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It's finally Monday. Phil hates Mondays, unlike Norway who is so enthusiastically pumped for today. "Why are you so pumped today?! Are you high?" Phil asks his lover. It's not common for a student to like Mondays since it's the first day of the week and the weekend seems so far.
Norway gently holds Phil's hand. "I'm just really happy to be with you" Norway tells him which makes the Filipino blush at the cringe. The other three Nordic brothers, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden all say 'awwww' "oh shush!" Phil says that he should shush and Phil doesn't say it but he finds it so cute and adorable. A Yin and a Yang, the perfect balance.

As Phil went inside the School with Norway, everyone spots them holding hands which made Phil's anxiety go up. Phil's heart started to beat more rapidly than when he is alone with Norway. Phil gulps hard, he's starting to loose himself. Phil only hears the loud and irrapidly heating of his heart. Norway spoons his head, making Phil comfortably rest on Norway. Norway pulls Phil in a tight embrace. "Shhh, Phil, I'm here... Don't worry, I won't abandon you" Norway says, still not letting go of Phil's hand. Everyone furrows their brows in confusion to why they are in that position. What happened? Why and when did they become so close when just a few weeks ago, Phil was avoiding him.

Before anyone could come up to them and say something, Norway went to the middle of the room and shouted as loud as he could "ME AND PHILIPPINES ARE LOVERS AND PHIL IS NOW APART OF THE BLUE LAW! NO ONE SHOULD HAVE THE GUTS TO GO AND HURT MY BELOVED OR ELSE YOU ALL WILL SUFFER!" Phil never said that he would join the Blue law but it's fair enough.... Phil is in fact Norway's lover and since Phil is his lover, Phil should be apart of the gang or Atleast be acknowledged. The humans and Countries all start to whisper. No one would dare talk negatively since The blue law gang is the second most powerful gang in the school. They are dead meat If they were to say anything.

They all bowed and said 'congratulations' to show respect for the new couple. even the nations bursted our of their office to go and see Philip and Norway. They both are holding hands. They are very happy for Philip. They support him in whatever will make him happy. And they already have them permission to get married. Phil is now untouchable. No one would ever dare say anything bad to Philip ever again. Phil doesn't understand why Norway did this but it can't be undone. It's already been said. "Why...?" Phil asks Norway for he is very confused. "Why? Because I live you and I'm proud to have you as my lover, I'm showing you how much I love you Phil" Norway said with a smile. Phil feels so embarrassed, his cheeks are so flushed. Bur still.... He appreciates everything that Norway does to make him realize that he really loves him. Phil feels very lucky to have Norway.

"Well, just as we've expected, he's gay" Belarus says with a smirk as she takes a picture of the two. "It's not nice to keep secrets from your family, Kazakhstan" Belarus glares at her older brother, kazkhstan. Kazkhstan sighs. "Just so you know, he never lied to you, he never said that the person that he was interested was a girl or a boy, it's your fault for assuming, he never said anything about them being a girl" kazkhstan says before he leaves, glaring right back at his twisted sister whose smirking crazily.

Russia smirks triumphantly, he was right, Phil was gay. But it's still such a shame that Phil is already taken. Phil is exactly his type. "What now, Brother?" Bela looks at Russia, asking him what his next step will be. "You do know that we should never take someone that is in a relationship right? Come on, Belarus! They are a couple! We should be interfering"


"no buts, Bela"

"jeez! Come on! It's not like he's a girl! Come on! Russia!"

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