chapter 3: manhunt partner

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"ughh Casey I don't know if I'm up for it I don't know your friends. what if they hate me? besides I've had a long stressful day at school I don't feel like playing manhunt maybe next time." I say to my sister trying so hard to convince her to let me stay home "nice try Kristen but its not working you're coming with me and we are going to play manhunt and have fun together stop worrying little sis my friends won't hate you and you having a stressful day at school today is just all the more reason to come with, help you get things off your mind so get up !" dammit she's not budging my ass is going whether I like it or not "fine let's go" I say to my sister a little annoyed that she wouldn't just let me be but whatever. maybe she's right maybe this is what I need. we meet up with Casey's new friends Tyler and Cameron who also brought a girl with. my sister introduces me and I must say they seem nice I'm glad my sister started making friends even if they are boys which I must say are SOO CUTE !!!! Tyler had long black hair that kinda covered his brown eyes a bit giving him a dark mysterious look that's kind of attractive in away and Cameron he has curly hair with an amazing purely white smile they were both good looking in their own ways the girl who they brought with I think Tyler said her name was jasmine she was pretty with shoulder length brown hair and big brown eyes but she seemed a bit rude she didn't try to introduce herself and she just looked at me like she was unimpressed on my appearance. okay so my dirty blonde hair is a little messy and my baggy sweatpants and tank top aren't the most appealing but I wasn't trying to impress no one I was going to sleep that was until my sister dragged me out of my bed, oh my comfy bed I wish I was in it right now. Tyler and Jasmine partnered up and Cameron and Casey decided to team up then it was just me when we realized we were short one player I mentally started happy dancing this was my chance to get out of playing and go back home I was fixing to call it quits and tell them not to worry about it, that I'll just go home until they spotted a tall boy with light brown hair walking and decided to call out to him asking to join I mentally groaned to myself annoyed that I was so close to going home to my bed. then it dawned on me I don't know him he's a complete stranger to me its around 8 O'Clock at night and he was walking in the dark.....that's weird ! I start thinking to myself I don't want to hide with a guy I don't know I've never even seen him around before hell I don't even know his name. lost in my own thoughts I miss every word Tyler was saying until I hear Cameron clap "its settled let's get this game started"....wait, what ?? what did I just miss here ? I look up at my manhunt partner and realise he's really cute he's tall about 2 heads taller then me with light brown hair and really nice brown eyes. I realise I'm gawking at him and hurry to look down at my feet  I instantly feel embarrassed and kinda like a creep i I was totally just checking him out and I think he noticed I mean I was staring at him of course he noticed I mentally slapped myself thinking how big of an idiot I just made myself look "dumbass" my eyes widen shit I just said that out loud kill me now this can't get any worse oh my god how much awkward could this be "umm...I have the perfect place we could hide out at come on lets go if we stand here any longer Tyler or Jasmine will find us" and with that said he takes my hand and we take off running. we finally get to our destination and I'm pretty impressed its a good spot in the corner in the bushes behind the pool area near the pond he gets down and tells me to do the same so I go to sit down slowly until I'm pulled down heart beating rapidly not because I'm scared or worried about being found but because I realise how close we are to each other we stay silent and I go to look up at him to say something, anything only to realise he was already staring down at me and we just sit there so close to each other eying one another not saying a word just staring into each others eyes. I start to wish I brushed my hair and put jeans and a shirt on  before I left the house I know look awful I can only imagine what he thinks of me right now. I suddenly come out of my thoughts when I realise this really cute guy is leaning in closer to me only inches away from my face...."hey let's check over here!" Tyler's voice breaks the silence and separates us making a little distance between the two of us (moment gone) with tylers voice in hearing range I look up not knowing what to do now thinking we're gonna be found I see him lean in again this time he leans in, feeling his breath on my cheek giving me chills, with his mouth next to my ear he whispers slowly in a low deep husky tone...."run." and with that we both take off running but in different directions I loose him and am found by Tyler we then find Cameron and my sister with no luck in finding my manhunt partner I decide to head home with a thousand questions running through my mind walking back I can't help but to think "who was he?" "what was his name?" "why haven't I seen him before...he must live here?" "where did he run off to?" "will I see him again"....I hope I see him again...I need to see him again. getting back home so exhausted I go straight to the room and plop onto my bed replaying everything that happened tonight in my head until sleep takes over and I pass out for the night.

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