chapter 24: happy anniversary !!

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(Aubrey's POV)

"are you ready yet ?" waide yells from the living room. "almost" I reply back from my bedroom. today is our 1 year anniversary and he has something planned. I check my full-length mirror one last time before opening my bedroom door and heading in to the living room where waide is waiting patiently. "okay, I'm ready" I tell him smiling happily. he didn't tell me where he was taking me and told me to dress jeans and a band t shirt it is. "FINALLY !! look great by the way baby, now let's go" he tells me excitedly. I'm curious to know where he's taking me. "put this on" he demands, handing me a bandana..."huh?" I ask confused. "I want it to be a surprise so put it on or we're not going" he informs me. "is that a threat?" I ask laughing a bit. he smirks while grabbing me by the waist and leaning in close to my face...."maybe" he whispers teasingly before kissing me softly on the lips. I smile into the kiss. I love him "I love you" I tell him once the kiss ends "I love you too baby soo much now please put this on so we can head out of here" he pleads. I laugh "okay, okay...gotta help me though" I inform him. he smiles before turning me around putting the bandana over my eyes and tying it tightly around my head.

*20 minutes later*

"just a few more steps baby" waide informs me while holding me by the waist and guiding me to our destination. "okay on a count of 3 you can look alright ?...1,.....2,......3 !" he says. I immediately take off the bandana over my eyes and look at my surprised.... and boy was I surprised. as soon as I looked to find what was in front of me I was in aw, complete shock. we were at the park where we first met and in that same exact spot we met he set up a cute little picnic with roses and candles its so sweet and romantic. "oh my god babe, this is amazing I love it" I told him in all honesty. he looked at me with a big smile on his face, body now relaxed in relief. "I'm glad you like it I figured why not go to the place we first met on our year anniversary...only made sense" he told me with a half cheek smile that I adore. we then sat down to start snaking on everything he packed for us it was so cute that he really put a lot of thought into was perfect we just laid there on the blanket talking and laughing for hours.


we just laid there in each others arms in silence staring up at the starry's beautiful... perfect.

"what are you thinking about?" he asks turning his body a little giving me his full attention. "just how amazing you are and how lucky I am and that this is the sweetest , cutest and most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me...its perfect, you're perfect" I tell him truthfully, that was exactly what I was thinking. he is amazing no one has ever done something like this for me and I truly am lucky to have him and call him mine he's me, for me and I love him more then words can explain.

"and to think I still have one more surprise for you" he tells me smirking before grabbing something out of the basket...what is that ? "and what may that be?" I ask him curiously. he smiles before handing me two little strips of paper..."happy anniversary baby girl I love you" he says as I look down at what my present really was. "OH.MY.GOD you didn't eeeee Ptv tickets this is awesome I freaking love you" I tell him excitedly I can not believe he got us tickets to my favorite band...he must have paid a lot for these. "hahaha I knew you'd like that the concert is in a month" he informs me with a smile on his face. this is awesome tonight can't possible get any better and then it hit me..shit ! I forgot his present at my house, I feel awful now "aw babe I forgot your present at my house its still under my bed, mind taking me back so I can give you it ?" I ask him. he looks a bit taken back "you got me a present ? baby girl you didn't have to get me anything" he says to me. I smile "I know but I wanted to and I think you'll like it so shall we go ?" I say before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "we shall" he tells me before bring me back for another kiss... I love when he does that.. I love him. "I love you" I tell him smiling. "I love you more" he tells me before leaning in once more this time kissing me on the forehead. I blush and giggle a bit."my prince charming...come on let's go I can't wait to give you your present I hope you like it" I tell him truthfully. it took me forever to come up with something good to get him. but I think he'll like it, at least I hope so...

(back at Aubrey's house)

"follow me, its in my room under my bed" I tell him. "do I get any hints" he asks. "well its something you've been wanting for awhile now" I smile thinking of his present and the look on his face when I give it to him. "hey where's your mom and sister?" he questions. "oh mom is having a girls weekend get away with grandma and Michelle is over at her friends house for the night" I inform him. " its just you tonight?" he asks "yep" I tell him popping the p "I'm sorry aub baby I know how much you hate being alone" he tells me with sadden eyes. "its fine, I'll be fine. don't worry bout it babe" I reassure him. he knows me all to well though. I really do hate being alone maybe I'll give Kristen a call later when waide leaves and she can come over and we'll have a girls night.

"okay..sit down on the bed and close your eyes" I instruct him excitedly. "will do" he says nonchalantly. as he closes his eyes I get down on my hands and knees in search of his gift under my bed. it didn't take long till I spotted it and dragged it out from underneath. excited for him to see what I got him. "okay....I'm ready, open your eyes" I tell him impatiently. as I asks he did and as soon as his eyes seen what I was holding in my hands his jaw dropped he knows exactly what I'm holding..."Aubrey you didn't... that isn't... how?" he says amazed and I can't help but be very pleased about his reaction, I wasn't expecting nothing less. "it sure is, a costume made tony hawk skateboard signed by him himself and to top it off I got you those light up wheels you been wanting so you can ride at night now" I tell him very proudly of my awesome gift. "this is amazing... you are amazing! I love you baby so damn much thank you" he says to me. I smile widely "happy anniversary babe" I tell him before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him softly on his lips he smiles into the kiss before grabbing my waist and lifting me up and setting me on him he deepens the kiss my hands finding the bottom of his shirt I start to tug, before I know it the words come out "I'm ready" I tell him honestly. he looks me in the eyes in search of something...maybe hesitation I don't know but he doesn't find it. I want this, I want him. "you sure ?" he asks. with no doubt in my hesitation "yes" I reply confident in my choice, its really happening and I couldn't imagine doing it with any other guy. with that said he smiles as he slowly lays me down on my bed his hands exploring my body he stops suddenly, looks me right into my eyes. "you're beautiful" he whispers softly before kissing me from my jawline down to my neck not even meaning to I let out a small moan. feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment I can not believe I just did that but oddly enough I think it turned him on because he then started taking off both our clothing and then pinned me down he just keeps kissing me so passionate and deep I can't help but want more of him... all of him before I know it he's slowly putting himself in me I tense up in pain he realizes this and stops to look at me "I'm you wanna stop am I hurting you I don't want to hurt you I don't mean to" he keep rambling on. I grab his face and kiss him to shut him up "keep going its okay just keep kissing me I'm fine" I reassure him everything is okay. he goes back to kissing me and before I know it he's in me and I can't help but to want him to keep going our bodies move together perfectly and I moan in great pleasure as he thrust me his hands all over my body his lips on mine occasionally traveling down to my neck and chest he goes from being nice and easy and slow to hard and fast and just wow no words can explain the amount of pleasure this is it hurts and then it doesn't and I just want this moment to last forever this feeling to stay...he goes deep one last AMAZING time and it was over we both just lye there breathless and sweaty. that was pretty great I hope we start to do this more because WOW ! he brings me close to him kissing me on the forehead "I love you so much and I know I was your first and now I hope that you'll give me the great honor to one day be your last." he tells me so serious voice and face filled with emotion. I smile feeling my eyes start to water I blink it away...."stay with me tonight..don't leave" I beg him. "getting to hold you in my arms all night and wake up to you in the morning?....I can't pass that up" he says to me smiling widely. "best anniversary ever" I whisper before closing my eyes and falling asleep in his arms

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