chapter 31: kill or be killed.

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(Nick's apartment)
Its been 2 weeks and nothing has happened, I've been on edge. I know they are coming it's just a matter of when and where...Nick doesn't say much about it he does everything to ignore the subject. All I know is he hasn't spoken to jess since we went to the gun range, he says its so the others from the gang dont start to suspect anything so really, nick and I are just sitting ducks and it's a very uneasy feeling "you okay babe" nick breaks me from my thoughts "hmm, yeah..just tired" I tell him and truthfully I was. I think nick and I have both lost a lot of sleep over the past couple weeks over this... "I know baby, me too I'm sorry." Nick says with guilt in his eyes..."stop that !! Stop apologizing and stop feeling guilty... This is not your fault" I try to tell him but I doubt he'll listen. "If you love me you'd listen to me" I say to him.. He just looks at me with his big soft beautiful brown eyes. Instantly getting a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach from it I try to ignore it but it's too late he's got me. As usual he knows what he's done and he gives me that cocky smirk of his that I hate but love. He grabs my waist and kisses me slowly on the lips making me get chills I love the way his kisses feel. How are lips go perfectly together. Its So crazy what one kiss can do to a person...nick sadly pulls away ending the kiss but that one kiss was exactly what I needed reassurance, comfort.. "Why don't you go try taking a nap" nick suggests and I yawn as just the thought it's self was making me even more tired "lay with me" I ask. Needing his arms around me to feel safe. He smiles "come on baby" he agrees....

Within minutes of laying in his arms I start to doze off...

*BANG !!*
I quickly awake from the sound of nicks front door being busted in. Nick within seconds get our guns out and loaded. My heart is racing "I love you." Nick Whisper's to me as he hands me a gun. My throat begins to hurt as I try to stop myself from crying. It's kill or be killed...suddenly the gang appears with... rope? Okay this wasn't what I expected. I look towards nick, his gun hidden as is mine he looks at me with calm in his eyes..what does he know that I don't "both of you get on you knees...NOW !!" one of the members from the gang demands. I jump and instantly do as he say. I'm guessing he's the new leader of the gang ? "Jess, tie em up" he says. My stomach drops, what are they fixing to do. I look at jess, his eyes soft and pleading like...this isn't good. "Should I start shooting ?!?" I think to myself.. No, just wait. Once nick goes for his gun I'll go for mine... "My pleaser ash" jess says in away that scares me. Jess ties me up and honestly he does it kinda roughly "owe, what the hell." I say out loud. Looking up at him with the rudest look I could give. He begins to laugh a little. I roll my eyes..asshole !! I look over at nick in hopes he'll answer all my questions with a look But I get nothing... "Don't, be an asshole jess, I'm the one you hate. She has nothing to do with our beef bro" nick says... " we stop being bros the day you fucking left and didn't even bother trying to take me're done for, you and your girl" he says. I'm in complete awe right now Jesse totally screwed us over..."we're done for" I think to myself... A tear begins to fall from my eyes

After nick and I are both tied up we are both put into a black van which if you as me is so cliché but whatever... "Where are we going" I ask them worriedly. Trying so hard not to let the fear I have right now show. "You'll see" ash says. I get chills as he says that, his voice alone scares me not to mention the look in his eyes..all I can think about is my family, my sister, mom, Aubrey, Michelle even my dad and all the hurt that will come to them when they find out that I've been murdered or went missing. "NO !! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THINK LIKE THAT!!" I mentally yell to myself...

*20 minutes go by*
"Alright, we're here. Get them out and tied to the chairs" ash demands. As Jesse is already pushing us out the van.. "To think I thought you were cool" I say out loud he just laughs, not evilly but like he genuinely thought it was funny. "Ugh!" I huff annoyed as he ties nick and I up in chairs in a place what looks like an abandoned apartment "alright, now what?" Jesse asks ash......."kill'em both" ash tells the guys. My heart drops "wait boys...don't help, let jesse handle them both after all Jesse would love the revenge on nick" ash explans "oh I'm going to enjoy this" jesse admits. "Nick..." I say nervously but before he could respond............."NOW !!" Jesse yells out to nick as nick quickly gets out of the chair and hits the two other gang members upside the head with it knocking them both out as Jesse hurried up to turn around and shoot ash a gun was shot my heart drops at that moment, jesse quickly fires back shots at ash "NICK !!!!" I scream out getting his attention as I watch jesse fall to the ground and blood beginning to rush out of his side. I watch as nick hurries to his wounded friend "jess, stay with me bud. You're gonna be alright" nick comforts him.... "I see the bullet, it didn't go in deep enough to really do damage. I can get it out and stitch you up alright?, You'll be okay" nick explains as I watch him take his pocket knife and using it to try and get the bullet out. "How's it going ?" I ask nick... "Fine I can get it it's just gonna take a little bit, it would be better if I had tweasers though" nick admits as jesse huffs and groans in pain. "FUCKING A MAN" jess yells in agony. "Wait babe...check my back pocket" I tell him in hopes I have my pocket knife on me. Nick quickly gets up checks my back pocket and finds my knife.. "Brilliant, this will make it a bit easier." Nick says before cutting me lose and going back to work on getting the bullet out of jess...

*30 painful minutes later*
"I GOT IT !!" Nick says excitedly.. "About damn time" jesse says with a slight laugh which he quickly regrets as he groans once more in pain "awesome job babe but now what, you can't stitch it up, you don't have the right tools nor do you know how to stitch" I say to him. He stares blankly for a minute "glue..we can glue it" he explained. Which surprisingly enough isn't the first time I've heard of this method "do we have glue?" I question "umm actually ash has some in his hoodie don't ask me why but he always carried it with him for some odd reason.. I guess for if incidences like this ever accurse" he tells us. Nick begins to search through his hoddie pockets "got it" I say, picking it up from the ground it must have flew out his pocket when jesse shot him. Nick then takes the glue and glues Jesse's wound shut. "Well that was fast" I say surprised. "Okay now what do we do about the bodies" I question them both. "Well, those two aren't dead so I'll shoot them then take all 3 of them burn their bodies and burry them all in a spot I know for sure nobody will ever find them" jesse tells us "nick you just take your girl back to your place and I'll see you both in 4 or 5 hours" jess explains. "You sure bro, you just got shot..I could do it" nick offers " nah man, I've been waiting for this day for so long. I'm not about to let a bullet wound stop me" he admits to us "alright man, be careful and come to my place when you done doing what you gotta do" nick tells him before taking my hand and leaving.....

(Back at Nick's place)
Laying in nicks bed I begin to wonder about it all......."So you guys had it planned out the whole time?" I question nick. "pretty much Yeah, besides the whole jesse getting shot thing." Nick informs me. "Why didn't you tell me ?!" I ask him. Kinda pissed he didn't let me in on the plan. "We needed you to be scared for the plan to go correct, besides this way you didn't have to kill anybody and live with that guilt forever...that's something I would never want you to have to go through, I didn't even want you to be apart of it at all but you're stubborn and you made me have no choice" nick explained. Still irritated with him for not telling me. he sees it and brings me in for a hug

"I did it because I cared and didn't want to see you hurt or dead for that matter, please don't be mad baby....I love you" nick pleads
"I love you too butthead..."

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