chapter 26: lets go to the beach

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I had a great day yesterday with Aubrey, it was really nice getting to catch up with each other I really miss her we'll definitely have to start hanging out old times. but all that aside today nick and I are going to Clearwater beach he has yet been to the beach since he's moved back so we're spending the whole day together at the beach and I can not wait, Clearwater beach is one of my favorite places in Florida  its so beautiful and getting to go with nick just makes it ten times better. 
*knock knock knock*

"hey Casey can you get that its probably nick I still have to change into my bathing suit, tell him I'll be ready in 5." I yell to Casey from the bathroom "okay" she simply replies back. "thank you" I yell to her. "yep" she says going towards the door. hmm she seems...different, oh well I'll figure her out later but right now my butt needs to get dressed.
*5 minutes later*

"hey baby" I say to nick before kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"hey there beautiful" nick replies before grabbing me by the waist and giving me a kiss on the lips. I smile, knowing that he had to do that because he hates when I kiss him on the cheek he and I quote says "its a tease if you're gonna kiss me do it right and kiss me on the lips dammit." I then start to giggle thinking back at the time he said that "sorry did I miss your lips" I ask him with a smirk on my face. he gives me a small smirk "mmhmm" he says. before kissing me on the neck. "oops did I miss your lips" he says teasingly knowing exactly what he did. he knows I absolutely love neck kisses its kinda a turn on to me. "oh you're an asshole" I tell him. we both laugh knowing what he just did. "you love me though" he tells me. "yeah don't remind me" I tease him. he then takes me by my face and kisses me so passionate I kiss him back with the same amount of passion he pulls back smiling cheekily "you love me" he says, I smile. "okay yes I love you, you asshole I love you a lot" I reply with a small smile. "I love you so much Kristen" he tells me with so much love in his eyes and voice. I smile widely knowing its true and I love him too. "okay damn y'all done being lovey dovey yet?" Casey says breaking our contact with each other. "yeah uh I'll see you later, love you" I tell Casey before grabbing nicks hand "let's go to the beach" I say while heading out the door.

"so you excited ?" I ask nick as we're pulling out of my drive way. "very" he tells me with a smile on his face. damn I love that smile ! I smile myself just looking at him and his smile and how happy he is...I love it and I love him, so damn much !
*one hour later*

"we're here" I tell him excitedly. "finally !" he says overly dramatic "oh it wasn't that long of a drive" I tell him giggling a bit. after finding  a place to park I park the car and we both get out nick comes around to my side and takes me by the hand "come on baby time to show you off" he says in away I can't figure out he almost sounded proud but why ? I'm nothing special to claim or want to show off, he could do better... "oh please if anyone's doing the showing off its me, you know how many pretty girls are gonna look at you and wish they had you ?" I say to him jokingly. but he then stops me in the middle of the parking lot turns me to him takes my other hand and stares deep into my eyes "Kristen stop, I don't know how many girls there will be staring at me but I don't care because the only girl I want is you you're the love of my life the one I'm gonna one day marry and have kids with the one I'm gonna grow old with all the other girls here don't matter and couldn't come close to even compared to how amazingly beautiful you are inside and out" he says to me, i then smile. "and I know why you're wearing a tank top and its not gonna slide you're taking it off" he tells me, my smile then fades and I look down ashamed, busted.... "baby, you're beautiful don't be ashamed or embarrassed about it you're scar represents who you are and what you've over come. you are a strong beautiful smart girl who fought like hell to live be proud of your scar it tells a story, your story ! and what an amazing story it is and if people want to stare then fuck them but I promise you babe scar or no scar you're worth showing off you are beautiful and let's be honest you have a rockin body you may not think so but you definitely do and you also have one hell of a nice ass and I hope that I don't get too jealous and want to fight a guy for staring at it for too long because its all mine, you are all mine and I want everyone to know you're taken by me now let's go have some fun....I love you soo damn much Kristen more then you'll ever know !" he says to me. with tears in my eyes I kiss him with everything I had. pulling back breathless "I love you sooo damn much nick always have and i always will forever and ever babe..I promise !" I tell him truthfully. he smiles before grabbing my face and leaning down to kiss me I love his kisses " i'm holding you to that promise baby..forever and ever" he says. I smile "I'm serious." he said. "I love you with all my heart and I'm gonna marry you one day...I wanted you back then I want you now and forever baby girl" he finishes telling me all this and I can't stop smiling with tears running down my face i bring nicks face closer to mine and kiss him on the lips so sweetly yet so passionately he breaks the kiss smiling as he places his right hand in my cheek and swipes away my tears with is thumb a really cute and really sweet gesture that makes me fall for him just a little more if that's even possible. we then start walking towards the sandy beach, walking a little a head nick comes up right behind me and slaps me right on my left ass cheek "eee" I squeal then I giggle "owe babe you got me good that time" I say still laughing a bit. nick does a victorious fist pump to the air "all right" he says. we then both start laughing not caring about all the weird looks we're getting from others for laughing like hyenas. we find a really nice spot on the sand close to the cristal clear blue water. "this is perfect" Nick informs me as he puts the bag and beach blanket Down. he then inhales a big whiff of the salty beach air in contentment he smiles big looking over at me. "I've missed this" he tells me honestly. I smile not needing to say anything...this is great I'm so glad we came ! I finish setting up our spot and decide to sit for a minute take in the amazing view in front of me.

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