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Phil wakes up. It's the next day. Phil looks at the media to see the things that Denmark had posted. But one thing cought his attention.... This one photo is trending world wide........

Denmark and the others also just woke up. Phil went to the living room which is connected to a kitchen that they frequently use since it's the smallest out of four kitchens in the house.

Tears started to fall from Phil's eyes. Phil doesn't know how to react. Phil doesn't know wether he should be angry, sad, Crying, annoyed.... He's disappointed and devastated..... Phil slept in another room where he was alone so he didn't wake up beside Norway.

Phil grips his phone tightly. He wants to break his phone. He's very angry and sad to see this photo..... Denmark didn't post this..... Phil doesn't know who posted it... It's trending globally. Everyone is reposting and commenting. Phil turned the television on, just to see the news.

People on the internet are already going crazy over the leaked photo.

Denmark and the others come down to the living room upon hearing the television. "Hey, Phil, what are you watching?" Poland holds Germany's hand as he rubs his eyelids.

"Phil, are you crying? Why are you on the floor?" Indo and kazkhstan both quickly go to Philip to comfort him. "Why? What's going on?" They ask him.

Phil is trembling. He shakily points at the television. They a look at the television. Their eyes all widened to see a very scandalous picture. The news anchors from all around the world are talking about Norway. Phil fiddles with his ring finger where his ring is. He's very uncomfortable.

"What the hell?"

"Breaking news! This is very shocking to everyone. Sir Norway one of our beloved countryhumans cheated?"

"How could he cheat on Sir Philippines?"

"Is this the first time?"

"Does Sir Philippines know? If he doesn't then he must know now. This  was is trending all over the world!"

"Sir Norway is being very hated for this scandalous picture. How could he cheat on Sir Philippines?!"

"Who is this woman? Shame on her for her grave sin!"

The news anchor goes on and on about how Norway is being extremely hated all around the globe. "Will their wedding be cancelled?! It should! Who would marry a cheater just a week before their wedding?! No, the question is, why would a man cheat on his beloved fiance that he showed so much love to, one week before their wedding!" Every channel they change the television to, all all talking about how they hate Norway for what he had done.

Germany and the others are very confused. "How? Since when?!? Was this taken yesterday?! No.... How... How could he?!"

The scandalous photo of Norway with another woman in his bedroom. In the bed that he sleeps with Philip In. Norway and the woman are too close and they are.... Kissing?!

"How could he?!"

"He would never!"

"But that! No! Why?! How could he do this to Philip?!"

"I'm gong to f*cking kill him! Is he damn Serious?! A f*cking week before their wedding?! What the hell is wrong with your brother??"

"What's wrong with our brother? Well we don't f*cking know! Is he even a brother now? Us brothers would never cheat on our fiance! let alone a lover!"

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