chapter 18: explanations and confessions

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"Kristen, what the hell....wake up !!!" Aubrey yells as she assaults the bedroom door. ugh I dont wanna get up. not right now. *BANG BANG BANG!!!!!* and its obvious she's not going to stop any time soon. "okay aub, I'm up just give me a minute !" I tell her as I get out of bed a bit frustrated she woke me...she knows I like my sleep ! I unlock the bedroom door, forgetting I locked of last night I swung the door open kinda annoyed..."WHAT ?!?!" I yell angrily. "finally you're a wa..." she stops mid sentence, eyes now wide."what the hell Kristen !! did you really fuck a guy in my damn room on MY fuckin bed ?!?!" she yells at me clearly angry, annoyed and disgusted. I stand there confused...what is she talking about ?? I didn't lose my v card last night. I wasn't super drunk hell I wasn't even drunk, I was just buzzed and sadly I remember everything that happened last night though I really wish I didn't. but one thing is for sure i definitely didn't have sex. I'm curious to know what gave Aubrey that crazy thought she knows me better then that I wouldn't lose my v card with a guy I'm not even dating and I definitely wouldn't do it in her bed, that's not only gross but disrespectful ! "hold on a damn minute.what are you talking about ? I didn't have sex in you room on your bed or at all for that matter...what made you think that crazy thought ?!" I question her a bit mad and kinda hurt she would think that.

"oh really ?....your neck says otherwise miss thang" she replies back. huh ? confusion clearly on my face she grabs my hand and drags me to the bathroom...."look" she says simply, pointing to the mirror. I do as she says and look. my eyes widen. oh my.....I totally forgot...dammit Brandon !! "shit..okay I know this looks bad but its just a hickey I didn't sleep with him." I tell her truthfully. "oh so he just gave you a hickey and he went home, is that it?" she asks me a bit rudely. "yes and no" I tell her honestly. she stares at me with a confused look on her face....time to explain... and confess. "let's go sit on the couch and I'll tell you everything." I say to her as I lead her to the living room and take a seat onto the couch."okay. explain" Aubrey says to me while taking a seat on the couch. and that's exactly what I do. I recap the whole night from when Brandon and I started taking shots up to when we started making out I explain what happened while i was kissing Brandon and how I called him nick then ran off and locked myself into her bedroom to cry myself to sleep I also confessed to her that I still love nick and I miss her. when I was done explaining and confessing to Aubrey. she came over and hugged me. " oh my gosh Kristen that's crazy!, I'm so sorry boo" she says to me sadness in her voice. I start getting teary eyed, recapping the night and confessing to her just makes it all real....I'm not over nick yet. "its okay I understand why you thought I slept with Brandon and if I was you I would've acted the same way if I thought you had sex in my bed but hey enough about me and my night and what I did and didn't do...what about you hmm I seen you all over waide last night what happened after I called it a night....did you lose your innocence?" I question her teasingly as I give her a wink with a smirk on my face. "well actually if you must know" she starts but stops as we here a bedroom door being opened. out walks Amanda and eddy doing what I like to call the walk of shame. me and Aubrey look at each other and start to bust out laughing we look back to the both of them "so how was yalls night" Aubrey and I both ask at the same time smirking at them. they so hooked up last night "get a little too cozy did we" I say teasingly. Aubrey and I start to giggle and Amanda glares at us. telling us to silently shut up...if looks could kill me and aub would be corps right now but we continue to laugh a little longer. "actually we just cuddled" Amanda snaps obviously annoyed and probably embarrassed. I start to feel bad so I don't push the topic any further, Aubrey on the other hand she looked at eddy then back to Amanda "that's not what Eddy's neck tells" she replies back...that was it I start laughing again.......BUSTED !!! eddy just smiles shyly not knowing whether to admit or deny. "ughh god" Amanda says covering her face. she is clearly regretful about what she did... but eddy being the good sweet guy he is saves her "we made out a bit and she gave me a hickey but that's it" he informs us. though his face has more to tell but he's not saying...he's being respectful, he knows Amanda regrets it and I think he feels bad honestly I feel bad for him....I know he has feelings for her, he may not admit it but you can tell. Amanda thankfully smiles at him appreciating his help. "hey...where's Michelle and drew" I ask. realizing they are gone. everyone nods their heads no...that's odd....did they ever come back from their walk ? god I hope they're okay !! I start to worry a bit. as if on cue the front door opens but I frown seeing its just Aubrey's boyfriend waide but then I smile again realizing what he is carting in his hands "hey baby girl I'm back" he says to aub before giving her a quick kiss on the lips...awwww !!! "hey you guys. I figured you guys would be hungry when you all got up so I went and got us some donuts from dunkin donuts and ice coffees too considering you can't eat donuts without coffee I mean that's just not even right" he explains. we all laugh. that's so sweet of him to do that I start to like him more and more, he's good for Aubrey and makes her happy and you can tell she makes him happy too...they are just so cute !! "thanks babe" aub says taking her coffee and stealing a kiss from waide's lips. "yeah thank you" I tell him greatly appreciated. I take my ice coffee and look to see what donuts he had gotten for all of us. I smile excitedly when I see two of my favorite donuts...chocolate glazed I hurry and steal them both......yummmmmmm, he not only has good taste in girls but donuts too !! "I've tried calling drew but no answer" eddy informs us. "yeah and I texted Michelle but haven't gotten a reply" Aubrey adds. "I'm a bit worried they went on a walk last night but I don't know if they ever made it home" I tell them

*30 minutes later*

"hey Michelle just texts me, she said be home in 20" Aubrey says with relief. "oh thank god...did she say where she was ?" I question. "nope" aub tells me popping the P. "well I guess we'll find out then" I tell her.

Michelle and drew finally show up.

and I can't help but to start asking questions, apparently Aubrey felt the same way. "where the hell have you guys been ?!?" me and aub both ask at once. "chill out, we were at Drew's house" Michelle answers. "yeah well you could have told one of us...we were worried" Aubrey tells her sister. you can tell Aubrey is a little mad with Michelle right now but honestly I don't blame her, I would be too if that was my sister. "why'd you go over to Drew's house?" I ask curious. if they wanted to have sex they could have done it in Michelle's why go to Drew's place? "well we had a bit of a fight last night and we decided to go for a walk and talk it out which we did and we got back to the house happy we worked things out we went to go into my room when we realized it was occupied. so we decided to go to his place to ya know....make up" she tells us smirking. of course we knew exactly what she meant by that. "oh well that makes sense." I say. "yeah but you still should have called or left a note or something" Aubrey says sounding upset with her sister. Michelle notices this too "I'm sorry aub your right I should have, I wasn't thinking but it won't happen again I'm really sorry" Michelle apologizes to Aubrey. "its okay" Aubrey excepts her apologize with a hug. "soo...." Michelle starts to say "round 2 tonight?" she asks Aubrey and I look at one another before smiling.....

"HELL YEAH !!!!" we both say together.

round 2 bitches !!!.....let's do it (;

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