chapter 21: catching up, fessing up and making up.

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I woke up the next morning exhausted. I couldn't sleep at all, I had to much things running through my mind. I was still stunned that he found me on Facebook and I couldn't help but feel stupid for not thinking of it and looking him up myself. I could have been in contact with him again months ago but ya know what that doesn't matter the important thing is that we found each other now...I can't help but think its fate but I'm just thinking crazy...right?.

as happy as I was to get a friend request from nick I didn't say anything to Aubrey I really wanted to, it took everything I had in me not to. I just figured I'd wait and tell her today last night was a girls night and we were enjoying ourselves too much I didn't want to ruin it by bringing up a boy when it was a boy free night. no boys and no boy talk. but I can not wait to tell her when she wakes up. I grab my phone and instantly check my Facebook I see nick is on and I'm debating if I should message him. I really want to, like really bad but what would I say? I can't just say hey that'd be weird...right? I get broken out of my thoughts when my phone goes off, it was nick....he messaged me !!

him: hey Kristy how are you?...its been awhile.

"eeeeee !!!!!!!!!!" I squeal excitedly.

me: omg nick I can't believe its you !! I've been okay. how are you ?

him: lol yep its me and I've been alright I guess. fill me in on your life now. what's new?.

me: nothing really...same old boring me lol

him: HA you boring ?.. oh please Kristen you're far from that !

aw. I couldn't help but smile at that. he always knows the right things to say to make me smile. I know so cliché but its true. okay Kristen nows your chance, time to confess and come clean about your feelings. I think to myself.

me: and you're still a sweetheart I see glad to know you haven't changed (; you're still the same guy I fell in love with back then, the one I never truly got over...

holy, oh my god. I can't believe I just told him how I felt. after all this time. should I have waited to confess my feelings...was it too soon ? oh my god it was too soon !! why did I do that.... I'm such an idiot ! I think to myself as I wait for his reply, wow is it just me or is he taking forever to respond ?! as if on phone goes off and sure was nick.

him: you for real right now ?! oh my god this is amazing !! honestly Kristen I was gonna tell you but you beat me to the punch lol I love you Kristen Marie Greene I'm in love with you I have been since I laid my eyes on you...and even after a year of not seeing or talking to you I still love you always have and forever will. I regret not telling you when I had the chance but I'm telling you now and I mean it just as much as I'd meant it if I told you back then. I will see you again and when I do I'll make up for lost time I promise baby girl.

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