chapter 19: round 2

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"hey let's order pizza" drew suggests. that's actually a good sounds really yummy right now! "yeah let's do it" we all agree. "I'll pay for it." waide tells us. "no babe you already bought us breakfast and you're chipping in with the don't have to pay for the food too. we can all contribute" Aubrey explains. she's right he's done a lot already for us he shouldn't have to pay for the pizza too. "baby girl its alright.. I know I don't have to but I want to, okay? you're my girl and you shouldn't have to pay for anything that I'm also going to eat as well." he explains to Aubrey. waide is seriously such a sweet guy and so good to Aubrey, I'm glad they met. "yeah but baby, its not just me you're paying for. its my family and friends too and I can't ask you to do that." she tells him. she has a point. " yes but sweetie you're family and friends are now my family and friends we are a couple, you're my girlfriend and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon. therefore I'm gonna do whatever necessary to make sure it stays that way even if that means paying for a few large what kind is everyone wanting, I'll call and order for us." he say. damn....he's a good guy, Aubrey really got lucky with this one. she looks at him in aw, speechless because of what he just said. she gets up off the couch with a wide smile on her face and walks over to waide, wrapping her arms around his neck she kisses him softly but oh so sweetly on the lips, pulling back still smiling. "you're truly the did I get so lucky?....thank you" she says to him appreciated, before going back for more. their lips stay locked for a good 3 or 4 have they not come up for air yet I don't know but kinda getting awkward. I think Michelle was feeling the same way because she clears her throat to get their attention....but it didn't work so then I decided to try something. " I want cheese" I say breaking the silence. Michelle and drew catch on and right after I said that they put in their order too. "pepperoni" they say. and then eddy puts in his to cents "I really could careless...I just want food" he tells us. finally, waide pulls away. both breathless. waide smiles shyly "haha sorry. umm I'll go call now....cheese and pepperoni ? it!" he tells us before walking outside to call and order. 

I smirk at Aubrey as she comes to sit back down next to me she notices. "shut up" she tells me. smiling embarassed. "hey, I didn't say anything" I tell her. "you didn't have to..I know what your thinking" she replies back. "hey aub can we go talk?" I ask her. now looking confused she nods "sure, come on we can talk in my room and you can help me pick out my outfit for the day" she tells me while getting up and going towards her room. I follow. "okay so what's up...what are you wanting to talk to Me about?" Aubrey asks me as she closes the door and goes to sit on her bed. "well yesterday when we talked. you never got the chance to tell me about you and waide and what happened so.....spill it !" I tell her. she looks down and smiles shyly before looking up at me with innocent beautiful eyes. "well nothing happened if that's where you're trying to get at but.......I wanted it to. I love him Kristen, I really really do and he treats me so good I think its time to take our relationship to the next level. I'm ready I think he's the perfect one to lose my virginity too and hey maybe he could be the one I don't know but I'm positive that whether we stay together or we for some reason break up I wouldn't regret losing it to him.. he's a good guy and I'd prefer to lose it to a good guy who makes me happy and treats me right other then a dick sucking douche who is a complete twat !" she confesses to me. I can honestly say I'm not surprised in fact I seen it coming and I can't be happier for Aubrey. "Aubrey I love you and I'm so happy for you... if you feel like waide is the guy to lose it to and you're ready then I'll support you a hundred and ten percent. I'm here for you no matter what you decide. just promise me you'll be safe and use protection okay ?" I tell Aubrey in all honesty. she simply smiles and brings me into a hug. "thank you boo that means a lot to me... I love you too, forever and always" she replies. I pull back from the hug and smile at her. "always and forever boo" I say to her. "now let's figure out what we're gonna wear tonight and get cute" I tell her. "let's do it" she says excitedly... I'm glad we had this talk.

