chapter 35: celebration..surprise!

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"Wakey, wakey my lovely lady" nick whispers in my ear before kissing my neck slowly with his soft lips Sending chills down my spine. I smile "no, not yet" I tell him, in need of just a few more minutes of sleep. "Don't make me jump on you" he threatens me. I giggle remembering way back when we were just friends and I was the one threatening to jump on him to get him up and with those memories in mind I play in to it "1....2....3!" Nick counts before rolling me over, jumping on top of me pinning me down. My hands above my head as he's got a firm grip on my wrest. This was the perfect opportunity.. "I could get use to this position" I tease with a smirk on my face. He's shocked by my response but that quickly fades as he smiles down at me before lowering his head, his lips to me ear. "So could I" he admits and I blush at the thought but before I give him the chance to notice I grab his face and kiss him soft at first to only distract him as I quickly release for his grip and roll over on to him "ah trading places hmm? I don't mind that" nick says. "Clearly" I begin to laugh he then realizes why as I feel his well...excitement I should say. He sits up quickly scooting me off of him, he kisses me lightly "come on i made you breakfast" he tells me. Getting up and exiting the bedroom, I smile for many reasons 1 being I was able to get nick so easily turned on and that made me happy because thst means he wants it just as bad as I do so that means he'll give in to me sooner rather than later 2 from what I felt...I like a lot and 3 he made me breakfast ♡ with those thoughts in mind I get up out of bed and head to the kitchen mmm I already smell the bacon "it smells amazing" I tell him inhaling the delicious senses that overwelm the kitchen and my nose..."well thank you, I made some of your favorites" he informs me "French toast with fresh strawberries powdered sugar whipped cream and srawberry syrup sauce, scrambled eggs with sausage and bacon cooked to crisp" he listed to me "oh and I put on a pot of coffee but I also bought you orange juice and chocolate milk because I know you love all 3 and it just depends on what you're in the mood to drink with your breakfast that morning" he tells me "awe baby, you remember all that? I love you, thank you so much this is perfect and I'll take a glass of orange juice please" I say to him with a smile "of course I did, I love you so much more beautiful and sure thing..see I'm glad I remembered" he'd I get so lucky again?! "Oh I almost forgot call your mom" he tells me. OH MY GOSH MY MOM! I totally forgot to text her I wasn't coming home. Nick sees the look on my face and begins to laugh "no worries babe, I called her on your phone last night when you fell asleep on me last night, I explained to her what happened that you fell asleep while we were watching dear john the movie that you picked! Yeah thanks for that by the way I've seen it over a 100 times because you always make me watch it with you anyways I told her I didn't want to wake you but thst you were safe and that you'll give her a call when you get up" he explains to me. I begin to laugh "well first Thank you for doing that and second stop complaining dear John is a great movie" I tell him in defense before finishing my breakfast and getting up to find my phone "on the nightstand by the bed" nick informs me. "Thank you" I tell him laughing a little.
Getting my phone I quickly unlock my screen checking for any texts or missed calls...nothing. So with that I give my mom a call

"Hello" my mom answers the phone
"Hey mom, it's me. I'm so sorry about last night I fell asleep" I apologize.
"Hahahahaha it's okay sweetie, nick called me last night. I trust you besides nick sounded very annoyed you talked him in to watching dear john again and you ended up asleep during it instead...poor guy" my mom tells me. I laugh "hey, its not like I was planning on doing that. it just happened I was tired and comfy hahaha"
I explain to her.
"Hey sweetie, did you ever hear back from.." my mom begins to trail off. Knowing where she was going with that question I stop her mid sentence.
"No mom, not yet anyways..." I admit kind of sadly.
"Awe honey, don't be upset..I know your father...he will call you just give it time he's probably just busy but he will call you" She reassures me. "Yeah busy alright...with his other new family" I think to my self
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks mom" I say.
"I love you Kristen, have a good day and I will see you and nick later okay?" My mom tells me.
"Alright, I love you too" I tell her before ending the call..."wait did she just say you and nick?" I question myself out loud..hmmm???

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