La day 2

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Last night was rough. Zach wanted to talk to me about a girl he likes named Kay. I honestly wish I was her. I looked her Instagram up last night and seen how beautiful she was compared to me. I looked at my phone to see josh blowing up my phone

 I looked at my phone to see josh blowing up my phone

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You decided to reply and say I'm obsessed with me too. You then pulled out your song journal and were reading over some of the songs when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Dixie holding up Dunkin with Charli behind her.
What you doing she said walking in and handing me my drink.
Looking at a song. I'm thinking about recording I said looking back down then taking a sip
Do it Aolani. Make this your first hit single. Make a name for yourself. Charli and I will support you. Dixie said
Please Aolani I love your voice and I want the whole world to hear it as well Charli said
I finished up the lyrics with the help of Charli and Dixie. I got up and got dressed and we all walked downstairs
Goodmorning girls I heard Dani say
Goodmorning we all said
Hey Dani I have a question I said looking back at the girls than at him.
Uhoh what did you do he said looking up at me from his phone
Umm I wrote a song and need your help I said with pleading eyes
Don't make those eyes at me and of course, I will help you. Can I see the song he asked? I handed him over my journal. He read over my lyrics and looked back up at me
Aolani this is amazing of course I will help you. Let go to the studio he said getting up. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked behind me and seen Zach then looked back to Dani.
So how do you want this song to go? He asked
I saw Zach listening in to the conversation
I wanted more of a pop song but I don't know now. I'm trying to figure it out I said
Let's go to the studio and we will figure it out. I can't wait to hear your voice Dani said. I looked back at the girls who were watching what Zach was doing
I'll meet you there I said to Dani
Okay I'll go set up he said leaving the kitchen
Bebe Avani wants to see you Charli said looking down at her phone
Okay, love tell her we will come to see her after I record this song. But guess who texted me this morning I said looking at them
Let me guess cheater Dixie said rolling her eyes along with Charli
Yup I said
Let me guess. He said I'm sorry. I love you. Please forgive me Charli said crossing her arms
Yup then he said he's obsessed with me I said laughing a little
What did you say Charli asked
I answered me too I said looking at them
Damn Bebe, you a savage Charli said lauGhing
Yeah, let's get going to Dani before he comes in and drags me to the studio to sing I said. The girls headed out to the studio. I went into the kitchen to grab my coffee off the table then was heading out.
Aolani can we talk Zach asked
I'm busy right now maybe later I said not looking at him
Aolani what did I say to make you not look at me or talk to me. You kicked me out of your room last night after I told you about Kay he said
Nothing Zach, you did nothing. I need to go I said trying to leave
Please Aolani talk to me Zach said
I was about to answer him when Dani came into the room
Aolani comes on he said dragging me out of the kitchen. I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Dani stopped because he heard it.
What's going on between you two he asked
Nothing I said trying to walk away
Lani, I know when your lying Dani Said
Dani, it's nothing okay I said trying to walk away
Lani tells me what's going on. I'm your big brother. You used to tell me everything he said
Okay you wanna know what's wrong. I'll tell you the guy I was dating cheated on me not only that but with someone who's so much prettier than me. She messaged me and wants to be friends. Then on top of that, I like one of your friends/bandmates who likes another girl that prettier than me. I'm not good enough for anyone. My mind playing tricks on me. I can't keep pushing but I'm trying for you I said to him. I looked down with tears falling. Am I not good enough for anyone I added looking up at him? He wiped my tears away and pulled me into a hug
Lani, you are more than good enough. You are the most amazing person I know and if anyone can't see that then they are stupid. I don't wanna know what one of my bandmates you like because if I did. I'd probably kill them for making you feel this way along with josh. Now let me tell you something. Put these feelings into your music and show both of them you are worth something more he said pulling away. He leads me down the hall to the studio where I was met by Dixie and Charli once they saw I was crying they both jumped off the couch.
I'm okay I told them
Are you sure? Dixie asked
Yeah. Let's work on this song I said

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