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Russia also has taken a liking to Philip. But Russia doesn't acknowledge love unlike Finland and Norway does. Russia just wants to have some fun and he doesn't love Philip unlike Norway and Finland. Since he doesn't know about Philip being in a relationship with Finland, he still wants to try and get Philip to like him.

As Russia walks while smoking a cigarette, he thinks back to the day he saw Philip's and Finland together. He saw them acting like.... A couple? It puzzles him because who would freely hug and hold hands like that? Only siblings but they aren't siblings.

Russia POV

Was I hallucinating? Was I wrong? Maybe it wasn't Phil and Finland.... But no.... Who else could have that?! The hair pin is one of the 7 hair pins that Bela has. Bela gave Philip one when she styled his hair that day......

If she gave that to Philip...  Then Phil would be the one who has it.... Damm it! Why am I thinking so hard about this? Their appearances, height and body types line up with Finland and Philip! Their voices are also the same! And come on! That's Phil's disguise that he named 'Rue' there's no mistaking that it's them.

I take out my cigarette before sighing deeply. I throw it on the ground then step on it to make sure that it's not going to cause mayhem. I walk to my class where I will meet Philip.

Philip and Finland? Hell no

But if they were in a relationship, they would announce it to the public. Damn it! I'm curious. I know I shouldn't pry into their business but..... I'm really curious....

But damn it. I can't get someone to gather information on their relationship... If they do get some information it will be a huge mess because I'm pretty sure that the information won't go straight to me.

I know that the Nordic brothers will not tell me anything.....

I guess I just need to spy...

When I arrived at the classroom, I went straight to Philip. I can do what I want and I don't want to sit with my gang nor my annoying siblings today. "You're sitting here again?" Phil asks me. "Yes I am, am I not allowed?" I reply to his question. He sighs, showing signs of slight irritation.

The class starts as soon as the professor comes in the room. I watched Philip the whole period. He was quiet as usual. He looks only at his desk to write, at the professor, and outside the window.

After our class, we have 30 minutes free time. I took this as a chance to have a conversation with him. "You do know that I knew that you were staring at me the whole period right?" He asks me with the usual look on his face. His pokerface never gets old. I guess this is also how I always look like.

"I do" I reply to his question. "What is it? Do you want something?" "Is there something you want to sa-" I cut him off. "You" I tell him. He furrows his brow in confusion. "What? 'you' what?" "What do you mean?" It's funny that he's really confused. "I mean, I want you" I tell him. Now he looks pissed off. "Wow, alright, jeez, are you that uninterested? Come on, I'm a pretty fun guy" Phil rolls his eyes at him. "I'm not going to play with you, Russia, I'm not going to be in one of your toys" he says to me. "If you say so" is a that I say.

But this just gives me an idea. I smirk at my idea. This might catch him off guard. "Come on, why not? You're single right? After Norway, you haven't dated anyone since" he seems a little uncomfortable? He tries to hide the fact that he got nervous. His eyes were wide open in shock for a split second. Seems like this isn't enough. "I'm-" he stopped himself from speaking. He switched his attention from me to something or someone behind me. I look behind me to see Finland. "Yeah.... Y-you're absolutely correct..." Why is he sweating? What kind of reaction is that?

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