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Philip has just told Finland goodbye. Phil goes inside the mansion to continue his day. Russia greets him and brings him to the living room to chill. Everything is normal, nothit is out of place. There are some says that Russia makes all of his servants go home to their families and one of those days is today. Philip and Russia quietly chills together. With one loud crash, it alerted them that there bus danger. Before they could even get a weapon then leave the room, a gun is pointed at them. Both of their eyes are wide open in shock.

"How did you-"

"Shut it, Russia, it's time to end this little game, break up with this little twink, did you seriously think that I wouldn't catch up with your stupid heart? You love this little sh*t!"

Russia shields Philip, away from Soviet. "What the hell are you doing? Why are you protecting him? Get away fr him so I can shoot him-" Russia stops him I'm kid sentence. "No! I won't let you hurt him!" Soviet hits him with the gun that he's holding. "What the f*CK?! Have you gone mad?, Russia" Soviet angrily asks him. "Yes, maybe I've gone mad, but I would never break a promise and I promised that I would keep him safe from any harm, I malight have broken it by hurting him but I won't let you kill him!" Russia shouts to his father. Philip silently watches the two argue. Philip doesn't know what to do. Phil knows that if he tries to call for help or try to leave the room, he'll be hurt and killed. He also doesn't want to leave Russia since Russia might get hurt or worse....

Whilst the two argue, Shouting at each other. Philip hears a loud gunshot. This is triggering his trauma, he covers his ears them he drops to the ground. Soviets me Russia start to attack each other. They fight for the gun. Russia isn't letting his father hurt Philip. "Stay away from him!" Punch after punch, a kick and punch finally knocks the gun our of Soviet's grasp. Soviet knows that Russia will get to the gun first since his son much faster than him and much closer to the gun.

Russia goes for the gun as soviet runs to Philip. Soviet quickly takes out a sharp knife that could slash someone's neck in one second. Soviet grabs Philip by the hair. When Russia turned around to point the gun at his father, he sees that Soviet is grabbing Philip by his hair as he points the sharp knife to Phil's head.

"Shoot me and your little twink is going to die"

Russia gulps hard. "What do you want me to do?" Soviet is very disappointed in his son. This is why he doesn't let his children fall in love. It's dumb because they will have the urge to do everything and anything to keep their lover safe and sound. "I'm disappointed in you, Russia" Soviet tells his son. This agitates Russia but he doesn't care. All Russia cares about right now is Philip's safety.

"Drop the gun" Soviet orders which Russia immediately follows. Russia puts his hands up in the air as he slowly crouches to put the gun down. "Make it farther away from you" Soviet tells him. Russia obeys by kicking the gun away from the three of them. "Father.... What do you want? I'll do anything.... Just don't hurt him...." Russia tells Soviet. "Break up with him, you shouldn't waste you time like this.

Philip quickly grabs the vase right beside him then he smashes it on Soviet's head. Phil did it while trembling which was very impressive considering that he's panicking. Phil immediately bolted towards Russia. Good thing that Philip is a fast runner. Russia quickly grabbed him then shielded him. Russia also took out a sharp knife. 'why the f*ck do you people carry knives like it's normal?!' Philip though to himself. Philip trembles as he hides behind Russia. "Come on, Philip, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I'll kill you" soviet says with a smirk to scare Philip. "You little sh*t! You have some guts to smash a f*cking vase on my head!" Phil can't believe that he did it either. Phil will not move away fr his current position, he doesn't want to die and neither does he want Russia to die.

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