chapter 32: good vibes bad decisions (part 1)

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* a few weeks later*
We don't speak of what went on, we are just trying to forget it all.
Nick and I have no idea what Jesse did with the bodies after we left and honestly I don't wanna know as long as it's over with I don't care...
*buzz buzz*
(Text message)
Aubrey: I need you there soon on my way now
I text back quickly and with no hesitation grab my truck keys and head out the door. It's been awhile since I've seen Aubrey or Michelle because we've all been busy but regardless on the amount of time that's gone by if they text me they need me I'm there no questions asked...

(At aubreys)
"Thank God you're here. We've got a problem" Aubrey says rushing me towards the couch to sit. "I got here as fast as I could, what's the problem?" I ask curiously. "It's Michelle...Andrew broke up with her and she refuses to get out of bed, it's been 4 days. I need your help to get her back to herself.." Aubrey explains her voice filled with concern "of course I'll help...aub get ready because we're going out tonight" I tell her with a devious smile appearing upon my face

"Aye beautiful bitch get your ass up and get dressed !! We're going out tonight okay?? I know you're sad and all but you're not going to let a guy keep you locked up in your room's not worth it, he's not worth it and you're better than that !! " I tell Michelle as I ripped the blanket off from her bed...revealing a bunch of used tissues and a broken hearted girl curled up in a ball "he broke up with me through text and shortly after I see a picture posted of him with another girl...kissing on his neck !!" She explained trying to fight back tears. My body filled with rage what a fucking douche nozzle! ! Michelle is a good girl she didn't deserve this at all...."well it sounds like you could use a night out so come on...I promise you it'll be worth it" I try to persuade her.
With her head shoved into her pillow, moving a strand of hair from her face she looks up to me with a glimpse of sadness in her eyes slowly fading......."you promise?"
She asks. "Pinky" I assured her with a soft smile on my lips. She then gives me a hopeful smile and climbs out of goes nothing.. "awesome let's go get you ready" I tell her pushing her out of her room into the bathroom for her to take a much needed shower !

*2 hours later*
"Damn we look hot" Aubrey said as we all stood in front of her tall wide mirror that took up one of her bedroom walls. She wasn't wrong though, we looked really good tonight. "Alright so what's the plan tonight?" Michelle asks. "Yeah what did you have in mind?" Aubrey questioned me...both looking at me curiously. I try and hold back laughter as I think about how lame this is fixing to sound BUT I've got something up my sleeve they just won't find out what that is till later "well ya see I kinda ugh I was thinking maybe monster mini golfing and then grab a bite at steak-n-shake...both of which Michelle loves. Since it's her cheering up night I figured it would be perfect" I explain to them. "Seriously?!" Aubrey asked not at all thrilled "hahahahaha I'm down" Michelle agrees happily. "OK fine" Aubrey says "Alright let's go" I tell them excited for what's to come next !!....

