chapter 33: good vibes bad decisions (part 2)

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"What do you mean exactly?" Michelle asks. "I mean we should do something to him for doing what he did to you" jess explains. "Like what?" Michelle questions. "You know where his house is right?" Jess asks. "Well yeah? Why..." Michelle asks worriedly. "Well great who's up for a little prank" he hints out. "What kind of prank you got in mind" nick asks. "I was thinking about the good old fashion egging house prank" jess tells us all. Nick begins to laugh. "Oh what a classic, haven't done that one in awhile!" Nick stated. I roll my eyes of course my bad boy has egged a house before. "Oh my God !! Yessss let's do it. I've always wanted to but never have...but it's on my bucket list I'm so down" Aubrey chimes in with excitement in her voice. I begin to laugh. "Well i'm in" I agree. I mean it's completely stupid but I've kinda always wondered what it was like to do something like that and as reckless as it may be I know with nick I'm safe...
"Oh what the hell, why not...let's do this!!" Michelle finally agrees. So for the next 30 minutes or so as we eat our food and drink our shakes we discuss the game plan and how it all should play out. As we're talking about it i start to get nervous on the thought we could get caught. "We've got to be silent and fast is the 2 most important things to remember" jess says. "Who's ready?" He asks. We all look at one another in reassurance and with that we all agree it's time to head out and get revenge for Michelle. Here goes nothing.......

"Ahahahahahaha I got hard core stared at in the check out line, I guess buying 3 dozen boxes of eggs looks kinda funny" jess tells us as he's getting back into the truck. We decided to take my truck because it's more roomy so we dropped nicks car off at his place then went to the grocery store to get the eggs. Jess offered to pay for them since it was his idea and figured it was best for him to go in to the store alone and get them hisself that way it didn't look too suspicious with a whole group of teenagers buying a bunch of eggs. That just has trouble written all over.
"So we all set?" I ask "yep" jess tells me and with that said we head off to Andrews house....

"Alright, you ready michelle? You get the first throw" jess tells her. "Yeah, I'm ready" Michelle says. As we're pulling up to his house. "Hey his car isn't here, he must not be home" Aubrey points out. "Even better" nick says. "We still need to be quiet and quick about it tho" I tell them. "Let's do it" Michelle says. With that said I put my truck in Park we all get out, eggs ready to throw. Michelle aims and fires an egg to his window and with that we all begin to launch eggs towards his house. When all of a sudden nick whistles we look in his direction "shit, headlights" jess calls out. "Abort mission" I yell rushing towards my truck we all get in fast and I put my peddle to the metal and haul ass out of there. "What a rush" Aubrey says. "That was fun" Michelle admits as we are all laughing. "Aye you grabbed the carton of eggs right?" Nick asked. "Oh fuck" jess says. "Dammit dude that has all our finger prints on it" nick explains. Now I'm panicked Oh shit...we're going to get caught "shit we need to go back" Michelle explains. "I don't want to go to jail for something as stupid as this" Aubrey freaks. Nick and jess both begin to fill the truck up with laughter. "Relax, they're all right here" jess explains holding a bag full of the egg cartons "oh thank god" Aubrey says in relief. "Not even funny nick" I tell him. I can't believe I fell for that... "you two are assholes" Michelle says as she's laughing her butt off in the back seat. Nick looks over at me "oh come on babe, it was funny. Your face was priceless" he says. "Yeah whatever" I say trying to give him the cold shoulder "I love you" he tells me. "Fuck you" I tell him back. "Okay" he responds so serious that I had to look over to try and read his expression. For a minute I thought I just made him mad by saying that to him but He looks at me and winks and then he begins to move closer his hand on my thigh moving up slowly to you know where. I'm trying so hard to stay focused on the road now but it's a little tough with him doing what he's doing..what is he doing to me right now ?! I begin to question his actions this is definitely a side of him I haven't seen much of but I like it a lot ! his mouth now closer to my ear he whispers "but just know after, I'll have to fuck you harder" I gulp at the thought of what he just told me he kisses my neck softly before moving back over to where he was sitting Oh my Lanta this boy has me thinking crazy hot 50 shades of grey actions in my mind right now please God forgive me for the things I'm thinking of and the actions that will soon follow....
"Well Michelle I hope this helped" jess said to her. "Actually it did thank you all for helping me cheer up and thank you jess for the sweet owe you one" Michelle explains then before you know it she reaches over and kiss's him on the cheek..."Oh damn" Aubrey says "get it jess" nick comments we all begin to laugh...tonight went well

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