chapter 25: it happened

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(Aubrey's POV)

I woke up with a smile on my face remembering what went on last body was a bit sore but nothing major. "good morning my love" waide's husky sleepy voice breaks my thoughts I then look down and smile even wider "good morning baby" I tell him. with that said he jumps up on top of me and kisses me so sweetly on my lips. we both smile into the kiss he pulls away and sighs "you're beautiful and this last night right now it was perfect and I can only hope one day I can wake up with you every morning I love you so much baby girl" he tells me so truthfully as he looks me in the eyes. damn I love this much ! "what time is it" I ask him. "10:40" he tells me. I frown a little knowing whats to come. "hey baby, no need to be sad alright I'll see you tomorrow and I'll call you after work okay ? I love you." he tells me. "okay. I love you" I tell him before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.


(Kristen's POV)

I woke up to 3 missed calls from Aubrey and 4 texts from her and 1 from nick. "damn" I say out loud to myself I'm such a light sleeper how did I sleep through all that ?...without even opening any of the texts I call Aubrey back immediately in just two rings she picks up "finally !, hello bitch who doesn't want to answer her damn phone when I call and text her how the heck have you been ? glad to know you're not dead" Aubrey rants as she answered the phone. I laugh "hi sorry...I'm alive though so what's up ?" I ask her. "nothing I was just curious to know what your bitch ass was up to today and was wanting to see if you wanted to hangout with your cuzo" she asks me. its been too long since we've hung out and truthfully I've missed her so much it has been weird not seeing her as much lately. "ah yes girls day...its been too damn long let's do it!" I say in excitement "oh thank god yay awesome, I'm excited because I swear I've been having cuzo withdrawals I've missed you so much." she tells me. "I know right but we'll be reunited today in about an hour let me just get dressed and I'll head that way" I inform her. "awesome... see you then" she replies and with that said we hang up. before getting up and ready I decided to read all the texts I got while I was asleep.

Aubrey cuzo: ayyeeeeeeee bitch what are you doing today... girls day ?

Aubrey cuzo: hey whore I called you like 3 times wtf ?!?! call me ASAP my bitch ! xoxo

Aubrey cuzo: omg !! CUZO !!!! you little bitch stop sucking dick and answer your you slut :*

Aubrey cuzo: bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.....BITCH !!! call me dammit Lol miss you </3 :( please call me or text...something !... let's hangout

I can't help but laugh at her text yep that's Aubrey, my cuzo, my best friend and I wouldn't trade her for the world I love this girl to death she my ride or die, partner in other half and I've missed her like crazy and I am BEYOND excited to see her today !!

my baby<3: good morning to my beautiful girlfriend and love of my life... sleep well? I love you so so so much baby girl ! :* I hope you have a good day <3 I'll call you later after work my love and I'll see you tomorrow ((:

I smile reading Nick's text...I love him he still surprises me with butterflies every time I get a text he truly is the best and I don't know how I became so lucky to win him over but I'm very thankful I did...he's all mine. I decided to text him back quickly before getting dressed.

me: awe (: you still know how to make me smile baby I love you so damn much babe have a good day at work call me when you can...can't wait to see you tomorrow :* <3

.....and send ! "time to get dressed" I tell myself out loud.

*Aubrey's house*

"eeeeeee CUZO !!!!!!" Aubrey squeals in excitement when she answers the door "ahhh my boo oh how I've missed you" I tell her before bringing her into a HUGE hug !! "I've missed you best friend !" she tells me as we pull apart from our long and much needed hug. we both smile at each other, though I notice something different with her...there's a look in her eyes, a glow in her smile I smile widely knowing something happened and she's fixing to tell me about it sometime today. 

"come in sit down, tell me how you and nick are doing catch me up on everything." she tells me so overly happy...yep she has something to tell me. I laugh. "we're good...really good actually everything is great." I tell her truthfully. "that's good I'm so happy for you." she tells me with a smile on her face. "thanks aub how about you what's are you and waide?" I question. she then looks at me with a sly smile. I then gasp knowing what that smile is all about. she laughs knowing I just figured it out. "ahhh it happened didn't it ?! omg it happened...did it happen?? oh who am I kidding it SOO happened" I ramble on. Aubrey begins to laugh. then in all seriousness she looks at me with a smile on her face " happened" she confesses and with that said I bring her into a hug "ah I knew it congrats tell me everything how was it did it hurt omg I'm so happy for you I know you and waide are in love and it was bound to happen soon enough." I say with a smile. she then begins to recap the night and I sit there listening to everything she tells me while putting in "ooh" and "get it" and "damn that's hot" all in the right times. when she finishes telling me everything I can't help but be in awe "how hurt?" I ask her. "eh kinda but nothing major it was worth the little bit of pain" she tells me in all honesty. I can't help but to think and wonder what its gonna be like for me when I lose my virginity I know I'll lose it to nick that's a given but when I have no clue I'm in no rush and he's not pressuring me at all which I'm so thankful for we both know we're gonna be together for a very long time so there's no need to rush. nick says I'm the girl he's gonna marry and truthfully I can see myself marrying him one day, crazy I know but I don't care I love nick with all my heart and I want to one day call him mine forever....

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