chapter 30: got aim ?

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(Nick's POV)

" kristy Baby, I don't want you to be apart of this because god forbid something bad happens to you. I just, I don't want that. This is my fight not yours" I explain to Kristen, Well try to at least... "NO ! I won't let you do this alone. Besides it became my fight too when everything went down at the beach. we're in this together, now what do we have to do ?" She says to me, I smile slightly at her words "you are so stubborn you know that?" I state to her. "For better or for worse right?" She says to me smiling that amazing smile of hers that I just love so much. ❤ "babe!" Kristen waves her hands in front of me trying to get my attention "hmm,yeah ?" I answer to her. "You totally spaced out on me, focus...what's the plan ?" She asks me. Plan what's the plan ? Honestly I haven't came up with one yet...." I don't know yet.." I say truthfully we need to come up with a plan.....

(Kristen's POV)

As worried as I was I wasn't going to let him deal with this alone we were in this together, through thick in thin... "Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Nick asks me. I smile proudly "actually I do, my daddy taught me how to shoot at a young age, though I'll be honest its been awhile since I've shot one" I tell him truthfully, I've always loved guns and loved to shoot at targets ever since I was 12, as I got older it was a great way to relieve my stress and it was a way my daddy and I bounded and not to brag or anything but i became really good at it it's been about a year since I went out to a gun range and did some target practice and all though, but shooting guns is kinda like riding a bike once you learn how it always sticks with you even after you stop... "Well are you any good?" Nick asked me. Once again a smile appears on my face thinking back to when I used to go shoot guns every weekend with my dad yeah, I'm pretty good. "Yeah I'm not too bad at it" I tell him happily. "Well I guess we'll have to go test out your skills then" he tells me getting out two hand guns and some ammo, wait.... Now ?? I question to myself trying not to get too excited especially under the circumstances to why he's even asking me how well I can shoot a gun as I began thinking about the reasons behind it all I start to get this sick feeling in my stomach, this is all so real right now our lives are on the line here and to save mine I might have to end someone else's even with it being self defense it's still an awful thought and an even more awful experience having to go through lord please help us.........

* 1 hour later *
(At the gun range)
We arrive at an outdoor gun range the one my dad always took me to actually, so I get out of the truck pretty pumped and excited and just ready to go ! "Alright, time to see what my girl is made of" Nick says as he gets out of the truck with both guns and the bullets. I smile lightly at the words *my girl* "ahhh that's me" I think to myself, I will never get tired of hearing him call me that...I absolutely love it ! "Let's do this" I tell him as we walk towards the entrance "Kristen is that you ?, long time no see honey how are you ?" A familiar voice says catching my attention "oh my goodness, hi miss Helen I know it has been awhile. I've been pretty well how are you doing ?" I ask miss Helen who is the owner of the gun range me and her became really close as I became a regular here. She's watched me grow and has seen what I can do with a gun. She's the one who got me into gun competitions, which I have a few trophies for. "I've been well, how's your father and this good looking young man ?" She asks gesturing towards nick. "He's doing alright and Helen I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend nick, nick this is Helen she owns and runs the gun range" I say "well Helen it's very nice to meet you" nick says politely "and it's very nice to meetbyou nick, Kristen here is like family so treat her well. After all I own a lot of guns" Helen jokes we all laugh "I'll keep that mind, but no worries helen because Kristen here is the best thing to have ever came into my life and I would never do anything to lose her. I love her more then anything in this world" nick admits getting all feely making me blush "awe well how sweet are you, but I ain't worried...I've seen Kristen shoot again. You ought to be the one worried" Helen jokes again. I giggle slightly at her comment "she's that good hmm? Well I think it's time for me to see for myself" nick says smiling down at me. "Oh yes she's that good let's get y'all set up and signed in so you can see what your girlfriend can do but because I know Kristen no charge needed its on me....on one condition, Kristen you need to stop being a stranger and come see me more often, you too nick. You seem like a good guy and I'd like to get to know you better" Helen explains "awe thanks miss Helen and I will" I tell her thankfully. "Yes, thank you and I will definitely make sure we come here more" nick reasures her. "Good, I love you kids" she tells us. I smile "we love you too" I respond. Helen is such an amazing women, I really have missed her !

*20 minutes later*
"Alright y'all are all set" Helen informs us...."wait a second babe, is that you?" Nick stops in front of a picture hung up on the wall. "Oh wow, this picture brings back memories" I look over my shoulder to see Helen smiling proudly at me. "Doesn't it, look how much you've grown. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. you were so nervous with it being your first time competing and you ended up taking 2 place. You're daddy was so proud" she says thinking back to the day. I smile "well let's go see if I still got aim" I tell em while walking out the door with confidence heading towards the outside course.

*few minutes*
(All set up)
Finally done getting set up nick decides to go first to and I quote "show me how its done" HA PLEEEASE ! I try not to laugh as he's only trying to empress me. he goes and takes aim and with no seconds wasted he fires at one then the others "HIT...HIT...MISS..MISS...HIT" Helen calls out as he goes through the course...he didn't do too awful 3 out of 5 ain't bad but considering the next time will be with other guys who also have guns yeah he'll need some more practice... "Good job nick. You just barely missed the two targets you've got a decent aim" Helen tried to reassure him as he smiled softly I could tell he was beating his self up about it "I'll need a little more work but thank you Helen" nick says politely I go up and kiss his lips and give him a comforting look. It'll all be okay "you didn't do too bad baby, cheer up" I tell him kissing him once more before loading my gun up and getting ready to do the mini course my self "you got this Kristen" Helen encourages me. I step up and get ready to take aim my heart beating rapidly out of my chest..."I shouldn't be as nervous as I am, its just target practice" I think to my self as my knees begin to get weak and my palms begin to sweat "Kristen baby, you don't have to do this" nick informs me. I know he's not talking about target practice, he's talking about the plan but I won't let him do this alone as much as he wishes I would for the wellbeing of my safety I could careless I'd rather take a bullet for him then have to live with out him if he rides I ride if he dies I die I look back at him all nerves gone "my ride or die" I tell him quietly he smiles shaking his head "you're my ride or die" he whispers back.. With that said I'm ready "okay Helen, let's do this" I tell her. Once again taking aim at my target slowing in hailing and holding it *pow* I fire then quickly firing at the rest of the targets "HIT.. HIT..HIT..HIT..HIT" Helen calls out I exhale proudly and much more relaxed "you still got it Kristen,way to go" Helen proudly tells me I smile at her words "thank you Helen" I turn around to see nicks face in complete amazement over what I had just done "dang babe that was awesome you really do got aim...maybe you ought to teach me.." Nick says I laugh slightly "woow bro you're own girl can out shoot's a sad sad day" Jesse jokes "shut up" nick pushes him lightly. "Jesse you're here... Glad you could make it..nick inform you with the plan ?" I ask "yes I almost couldn't get away and yeah he did...I'm ready !......nice aim by the way Kristen you're one bad ass chick, nick better not fuck around with you" jesse says as we begin to laugh. "Well come on let's keep practicing" Jesse says eagerly. We begin to practice for a few more hours before we eventually called it quits for the day

(back at nicks)
Exhausted from our day at the gun range we literally get back to nicks and lay down on his bed all cuddled up and warm "you worried babe" I ask him. "Yes, for many reasons" nick says honestly "but I know with you by my side and your amazing aim it'll all be fine" he adds. I giggle "I love you" I tell him before dozing off into a deep sleep.....

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