chapter 28: us and only us

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I wake up with nicks arms still wrapped around me, I think back to the dream I had last night and I'm just so glad I had nick there to calm me down. "Good morning beautiful" nick says as he kisses me softly on the cheek before getting up and heading for the bedroom door "morning piss ?" I question. "You know me all to well baby" nick confessed laughing while walking towards the bathroom. Without a second thought I search for my phone, realizing its still in the living room I decide to get my lazy butt up and go get it. Quickly finding it on the coffee table I pick it up to check the time (11:24, 3 missed calls, and 1 text) dang we slept in pretty late. I hope my mom isn't too worried. I go to open the text, which is from my surprise there.
Hey, you and nick come to the house as soon as possible !

I read the text and instantly started to panic "baby, we got to go to my now!!" I yell to nick. He comes running out of the bathroom. "Everything okay?!" He asks worried. "I don't know, all I know is we need to go" I tell him in a rush to leave. I hope mom and Casey are okay.....

Finally arriving to my house I barge right in side "MOM, CASEY !" I yell to them "we're in the livingroom" Casey answers to me. I immediately head towards the living room, with nick following right behind me. "Kristen, nick. I'm so glad you two are okay" my mom pleads getting up from the sofa and hugging us both. "We're fine momma, why wouldn't we be. What's going on?" I asked confused to why she's acting this way..."I'm guessing you haven't heard?" Mom says. "Well obviously not, heard what mom ?" I  question her yet again.?? "A man a Clearwater beach got brutally beaten, he's on life support. They haven't said much except someone found him covered in blood lying in the far side of the parking lot. They don't know who did it and probably never will because the family is considering pulling the's very sad and scary to think you were at the same beach" she explains. Nick now having a hold of my hand, he squeezes it tightly and I look up at him a little worriedly "that's awful mom, but we're fine" I tell her. "You know I would never let anything bad happen to your daughter" nick reassures her. "Yes I know that nick, but I was worried about the both of you...I know you love her, I'm just so glad you and my daughter are both okay." She tells us before bringing nick, Casey and I all into a big group family hug "I love you 3 so much" she admits. "We love you too" we all say at the same time, then start to laugh because of it. "That was weird" my sister Casey points out. "Yeah but kinda cool" I agreed with her. "Hey mommy in-law, would it be okay if I stole your daughter for a lunch date" nick asks. I smile at the sound "hmm mommy in-law... I like the sound of that" I think to myself, maybe one day "mommy in-law ?....I actually wouldn't mind that but sure go have fun. Kristen I'll see you later. I love you both" my mom says to us. "One'll happen, love you too" nick tells her. I smile, no I blush at that comment "I love you too mom, see you guys later" I tell her before walking out of the house, with nick by. We get into my truck and its silent....."babe, you okay?" I ask nick worriedly. "Baby, look at me" I say to him grabbing his face softly, making him turn to me. "Its okay nick..." I try to reassure him "but it's not okay Kristen, it's've got to promise me that what happened at the beach yesterday, stays between us. Nobody else can know about this alright.." Nick explains to me. "Us and only stays between us, no one else will ever know. I promise, its our secret" I tell him before pulling out of my driveway "lets go tobsteak-n-shake, I want a milkshake" I inform him...I carefully look over at him to find him staring out the window, I know this bothers him and I hate that I can't do anything to help..I'm starting to wish I never made the plans to go to the beach, none of this would have happened in the first place if we never would have gone, it was my idea, it's my fault...........

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