[70.1] Epilogue

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Finland smiles satisfied as he holds the small box. "Well look at you~" "We've got a lover boy here" His brothers start to tease him. Finland only smiles. "We're proud of you, bro" "When's the wedding?"

"Come on, guys, I haven't even proposed to Philip yet" Finland says. "YEAH, but we already know the answer! The answer will be yes! Philip will definitely say yes" Finland is glad to hear them encourage him. "Just call us if you guys are ready to have a child. I know the best hospital" Germany says. "Honestly, I thought I would never get married and have kids... But now... I want to marry Philip and raise children with him" Finland says. "That's real sweet, bro" Denmark says. "Too bad that you guys can't have your own biological kid together. You guys can have a kid with only one of your genes" Sweden says. "Oh piss off, Den! Come on! Don't ruin this for them! It's a fact but your don't have to say it! JEEZ!" Denmark tells Sweden to shut his mouth. "Sorry.." Sweden apologizes. "You better be" Denmark glares at his brother. "Guys, guys.... Come on... We're going to be late, it's almost 2:30" Iceland says. "What? Holy cow! It's 2:24! We've been here for about 3 hours? 4 hours? Damn! Let's go!" Sweden didn't notice that it's 2:24. He hadn't been looking at his wristwatch.

They quickly left to head to the mansion which is also the venue for the reunion. They all have their own cars. Before splitting up to drive their own cars, they a got multiple texts and a phone call. In confusion, without having the time to open the messages, they answered the phone calls. All of their eyes widened in shock. Finland couldn't believe his ears. Poland said he is standing right in front of all of them. Phil is on the rooftop, standing on the railing while holding a sharp knife.

Finland's blood ran cold. He's full of anxiety and fear. He accidentally dropped his phone. Not caring about his phone, he left it to drive his car to the mansion. Denmark picked Finland's phone form the ground, before going to his car. He knows that he shouldn't waste his time on a phone that can be replaced when the supposed wide of his brother might end his life at anytime now. But the phone most likely contains important information.

"Denmark! Hurry up! What the hella re you doing?" Iceland tells him to hurry up. They need to be fast. Not only does Philip have a high chance of dying, Finland also has a good chance of dying. When Finland is in panic and in pure fear and anxiety, his hands start to shake while his thinking gets a bit disoriented. Finland is probably losing his mind right now. Finland needs to stay calm and composed. Finland doesn't care if he might accidentally bump into someone with his car. He's driving at a very fast pace. With his influence, no one dared to stop him. Everyone got out of his way to let him drive. No police stopped him from driving at an extremely fast pace.

They quickly followed after him. The people only started to drive after making sure that all of them have driven passed them.

Finland couldn't think straight. He drove as fast as he can to the mansion. Fortunately he arrived there, safe.

Everyone is scared to move.

Finland ran up to where they are all at. Infront of them all, Philip holds a sharp knife.... standing on the rooftop railing. He's standing on something that seems like a short walk. Something made of cement. A lot thicker than a metal railing, thus he can stand straight on it.

The others quickly catch up to Finland.

Their eyes are all widen in fear. Eyes are fixed on Philip.

Finland looks at Philip straight in his eyes. Finland's brows are furrowed, his face is saying 'Please, Philip.... Don't do it... Don't jump... I'm begging you.... Please don't...' tears start to fall from each others eyes. "Phil! Please. . Don't jump! Phil! Don't!" Everyone shouts for Philip not to jump. Phil can't seem to hear them.... Everything seems so blurry except for Finland. "Phil... Please... Don't do this...." Finland begs. He cries loudly for Philip not to end his life. Philip looks at his lover with remorseful eyes. He looks very sorry... "Phil.... Please! Don't!" Finland drops to his knees. Poland also starts to cry.

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