chapter 13: big news

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*two weeks later*

"nick stop, too high !" I scream and laugh trying to make nick stop and slow down. its this reason exactly, why I don't let him push me on the swing at the park...he goes a little too high for my liking. "oh Kristen don't be such a girl" nick says laughing. ugh should I be a little offended by that comment...does he not think of me as a girl or something because last time I checked I have a vagina not a penis ! "um last time I checked nick I am a girl" I reply back a little offensively "haha that's right you have tits and a vag...oops" he says..."you're an ass nick!" I tell him appalled at his comment "yes but you still love me" he says teasingly while having his signature smirk plastered onto his face. damn he's too cute sometimes "yes but why do I love you I have no clue" I tell him jokingly with a smirk on my own face. he looks to me in all seriousness " yeah Kristen I have no clue why you love me either...but I'm glad you do" he tells me so sweetly while looking into my eyes. the look in his eyes was the look of adoration, love and compassion as if trying to tell me something without actually saying it was real...this, us its real. "Kristen there you are" Casey's voice breaks the silence and our eye contact...wait Casey? "Casey?...what are you doing here?" I question getting off the swing and walking towards her. "mom wants you, us she says she needs to talk to us about something...its apparently big news and something important cus she wanted me to come find you and bring you home" huh ? I wonder what my mom needs to talk to us about... "alright then...see you later nick?" I say turning to him, giving him a hug. "okay see ya later you best friend" he says to me before kissing my forehead gently "love you friend" I reply before turning my back to him "any clue what she want to talk to us about?" I ask Casey "nope, all she said was its big and exciting news" Casey tells me. "hmm okay then let's go find out what the big, exciting news is" I say to her as we head home.

*just getting home*

"hey mom" I yell. "we're home" Casey yells right after. "yeah obviously Casey...she just heard my voice she knows we're home" I laugh "oh whatever Kristen" she says laughing a bit herself. "hey girls..come sit down on the couch I have some news to tell you." moms voice chimes in through the hallway...she sounds serious..what's going on ? "okay mom..what's this all about?" I ask a bit nervous now not liking my moms tone of voice, something is up..but what ? "yeah mom, what's going on?" Casey asks sound a little nervous herself now. I think she noticed moms tone of voice as well...why do I feel like this isn't going to be good ?! "well girls I don't know exactly how to tell you this so I'm just gonna come out with it.....we're moving, in about a week I found a nice 2 bedroom apartment closer to your schools and my work." mom finally comes out and tells us. "what?! No !! mom please no we can't move...I like it here I have friends here please no" I say voice coming out a little hoarse on the verge of tears. my heart hurts, my chest is aching, I feel like I have a lump in my throat I'm trying so hard not to body literally shaking. I hurt and I'm at lost of words...I finally can't hold back any more and I cry. I break down and cry my eyes out with a million questions running through my head.. why now?, what about nick?, what will I tell him?, how will I tell him?, will he hate me?, will I ever see him again? I just don't know..I'm so upset and hurt and afraid I don't want to lose him, I love him...I love nick and I don't want to lose him......

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