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Phil has been more confident lately. Everyone is treating him well, because he's Norway's lover. Everyone is helping him. No one is bullying Phil anymore. Phil smiles as he washes the dishes. Norway comes from behind him, to hug his small lover. "How was work?" Phil asks as Norway rests his chin on Phil's shoulder. "Tiring...." Norway says. Norway is too tired.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself.... I don't want you to be sick.... Come here and eat" Phil dries his hand. "Also stop it, come ooon! You will squish me!" Phil is embarrassed to say that but he has too because Norway is actually squishing him with his bodyweight. "Sowwy...." Norway seems sleepy. "Oi! Don't sleep on my shoulder!" Phil tells him since he doesn't have the power to go and bring Norway to the bedroom.

"You smell goodzzzzz...." "Oi! Norway! H-hey!" "I'm sweaty! I don't smell good! I'm not food to smell good! Sheesh! Go eat! Don't eat me!" Phil tries to get Norway off of him. Norway bursts out in laughter. "Okay~" Norway says in a teasing voice as he gets off of Philip to sit on a chair. Phil hates it when people bite him. Phil sighs, shaking his head. Phil goes to assist his lover. Phil pours Norway a cold glass of water. Norway takes a fork. He also grabs the glass of water to drink.

"New apron?" Norway asks as he starts to eat his food. "mhm" Phil replies as 'yes'. "It looks good on you" Norway says to Philip. "You say that about anything that I wear" Phil replies. "Yes because it's true!" Phil sighs then smiles. Norway is very sweet. "I love you" Phil says with a genuine smile. After a few minutes, Norway finally relaxes.

"Hey Phil, I know that you consider us as Friends and you have more acquaintances now. What about Poland? Germany? That bit- Indonesia?" Phil looks at Norway with a slightly confused look. "What about them?" Phil asks. "Do you not think of them as friends? Come on.... You guys have known each other for so long. Why not say that you guys are friends? Anything that you guys have to reconcile? It's been a while since you've talked to them right?" "And maybe also reconcile with Malays-" Phil dropped the glass  pitcher that he was holding because of shock.

Norway quickly grabbed Phil to make sure that he isn't hurt. "Phil! Are you okay?! Are you fine?! Are you hurt?! I'm sorry... It was so inconsiderate of me... I'm sorry for bringing him up" Norway checks Phil's feet for wounds. "It's fine.... It's fine... I'm sorry for breaking it.... I'll clean it-" Norway grabs Phil's wrist.  "I'll clean it up, you should rest. You've been busy with the house. You've been cleaning, cooking and fixing up the place all day. especially because we've only moved in" Norway says to his beloved. "Let me he-" Norway takes Philip then he sets him on the bed. "Go rest" he tells Philip. Phil isn't used to this type of treatment. Norway is too sweet and caring.

After Norway cleaned out he mess, he went to Philip to see what he's doing. Phil is laying on the bed, on his stomach, asleep peacefully. Norway smiles. Norway is pretty tired as well. Norway goes to lay next to Philip. Before Norway fell asleep, Phil shifted a bit and said "You big dummy, we are both tired. We both worked hard. We both deserve to rest. I love you...." Phil falls asleep, cuddling Norway. Norway slept peacefully because of what Phil said. They are both making compromises.

Once Norway woke up, he takes Phil's hand. He gulps hard as his heart start to beat rapidly. Norway's cheeks became redder and redder. Norway imagines a beautiful ring on Phil's finger.

"I finally got it"

Norway says. Norway finally got the perfect ring. He's now planning the best proposal for Philip. Norway dissent know how to propose. He wants it to be memorable and grand but Phil wants things to be low and simple. 'just a few more days..... I hope you will say yes...' Norway wants to cry tears of joy. He imagines Philip saying yes.

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