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Philip feels much better. Now he "knows" who's the culprit.

After about a month or two, Philip and Finland officially became a couple. Philip just agreed. Phil doesn't like to break promises and he doesn't like to take back his words. Phil doesn't really care about anything. He's sad and depressed.

Finland announced their relationship status as official. They all left Finland with a warning, telling him that he should do better and not make the same mistakes as before.

Finland smiles as he holds a bouquet of flowers. He knocks on the door gently. Philip has a pattern. If Phil doesn't want anyone to come in, when someone knocks, he will throw something heavy at the door. Finland didn't hear anything get thrown at the door so he figured that this okay to come in. Gently, he opened the door with caution.

The lights are off. He figured that Philip would do this. He sees Philip sitting in the corner of the room. He can't tell if Philip is crying or not. He takes a deep breath. "Hey, Phil" he calls out Phil's name in a soothing and gentle voice. "How are you doing? Do you want anything? Pies? Cookies? Ice cream? Juice?" Finland asks. Philip finally turns around. Seems like Philip didn't hear him because he had his ear phones plugged in. "Lan?" Philip asks. He's not wearing his contacts today, and the lights are off. He can't really tell it's it's Finland or not. "Yes, Philip, it's me" Finland smiles gently at him even though Phil might not see his smile. "Can I turn the lights on? Finland asks.

Philip doesn't respond to his question. Thus, Finland takes it as a no. Finland comes closer to Philip, to hand him the bouquet. "What's this?" Philip raised a brow at him. "Can't I give my beloved some flower?" Finland asks. "Is it a crime?" Finland asks which makes Philip rolls his eyes, feeling a slight blush form on his face. "Oh shut up!" Phil says, as he takes the bouquet of flowers. "Why are you turning your head away from me? Are you feeling kilig?" Finland asks with a cheeky smirk. Philip feels his face redden. "Shut up or I'll kick you in the groin" Philip threatens him. Finland smiles, not wanting to anger Philip even more. They sat on the floor, silently, and awkwardly.

After a while of silence, Philip sinks into Finland's arms. Lan doesn't mind, he likes it when Philip uses him like a pillow. Philip is very thin and light.

"Have you lost weight?" "You feel a lot lighter" "Has he not been feeding you?!" Finland asks. He's very concerned about Phil's health. Philip only rolls his eyes. "Don't want to talk about it? Oka-" Lan gets cut off by Philip. Phil is getting pissed off. "He feeds me well" "Weeks after Indo died, I've been starving myself" Philip told him the truth. Finland feels bad. It seems like it hurt to say it because it's too personal.

"Well... Now that I'm with you, I'll make sure that you eat 3 meals a day. You will eat well balanced meals" "I won't let you eat one meal a day, or even worse, one meal every three days again"

"Kay..." Philip says. Trying to seem cute but he can't express himself properly. Almost everything he does and says comes out as rude. Finland knows that Philip is trying. Finland laughs a bit, catching Philip's attention. "The hell are you laughing about?" "F*CK you thinking about, boi" "Swear to a caterpillar that I'll kick you in the groin-" "Philip, please, calm down. Chill!" Phil wants to say sorry but he can't make himself say the word. Philip frowns like an upset cat. "Hmph". Finland laughs at the noise that Philip has just made. "What?" Phil is starting to blush because of embarrassment. "Nothing, you're just really adorable" Finland smiles at him. "What? Do you want me to leave now? If you want then okay.." Phil's adorable and funny frowning face turned into shock. His eyes widened, opening his mouth a bit. He seems upset with his furrowed brows.

Finland turns away, he looks at his left. He's thinking about when he should get up and leave. Just when he was about to move, Philip tugs on his shirt. He looks back to Philip, wondering if he wants something. "Hmm?" He makes a noise meaning to say 'Yeah? What is it?'. "Don't.." "Don't what, Philip?" "Don't leave..." "Just stay here with me...." "I need you..." "I need you to stay here..." "Please... Don't leave me.." Philip looks like he's about to cry. Finland is starstruck. "Huh? Y-yeah, okay! I'm sorry,I'm sorry!  Please don't cry, Phil" he scoops Philip into his arms, to make him feel better.

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