chapter 10: flirtationship ?

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the next morning I wake up, still amazed about what happened yesterday...I kissed nick !?! ugh I hope I didn't just ruin things. I don't know where the kiss came from I just I did it I wasn't thinking it just kinda happened. with everything still fresh in my mind I needed some advice so I get dressed and head over to Allie's house.

"hey long time no see" Allie greets me at the door. "Allie !!! hi...I've missed you how've you been?" I ask pulling her into a tight hug "haha I've missed you too Kristen and I've been pretty good..what's new with you?" she asks me, and with that we head towards her room and I tell her everything that happened yesterday with nick and I and jasmine and I. she listens taking it all in nodding and omging when necessary and when I finish she just looks at me wide eyed... "Allie?" I ask..."well say something" I tell her giggling a bit "o m G !! Kristen you actually grew a pair I'm so proud little slut !" ha wow did my friend just call me a slut ?! "wow thanks Allie but I'm far from a slut" I say laughing. then in all seriousness she turns to look up at me "flirtationship" she says to me. what the ? with my eyebrows raised I looked at her confusedly "flirtationship?" I question..." what the heck is that" I ask. she laughs "ya know more then a friendship less then a relationship. I mean it makes sense you guys always act like a couple but you guys aren't. you guys like one another but haven't said it to each other. you guys flirt crossing the friendship line but not really stepping into the relationship area. therefore flirtationship and I mean it fits because let's face it you guys were never just friends there was always something more between you two, you guys just haven't been bold enough to step over into the relationship area're both scared, scared to mess it up and lose one another" she says to me. I look to her all makes sense to me...its a flirtationship but how do I turn it into a relationship ? and then I ask..."how do I turn this flirtationship thing into a relationship" I ask curious to know "that's easy" Allie says "admit your feelings for him" she tells me. hmm.....tell him how I feel? easier said then done I think to myself, this is gonna be hard...I'm scared......

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