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Every once and a while, Phil and Norway goes on a date. Norway planned a day that will get him to know more about his beloved Lover. As Phil cuts the ingredients for the meal that he's making, Norway comes from behind to hug him. "I'm trying to cook" Phil says, not stopping what he's doing. "I just want to cuddle, please?" Norway says as if he's a neglected puppy. Phil sighs. "Fine..." Phil says with a smile and a deep breath. Norway celebrates by burying his face on Phil's shoulder. Phil smiles then he goes back to concentrating on his task. After a few minutes, Norway got bored.

"Can we please cuddle on the bed? Or on the couch? Please?" Norway pouts. "no, I'm busy" Phil tells him. Norway then had the idea to dig his chin on Phil's head. "Haha, then I'll keep resting my chin on your head!" Norway says with a cheeky smile. Phil starts to laugh. "Hey! You're going to slice my head with your sharp chin!" Phil says jokingly. Norway then starts to tickle Philip. "Hahaha stop it you dummy! Hahaha hey!" Norway doesn't stop tickling Philip, he only continues. Phil starts to laugh and laugh. "Hey! Stop! It tickles! Hahaha come on Norway!"

"No! Call me elskede then I'll stop"  Norway is pushing his luck. "No, you big dummy! AHHAHAHAHA STOP-" Norway stops when Phil's hand accidentally slipped which caused his finger to bleed. Phil accidentally cut his finger, not cut as in his finger is Literally cut off to the bone, just a small wound. "Phil! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Phil just stands still. The pain doesn't really bother him. Phil is quite numb to pain, he learned to cope with it so a small cut such as this isn't bothering him. Phil doesn't mind it but Norway is too caring.

Norway quickly and gently took his hand to wash the blood off of his finger. Phil is then led to the bedroom to get a medkit to take care of his wound. Phil only stares at Norway. Norway is very careful and gentle as if he's taking care of something so importing and fragile. "There, I hope the bleeding stops soon!" Norway then gets surprised by a hug from Phil. Norway's cheeks become flush. "Thanks elskede, but you really didn't need to, it's just a small cut" Phil tells him. "Yeah it's small but it's still a big deal because you're hurt! I don't want you to feel any pain or uncomfort!" Norway is really sweet and caring. Norway takes Phil's hand to kiss it. "There, Pain, pain go away, there's a kiss for your boo boo" Norway says which makes Phil stunned for a bit but he then laughs at what Norway just said.

"Hahahaha, what was that?" Phil asks with a happy smile as he raises his brow at his lover. "What? It's to make the pain go away, or do you want a kiss on the-" Phil's pushes his kissing face away. "Fine, fine, I'm okay now, thanks elskede" Phil gently smile sat him. His sweet smile is melting Norway's heart. Phil doesn't smile like this, often. Norway cherishes every smile that he sees Phil make. "Now what do you want to do?" Phil plops down on the bed. "You're hand is wounded, let's just order take out" Norway says as he tidies up the Medkit. "Sure, sounds good" Phil replies as he closes his eyes to rest. Phil's mood kind of changed when he got a cut on his finger. He was reminded of the past. It's the first time that Phil bled because of himself in such a long time.

"Hey... Phil, are you okay? I'm sorry... it's all my fault...."

Norway lays beside him, gently and slowly cuddling him to not upset him. "Yeah... It's your fault... Bur it's fine... It's just a small cut, it's not a big deal" Phil feels like something is odd again. He feels like he's odd again, like he's not normal. As if the emptiness suddenly came back like lightning. Phil snaps out of it when he remembers that Norway is beside him. Phil smiles, turning around to watch Norway sleep. "How do you always sleep so soundly? You sleep so fast. Are you always tired?" Phil gently plays with Norway's hair, gently and cautiously to not wake him up. "How could you be with someone like me? How could you be with a monster like me....?" Phil stops playing with Norway's hair. He puts his hands on a comfortable position. He slowly closed his eyes to fall asleep.

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