LA night 1

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After making TikToks and thinking about what Nessa said. we went back inside with the boys
Hey you good Dani asked
Yeah, I'm fine I said looking at the girls then back at him. I looked over to see the Zach kid staring at me but I shrugged it off and went to sit down. I sat next to Dani and laid my head on his shoulder.
I'm so glad you here he said putting his arm around me (in a brotherly way)
Wow Dani haven't seen you this happy in a long time Jonah said
It's because I have my sister back here with me. I haven't seen her since we left to start the band then when everyone in my family moved here. She decided she wanted to travel for modeling with Dixie and Charli he said looking up. I closed my eyes and just listened to everything around me.
Dani can I talk to you a second I said opening my eyes and looking up at him alone I added
Sure he said and got up then pulled me up with him
We walked outside. I looked out at the view then back to him.
I don't think I wanna leave and go back this time I said
Aolani it's up to you. I would love for you to be here so I could see you. But I want you to be happy he said
Dani mom was crying bc of how happy she was. she hasn't seen me in so long. I think I wanna stay try making music and letting my dream come true. I also think that this is where I'm meant to be with my family. I said looking back out at the beautiful view he had.
Aolani I will stick by you for whatever decision you have. Yes all of us are happy and we will have our emotions about you returning but if you don't wanna be here and wanna go back with char and Dixie you can. We won't hate you. He said side hugging me
Dani, I know you all will stick by me. I think I'm gonna talk to Dixie and Charli about this. I really do wanna be out here but I wanna be out here with everyone who I love I said
I love you baby sis Dani said
I love you too I said burying my head into his chest. I really wanna move out here. Florida was nothing but everyone hating on me because I had a nice house and was "famous" bc of my friends' family and my modeling. We stayed like that for a little bit then decided to go inside. I saw Charli on the phone and I saw Dixie talking to Jonah. I then see that kid staring at me again.
I'm gonna be outside I said looking at the kid then looking back up at Dani
Okay, I will be in here if you need anything he said walking over to where the boys were. I saw the kid look up at Dani then looked back at me. I stared at him for a few seconds then turned around and walked back to sit on a rock to enjoy the view. I felt someone sit down beside me after a while. I looked over to see the kid.
Hey he said with his deep voice
Hi I said looking back out at the view
Are you okay? He asked looking over at me. I looked over and seen the most amazing dark brown eyes looking back at me.
I don't know I said prying myself away and looking back out at the view
Even tho we just met you can talk to me. I won't repeat it to anyone he said I'm Zach by the way. Don't know if you remember he added
I didn't remember but I'm glad you said something I said laughing a little
You have a beautiful laugh he said
Thanks, I said blushing a little
Your singing is also really amazing he added
Thank you I said turning to look back at him. I caught a glimpse of every inch of his face.
Take a picture it will last longer he said smirking then looking over at me. I turned away embarrassed with my cheeks tinted red. He put his hand underneath my chin and lifted it to look at him.
You know you are really beautiful he said moving my hair behind my ear
Thank you I said trying to pull away blushing
Don't look away. This is adorable he said pulling me back to look at him
What's going on out here I heard someone behind us. I turned to see Charli smirking and looking at me.
Ill leave you two be Zach said getting up and leaving. Charli came and sat down where Zach was sitting. Soon dixie joined us.
So are you going to tell me what's going on between you and Zach Charli said
You and Zach? Dixie asked
Nothing is going on between us. But girls there is something I'd like to discuss with you. I said looking out at the view I'm thinking about moving out here. My entire family is out here and I'm tired of not being able to see them and it's okay if you guys don't wanna come with I added looking over at them
Well, you already know my answer bc you are stuck with me and I'm not leaving you Charli said. We looked over at Dixie who looked to be thinking. She turned to us and said I'm in too. You're not leaving us. I pulled the girls into a hug. I heard someone clear their throats behind me. I turned to see not just Dani but all the boys.
Soooo did you talk to them Dani asked
Yeah there staying as well I said getting up and pulling the girls up with me
So your moving Dani said getting excited
Yes, I'm moving to California to be with you and the family. Charli and Dixie are moving here as well I said. I was engulfed in a hug.
Oh my god, I get my sister back. I'm coming to see you every day he said letting me go then hugging me again
You can all stay with us until you get on your feet. Right guys Jonah said. Everyone agreed I looked over to Zach and seen him looking at me with a smile and mouthed we needed to talk later. But what he needed to talk about was something I wish I never did.

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