chapter 12: happy 1 year best friend

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"hey, hey, hey best friend happy 1 year of friendship" I say greeting nick with a big smile on my face as he opens up the door to let me in. he doesn't let me get in all the way before he brings me in to a big hug. love the feeling of being in his arms I hug him back instantly not wanting to ever let go but just as fast as it came it ended and he pulls away only to look down at me with a huge goofy grin on his face...damn I love his smile ! "happy 1 year of friendship my beautiful best friend..I love you butthead" he says to me before he leans down and kisses my forehead gently. sending shivers down my spine loving the feeling of his lips on my skin I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him again...tight. he simply chuckles into my ear a bit amused about action "I love you nick" I tell him and meaning it too...I do...I love nick !! oh my god I love him..

"so what do you have planned for us today?" I ask nick. trying to push that thought and those feelings away...for right now.

"well gorgeous if you must know I thought we could chill here. I make us a nice dinner and we have a movie marathon night and eat junk food till we puke." he tells me, I laugh, only nick...I love his idea though, he knows me all too well. this is perfect ! "sounds great...perfect idea thought by my perfect best friend" I tell him laughing a bit. he's got such a big ego already I don't know why I just fed him such a complement, I know it'll go to his head and he'll be so cocky about it...but hey that's my best cocky big ego best friend and I wouldn't trade him up for anything cus I'll never admit it but in my eyes he truly is prefect, he's perfectly imperfect for me...I know cheesy and very cliché right ? oh well. 

"hey good lookin whatchya got cookin" I try to say in all seriousness but wound up giggling anyways. "smells amazing, my best friend sure knows how to cook." I tell him as I walk into the kitchen to see what it is he's making for us.

"mmmm yummy chicken Alfredo" I say in delight. it smells so good my nostrils can't get enough of its delicious scent and my mouth was watering in need and of desperate want for the amazing food that is cooking right in front of my eyes...oh the torture having to wait "yepperz, your favorite" he says to me with out making eye contact, too distracted and into cooking the food to do so. I find it oddly attractive seeing him in the kitchen like this...its kinda sexy..... hold up wait sexy ? no no no kristen STOP !!! you can't think of him like that he's your best friend, not boyfriend "oh but how I want him to be" fuck !! my eyes widen as soon as I realize i just said that out loud,dammit.... "huh?" nick says looking over at me with confusion written all over his face....what do I say...think Kristen... THINK !!! I start to panic "uh what? I just said...oh how I can't wait to eat" I blurt out trying not to sound as panicked as I was, I mentally slap myself. wow I'm such a dumb ass...I really need to stop thinking out loud its really gonna get me into trouble one day. "oh hahaha well you won't have to wait much longer its done go sit down while I make us both a plate" he tells me sweetly. yes he bought it !...nice save !!!

*after dinner*

"thanks for dinner. it was great !" I tell nick as I help him clean up. "aw anything for my gorgeous best friend" he replies back, founding a bit flirty if you ask me but hey maybe its just my mind wishing... hoping he is, yeah that's probably it he's not flirting with me I want him to be but he's not. I'm just his best friend...always have been. "so what kinda movie marathon are we gonna have tonight?" I ask nick a bit curious. he looks up at me finally done with washing dishes. "well I know how much you love scary movies..soo I was thinking your favorite....Michael myers Halloween marathon" he tells me smirking a bit..god his smirk is so cute, he's just so cute. STOP KRISTEN !! "oh my gosh yes....let's do it !!" I say excitedly. I absolutely love scary movies, especially Michael myers...I mean the dude never dies...he's a total bad ass and if I ever got murdered I'd only hope it was by the man himself Michael myers is a legend and I'd be honored to get murdered by that weird ?

"okay so let's get this movie night started" I tell him while plopping onto the couch getting comfy. "alrighty...but first things first, let's get the junk food ready" he tells me with a smirk on his face "I got popcorn, oreos, twizzlers, sour patch kids and Ben and Jerry's cheese cake brownie ice cream....all your favorites" he says now grinning as if so pleased that he knew all the right things to get. its so cute seeing him like this and all because he got everything I like for our movie night. I must say he did good he really does know me and what I like and don't like and I love it, he's seriously the best ! "you're amazing nick" I complement him. smiling like an idiot he replies "tell me something I don't know sweetie"....well that's easy..I love you and no not just as a friend more nick, I'm in love with you "umm you're burning the popcorn" I giggle as I start to smell the popcorn burning "oh shit" he yells as he jumps up and rushes to the microwave. "okay I didn't know that but the popcorn is safe !" he says as he chuckles a bit while coming to sit back down next to me on the couch hanging me the big bowl of buttered popcorn "yay I'm a hero" I say...we both start to laugh "you're such a weirdo" he tells me in between laughing "yes I am and you love me for it" I say teasingly "yes I do you're my weirdo and I love you" he replies kissing the tip of my noise. I can't help but to blush at the sweet words and adorable gesture...god he's perfect. 

*hours later*

we're in the middle of the 5th Michael myers Halloween movie when nicks phone starts going off. its the tenth time its gone off in the last 15 minutes...I can't help but be curious to who is calling and texting him and why he isn't answering the person. "who's so desperate for your attention?" I ask teasingly. he looks at me a bit annoyed "jasmine." he tells me. oh well now I can't help but want to laugh for one I just called her desperate not even knowing it was her, two he's not answering to her and three he seems to be getting aggravated towards her. "oh" I reply "well why aren't you answering?" I ask being a bit noisy but hey I can't help it....I'm curious "because she wanted to hangout today and I told her that today was our one year of friendship and I was planning to hangout with you all day just you and me and she got really pissed off and said some things and I told her to hop of my dick and stop being such a possessive jealous bitch" he explains to me. "oh my gosh nick" I giggle a bit "you didn't" I start to laugh. he then laughs with me "I did" he tells me "well thank you for planning this out for us...just us and thank you for always being here for me when I need someone you've seen me at my worst and best you know things I've never told anybody else I can trust you with everything and I do so thank you nick thank you so much for being the bestest friend a girl could ask for I love you...happy 1 year of friendship" I say as I jump onto him and give him the biggest hug ever "your the best...thanks for putting up with my ass for a year you've really made this year great" I tell him looking into his eyes smiling. he doesn't respond instead he cups my cheek with his hand and starts to lean in....finally !!! we're alone which means no interruptions its gonna happen..he's gonna kiss me...we're gonna kiss ! I close my eyes and start to lean in slowly... *knock knock knock*

I jump up in surprise. "dammit" nick mumbles under his breath. yeah I dammit is right....we were so close !! nick gets up to go see who it is at the door. of course why am I not surprised.....its Jasmine ughh I roll my eyes "every freakin time" I whisper annoyed that she's here...did she not get the hint ?! "what are you doing here jasmine ?" nick asks a bit disappointed to see it was her standing there. "you weren't answering my calls or text...I was worried about you" she says to nick "yeah well I'm fine you knew I was hanging with Kristen today" he tells her sounding frustrated with her "oh was that today?" jasmine asks trying to pretend she forgot and play dumb....ugh can I please just punch her ?! "well it is so I'll call you sometime tomorrow okay ?...have a good night jasmine" he says before going to close the door "wow really nick ?! fine whatever" jasmine replies before the door shuts all the way. well now what?....I guess we're just gonna pretend that we weren't just about to kiss and act as if everything is normal...until next time..if there is a next time, boy do I hope there will be a next time.

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