*30 minutes later*

"holy hotness" aub says to me looking me up and down. her reaction makes me confident about how I look. "you look amazing Kristy.... sexy even" she tells me giving me a wink. I'm wearing white skin tight jeans that make my butt look soo good if I do say so myself and I have my favorite shirt on a dark navy blue shirt that hugs my body perfectly and the best part about it...the back is all hot pink lace is so cute and eye popping I love it ! I also have my hot pink chucks on. my outfit is perfect and I curled my hair and put some light makeup on...just eyeliner, white eye shadow, mascara and pink lip gloss. it all came together really well I'm happy with my appearance. "me look at you look hot as hell...waide is definitely gonna try and get him dome of that" I tell her teasingly. "well I hope so" she says to me honestly. we both laugh. Aubrey looks so good tonight. she has her purple skinny jeans on with one of her favorite band t shirts (pierce the veil) and purple vans...her hair is straightened perfectly and her makeup is done just right she looks ! "I don't know about you but I'm ready to get drunk" I say to her "me too let's do it" she tells me. "pregame shot?" I ask "hell yeah." she replies excitedly "tonights gonna be a goodnight" I tell her in all honestly "one of the let's go sneak our pregame shot" she says to me. "I'm ready!" I tell her.

I'm soo on bitches !!

*2 hours later*

I'm a bit tipsy not gonna lie. but I feel good and I'm having a fun time with people I love. Aubrey and I won 2 games of beer pong and we lost the 3rd one on purpose because we want to get drunk and we felt bad for kicking Michelle and Drew's asses. Aubrey and I also took a bunch of shots together....I lost count after the 6th one and that was all in a row not even counting the single shots we took.......we're feeling good that's for sure !! things start to chill out and Michelle and drew go into Michelle's bedroom as does Aubrey and waide... tonight just might be the night aub loses her innocents. that just leaves me and eddy chillin on the couch I've noticed him being awfully quite this whole night hell the whole day. I wonder what's up ? curiosity gets the better of me..." OK?" I ask him worriedly, I know something is wrong...but what? he gives me a sad smile "honestly" he tells me truthfully. I knew it! "what's wrong to me." I say to him. eddy is one of my good friends bestest of friends....Like a brother really and so seeing him down like this upsets me. "its Amanda.." he says honestly. damn I should have guessed that! "go on" I encourage him to continue giving him a small pat on the shoulder. "well I like her...a lot actually, and hooking up with her last night was great but I feel like she was ashamed and regretted everything and it makes me feel bad cus I feel like I took advantage of her in away I knew she was drunk I wasn't sober but I wasn't drunk though I had a light buzz and in the back of my mind I knew there was a good chance she'd wake up tomorrow and wish she didn't do what she did but at the same time I couldn't help but have a little hope that she wouldn't and she really does like me but now I don't know and I like her Kristen and I messed it all up because I wasn't thinking clearly..." he confesses to me. and I can't help but feel bad for him...that's rough. " damn bro I'm sorry but listen to me okay? don't feel like you took advantage of her, she wanted it just as much as you yeah maybe it wasn't the best time to fuck each other but it happened and I don't think she regrets it she just might feel like you look at her differently because she did it with you drunk....I honestly think she Luke's you though. do don't stress to much about it cus whats meant to happen will happen you just gotta wait it out and see" I tell him hopefully. he smiles at me thankful "thank you Kristy I needed that" he says to me before turning to me. "so what happen with you and Brandon last night?" he questioned me. I instantly look away... "nothing happened" I answer simply. hoping he would drop it. obviously he don't take the hint "well something happened last night because he left here pretty confused and kinda talk to me" he tells me. great I already felt bad and now I feel worse. "well we kinda were making out and I called him nick and ran off locking myself into Aubrey's room to cry. long story short. I still love nick and I miss him..." I explain and confess to him. he looks stunned. "damn....nick.....the nick ?" he asks shocked. yes I told him about nick he knows that whole story one night we all decided to bring up our past loves and I told him about nick my one and only love. "yep the one and only" I answer. he gives me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Kristen" he says to me getting closer to bring me in for a hug. he gives great hugs ! I can't help but get a little emotional and get teary noise starts to sniffle and eddy picks up on it and noticed that I was crying he then brought me closer to him, laying us both down onto the couch, still in his arms. we lay clear cuddling each other. still having a few tears stream down my cheeks eddy wipes them away. "shh its okay Kristy it'll all be okay" he reassures me while holding me close and rubbing my lower back. he then kisses my forehead "get some sleep Kristen" he tells me. and with that I doze off into a deep sleep.

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