*an hour later*
"I totally kicked yalls asses"
Michelle said as we walk into the steak-n-shake diner she hasn't shut up about winning in monster mini golf since we've left from there I couldn't help but laugh I mean she seemed genuinely happy and proud of her victory win i'd choose to see her like this instead of seeing her cry over some douche bag as for Aubrey well...."you did not kick our asses well not mine Kristen's ass sucks a mini golf so you definitely creamed her but me...I was only 3 points off from you" Aubrey said defensively "HEY !!" I said while laughing about it. Okay so mini golfing not the best thing I'm good at but I'm not horrible I'm not great by any means but I don't suck that bad or maybe I do Oh I don't care it's fucking mini golf for crying out loud "oh you're just a sore loser" Michelle spoke up still smiling at the thought of her win "and Kristen isn't that bad I mean she's not great but she's not awful" Michelle says. I laugh "Thank you !!" I say proudly. "Whatever you're probably just saying that because she's the one that paid for it" Aubrey says. "I'm totally ok with that" I reply back and with that we all began to fill the small diner with laughter... "I'm gonna go use the rest rooms real quick" Michelle says before heading towards the back. Perfect timing too as the waitress comes up "How many ?" She asks with a tiring but joyful smile plastered on her face "5" I tell her quickly trying to ignore the confused look on aubreys face.. "alright, right this way ladies" She says taking the lead to our table "um 5?, I know you suck at math but ugh there's only 3 of us" Aubrey says to me still confused. "I know but ugh I may have invited 2 others..." I reluctantly say. "What do you mean 2 others?...who did you invite?..." She hesitates to ask.
"Well you see here's the thing, nick has a friend name jess and I love nick to death but jess is hot and I don't know I think Michelle and him would hit it off I know she just got broken up with and tonight may not be the best of nights to play match maker but I think meeting him would take her mind off of douche's worth a shot" I say giving her a hopeful please dont shame me smile "as much as I want to be mad at you for this I can't be it's a good idea I just wish I wasn't having to 3rd wheel it tonight" She explains with a frown upon her face... "have you talked to him?" I ask curiously "Yeah earlier today for a little bit but I try not to bug him all day it's just been a long 2 weeks I can't wait for him to just be home again but he's having a good time visiting family" She admits "well that's good that he's enjoying his trip I'm sure he misses you too besides think of the awesome sex you're going to have with him when he gets back" I tell her with amusement in my voice. "Oh my gosh Kristen I KNOW !!" She laughs "speaking of that have you and nick?" She asks with her voice laced with excitement. I clear my throat as I begin to feel awkward and slightly embarrassed about the thought...nick and I haven't had sex yet and I've so badly wanted to it just it hasn't happened. "Why didn't we get a booth?" Michelle chimes in as she sits down in a chair next to mine. Feeling a bit relieved I got out of answering the question about nick and I "oh um we've got company coming to join" Aubrey hints "oh ?...who" She asks curiously "nick and his friend jess" I tell her "well I was really just wanting a girls night considering but nicks cool so I guess him coming to hangout will be alright" She says so nonchalantly about the whole thing. This could actually go well, at least I hope....

*15 minutes later*
"FINALLY!! About damn time yall showed up" I teased as I got up to give nick a hug. Not realizing how much I missed him until now. I reluctantly released myself from his arms. "Aubrey, Michelle this is Jesse. Jesse this is Aubrey and Michelle" I introduced them all. "Hi" Aubrey greeted "hey jesse, nice to meet you" Michelle greets him. "Please call me jess and it's nice to meet you" jess replies as he sticks out his hand for Michelle to shake. A pink tint shade became visible on Michelle's face. She shakes his hand and shyly looks away as he takes a seat next to her. Nick sneaks his hand into mind and intertwines our fingers. I look down at our hands instantly become happy. I look up to him only to see he's already smiling at me. I smile back as he gives my hand a small squeeze, only he can make me feel this way. The waitress comes and we put in our orders. Aub, jess and Michelle are talking truthfully I have no clue about what. I can't concentrate on anything other than mine and aubreys conversation earlier...I mean nick does something to me that I can't explain I can be happy when he's not around but he can show up and I'm happier and feel as if this hole I didn't know was there had just been filled because he's with me it's so weird and hard to explain but I'm a better, happier person with him around I didn't know it was possible to feel so much for a person or when you're with a person until now and I honestly do believe in the saying "my better half" or "my other half" now with nick because it's true he completes me. He is my other better half, I'm a better me with him. ♡ I all of a sudden snap back to reality from a fist bang on the table and "How dare him to do that...what fucking nerve, over text ?! Woow what an asshat. Please don't think of me as creepy when I say this because we did just meet but you're a fucking beautiful girl so in my opinion he's stupid for ending it with you" jess rants. Ah boy Michelle must have began talking about jerk face "awh well thank you jess that really means a lot" She tells him with a genuine smile on her face. "We should get revenge" he tells her. Oh no where is he going with this. Lord Please no more dead bodies !! I look at nick in concern. He just looks at me with a goofy smile very much amused to what's happening. At that I relax at the thought of his revenge...if nick ain't worried it's all good......right ?...


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