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Dixie was the first to drive Charli was laying in the back sleeping while I sat In the passenger seat writing in my book.
What are you writing dixie asked
I think I have a new song idea I said writing some of the lyrics.
Can I hear it love she asked looking over then back at the road
You sang a little of the song from her. You looked into the backseat to see Charli was listening
Wow bebe your voice is amazing Charli said trying to hug me
Thanks love I said
Time skip...
It's been 10 hours we have 30 more to go. Dixie pulled into a gas station and up to the pump. She went to pump while Charli and I went inside to get drinks and snacks. We did a quick bathroom break. We went back outside to Dixie in the passenger seat passed out. I got into the driver seat and Charli into the back
Okay I'll drive 15 hours and when we get to the gas station after that I'll pull in and you drive I said looking back at Charli
Okay I'll take a quick nap and then wake up and take over she said snuggling into her blanket
Okay, I'll probably FaceTime Dani to keep me awake I said pulling out my phone and placing it onto the mount I have in the car.
Hey, baby sis, he said answering the FaceTime
Hey, big bro, I said placing the car in drive
Where are you off too he said
Going to see Charli and dixies parents I said lying hoping he buys it
That sounds fun he said believing what I said
Yeah the girls are sleeping right now so decided to call you I said
Well that's nice how are you holding up he asked
I'm doing fine. I cried a little bit but these girls helped me a lot. They kept telling me he wasn't worth my tears. I said looking at the girls sleeping
Well, they are right because he lost the most amazing person I know Aolani. As Dixie said he lost the worst bleep he said smiling into to phone. I smiled back at him
Yeah I wrote a song about him I said looking over to see Danis reaction
Can I hear a little bit he asked
Yeah I said starting to sing a little bit of the song
Who was that singing? She's amazing I heard someone on Dani's side of the phone. I saw a head popped into the phone screen
Zach this is my little sister aolani he said she's the one who was singing he added looking at me
Well you are amazing the kid named Zach said
Thanks well dani I'm gonna let you go. So I can focus on driving. I'll call you when I make it. I love you I said
I love you too. See you whenever you have time to come to la he said hanging up.
I looked over on our GPS and noticed I had 14 hours still to drive and I didn't wanna drive anymore.

Time skip.
It's been 40 hours and I finally made it to my parent's house in la. I decided to FaceTime, my mom.
Hey, baby, she said answering the phone
Hey, mom so you know how I said we were supposed to go see Dixie and Charlis grandparents I said getting out of the car.
I think I'm lost I added flipping around the camera
Oh my god! She said hanging up the phone and running out the door to hug me.

Skip until you see Dani (by the way this is on TikTok. You surprising everyone)
Hey, big bro, I said walking into the door
Oh my god aolani he said tackling me into a hug
Surprise I said laughing. I looked behind to see the boys looking confused while Dixie and Charli were smiling
I missed you he said tearing up a little bit
I know that's why I did this I said hugging him tightly. I could go any longer without seeing my big brother I added laughing a little
Now that you're here you can show me the whole song you wrote he said getting up and pulling me up with him

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