has all the liquor and also some non alcoholic beverages. As Germany pours Russia a shot of vodka, he starts to ask them about their relationship with Philip. "Are you guys ever going to make it public?" They both shrug nonchalantly. "Do we have to?" Russia asks.

"Well, it's up to your guys, and who cares? It's 2023, it's basically normal for other people, don't worry about other people judging you guys, it's your lives" Germany tells them both. "Ah... да, just like you, your addicted to plants but you don't let other people's opinions bring you d-" "Russia, I swear to God I will f*cking smash this bottle on your head and I will stab you with the remains of it, leave my plants or of this" Germany says to Russia with a terrifying smile. A sweet and nice smile but with a hint of I will f*cking kill you in your sleep.

"Okay, чувак(dude) chill...."

Finland and Russia both gulp. Germany would definitely kill them if they were to mess with his plants. Seriously, Germany has a problem.... He has a lot of beer but...... Plants that are in big or small pots are taking over his house. Even Poland think that he's had enough. But Poland also has an addition, an addition to CDs, tapes, LP records and etc so they are both compromising with each other.

"Well, come on, don't you want to get acknowledged?, Finland" "You just told me a couple weeks ago that you and Philip dated in secret, just the two of you, you're given a second chance, are you going to let this opportunity slip away, too?" Germany asks Finland. Finland and Russia are both unable to think of an answer to Germany. Germany sighs then he rolls his eyes. "Really? Fine.... Then... Whst if Phil says so? What If he agrees?" Germany changed his question. The two stayed quiet for a while before answering. "Well.... If that's what Phil wants then.... That's different...." They reply to him. "So basically what I'm hearing is, you both Will agree if Philip says yes?" The two of them nod, not wanting to say it but basically yes.

"Philip, is it true that you are basically being sandwic-"


"Jeez, okay, okay!"

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