chapter 5: the other women

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my dad called me last night to tell me goodnight and before the call ended he asked if I would like to go to dinner with him today I was a bit taken back considering it was random and out of the blue...I couldn't help but think something was up I wasn't sure what but I don't like the feeling I have about this "dinner" with him but I keep that feeling to myself as I get ready to go he should be here soon to come pick me up Casey isn't going she's sick so she's staying home with mom after applying a little makeup my phone starts to ring....its a text from dad be there in ready and outside well okay then. I understand that he's avoiding my mom hell my moms avoiding him so I get why he wants me to be outside to avoid any conflict but this is still hard for me and I hate the feeling of being stuck between this separation it sucks.

I've been outside for 10 minutes now waiting for my dad. I should have known better his 5 minutes aren't 5 minutes its more like 20 my dad is never right on time. I'm getting ready to call him to make sure everything is okay when I see his white Chevy truck pull in....FINALLY !!!!!! I jump into the passenger seat meaning over to the drivers side to give my dad a kiss on the cheek "hi daddy, ready for dinner?" I say with my sweet innocent daddy's girl voice I always have when I'm around him "hey princess, I'm so glad you're able to come to dinner with me tonight I've missed you so much" my dad says to me almost bringing tears to my eyes. this is really hard not seeing him everyday...I miss my dad "I know dad I've really missed you too... so much !!" I say to him trying not to cry. the drive to the restraint was long and silent but a comfortable silence. we finally arrive to one of my favorite buffets in town as soon as we walked in I excused myself to go to the restrooms to wash my hands while my dad paid for us. when I came pack dad already had a plate full of food guess he was too inpatient to wait "I told the waitress to get you Pepsi I hope that's okay" my dad says to me as I reach the table "yeah dad thanks I'm gonna head to the buffet and get a plate I'll be right back"

as we are eating our food making small talk my dads phone starts ringing and so he answers "hey, yes we're here...yep in a booth in the back okay see you soon bye" i raised my eyebrows up in confusion on who that was but before I had time to ask or he could explain a little girl runs up to us and says hi then I look up to who I'm guessing is the mother "hey I'm glad you guys are finally here" huh ?....who is...wait...OH HELL NO !!! is this her the other women ?? oh my gosh no she has a daughter ? wait how old is she...she looks like she could be my sister ?? eww that's gross !!! why dad..why her ?!?! "hi Kristen its nice to meet you I'm jen and this is my daughter" "um...hi" I'm at lost for words I don't know what to say but my emotions are all over the place. I'm disgusted, pissed off, hurt, confused and upset I just want to go home I lost my apatite and I'm trying so hard to stay calm not yell or cry my eyes out...I stay quite and focus on my food for the rest of the time...I can't believe he would do this without giving me any warning first. I just want to go home

the ride home was awkward and silent but thankfully it was quick. as soon as the truck stopped into the drive way I gave my dad a kiss told him I loved him and that I'll see him later, got out shut the door and ran into the house. I was just wanting to get home and lay down but obviously that was a no cus as soon as I walked in and shut the door I was bombarded by my mom with a million questions I know she was just curious I get that but I was to upset and angry to talk about it, I needed time to wrap my head around the situation and I definitely didn't want to tell my mom I met her AND her daughter tonight I didn't want to upset her I know she's still hurting so getting a little aggravated I decided I couldn't deal with this right now and walked out....scratch that I ran I just wanted to get away far, far away as fast as I can with so much going through my mind so much emotions running through me I started jogging then running, sprinting I didn't know where I was going I was just going I wound up finding myself at the park I decided to sit down on the bench to relax, clear my head and cry my eyes out in piece at least that's what I thought, until I heard him...."hey you okay?"

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