chapter 7: getting close and getting jealous

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"nick get up" I say shaking him a bit trying to wake him from his sleep. "no, 5 more minutes" he groans. nick and I have become really close since that night in the park, we've practically become inseparable. just in the past few months we've gotten to be so close...honestly we're best friends. I love him. "if your lazy butt don't get up I'm gonna jump on you" I warn "ha..whatever" oh he did not just whatever me. okay then fine, I warned him..."3,2,1" I leap on to his bed (more like dive) and jump onto him pinning his arms up over his head on the bed jumping up and down on top of him "wakey wakey Nicky baby" I say in a sweet teasing tone. he then starts laughing "I could get used to this position" he says with a teasing smirk on his face "perv" I say rolling my eyes at his comment. all of a sudden he turns and I'm now the one pinned onto the bed. my heart starts racing as I realize how close we are as we're nose to nose looking deep into each others eyes. heat forming on my cheeks causing a red color to them, dammit he made me blush. he realizes it too and with a smirk on his face he leans down mouth against my ear he whispers "seems like I'm not the only one who could get used to this position" my breath getting caught in my throat, eyes widen I start coughing awkwardly and push him off of me "oh whatever nick" he starts laughing but I just glare at him ugh why does he have to do that to me. truth is I actually have feelings for him I just haven't had the guts to tell him that yet. everyone says that when we're together we act more as a couple then friends Allie and Casey both think he has a thing for me and I think so too but I'm not the only girl he has a thing for he also likes Jasmine he hasn't admitted to it yet but I know he feels something towards her its clear to see when they are together and it absolutely kills me because nick is the first guy I've had such a deep connection with I've really grown feeling for him and it scares me.....I'm terrified. "Kristy...hello?? earth to my beautiful best friend" nicks voice breaks me from my thoughts "huh..what?" wait did he just call me beautiful aw he called me beautiful... but he also called me his best friend...whatever I'll take what I can get I guess "oh my god Kristen !!" nick groans in frustration "sorry...I'm sorry..what is it?" I ask feeling bad for spacing out on him "damn what's up with you today...stop spacing out on me and listen, what do you wanna do today?" I was about to answer when a knock on the door interrupted us "come in" nick yells to whoever is at the door.

"hey nick I was just wondering if" jasmine said as she walked in cutting off mid sentence when she seen me....if only looks could kill, we probably would have just killed each other right there on the spot. "oh hey Kristen" jasmine says through gridded teeth and a fake smile. ha she so hates that me and nick are always together. "hey Jasmine" I say with a smirk on my face very pleased as to how pissed off she seems to be that I'm here at nicks in his room...I'm sure she would have loved to see what me and nick were up to just a few minutes ago...sure it was innocent but I would have loved to see the reaction on her face thinking she just walked in on something "so what's up jasmine what'd you come by for" nick says breaking the silence "oh I was just coming to see if you wanted to do something today" she says sweetly "actually jasmine me and Kristen were gonna go and do something today" he says to her sounding a bit apologetic "yeah but jasmine you're more then welcome to join...the more the merrier right?" I say with a smile on my face. "yeah, sounds fun" nick agrees. "great" jasmine says a little unexcited "awesome. pool day?" I ask. we all agree and head down to the pool.

maybe this wasn't a good idea inviting Jasmine to come a long, seeing her and nick splash each other and flirt right in front of me kinda hurts a bit....a lot !! "haha omg nick stop it" jasmine says with a high pitch flirtatious voice. ew did she just say omg? I roll my eyes can she be any more annoying. "and if I don't what are you gonna do about it" nick says in a teasing voice. ugh is he really flirting with front of me ?! I get up and head to the bathroom...."breathe Kristen, breathe" I say to myself trying to calm my emotions. "don't let it get to you, don't let it show that it gets to you" I give myself a little pep talk. feeling better I walk out of the bathrooms when I'm unexpectedly picked up from behind "eeh....nick what are you doing let me down" I squeal. he then fixes his hold on me and is now holding me bridal style. oh boy what is he doing."haha. okay I will hold your breath" he said to me before running straight to the pool jumping right in with me in his arms. he let's go of me the second we go under. but as I come up gasping for air he's right there next to me practically on me and with instinct I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I laugh "jerk" I say with a smile on my face. he puts his hands on my thighs making me stay in place, his hands moving up in down my thighs...I think he's liking this possession we're in which is fine by me cus I'm kinda enjoying it myself. "I may be a jerk...but you love me" he says in a teasing voice with a smirk on his face "and so what if I did...what are you gonna do bout it" I said playfully with a small smirk of my own on my face "I just might have to love you back" he says kinda serious which I'm a bit taken back he being for real right now ?.....SPLASHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're broken from our moment now instead of looking at each other we both turn to our left to were the splash came from, only to see Jasmine coming up for air. I then get off of nick and stand beside him giving Jasmine a deathly stare of course she would do that and ruin our moment. I don't blame her for being mad hell I was just mad and upset a few minutes ago but I didn't try and get between the two of them I wanted to but I wasn't about to show my jealousy so I chose to be good about the situation and went to the bathroom to collect myself instead but if she wants to play it like that screw being nice next time !

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