Brown eyes, Brown hair

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A/N: this song is absolutely amazing.
It broke my heart watching the boys starting to cry. Dani was blaming everything on himself and blaming how he wasn't there for me.
Dani this isn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. I said pulling Him into a hug. Jaden Bryce and Corbyn joined in our hug. We stayed hugging for a bit until Jaden pulled away. I looked over at him to see he was doing something on his phone
Lani I need you sit down for a second. I'm going to get everyone and sing you something. He said walking out. I looked over to Dani and seen he was on his phone smiling. He gently pushed me on the couch then showed Corbyn and Bryce what the text message said. Not long after Jaden came in with everyone following behind. Zach stayed by the doors while the girls came and sat next to me.
(play song)

Brown eyes, brown hair
Yeah, that sunlight, that glare
But she seems insecure in all the photos
She hides inside
Her emotions aside
So, she can seem okay
Can't have her friends know
But way deep down
She's a lost soul searching
Small town girl
Never know she's hurting
She just wants to be herself
But sometimes it's alright
To fake it 'til you make it
Just don't let that be your saving
Sometimes when your life
Seems lost with no direction
It's okay to not accept it
Sometimеs you're not fine
And there's nothing that you can do about it
But somеtimes when you feel so defeated
Just get back up on your feet
And try again
And she stays outside
Thoughts keep filling her mind
That she might fail again
If she tries to let go
And she goes to cry
When there's no one beside her
'Cause no one really knows
The things she goes through
'Cause way deep down
She's a lost soul searching
Small town girl
Never know she's hurting
She just wants to be herself
But sometimes it's alright
To fake it 'til you make it
Just don't let that be your saving
Sometimes when your life
Seems lost with no direction
It's okay to not accept it
Sometimеs you're not fine
And there's nothing that you can do about it
But somеtimes when you feel so defeated
Just get back up on your feet
And try again
When you feel so defeated
Try again
When you feel so defeated
Try again
Once he finished singing I had tears starting to fall down my face. He kneed down and wiped my tears away. I pulled him into a tight hug
Thank you I said holding him tight
Lani, you have been my best friend for a little over a year. I could see all that you have been hiding so I decided to write this song about you. It's okay to not be okay but Don't hide your feelings or anything from us. He said pulling away. I looked over to Dani to see him smiling and nodding his head.
Okay so there's something I need to tell all of you. Charli and Dixie knew about this before and some of the boys know. I have been hiding something and it's because I'm just afraid to be judge. I said starting to roll up my sleeves. I seen hands placed on top of mine.
You don't have too I heard Charli say
I think it's time I said looking over at her then back at the boys who were confused. Once my sleeve was up and all the boys seen my wrist. It was quiet and I felt everyone staring. Jaden pulled my sleeves down seeing I was uncomfortable.
Lani I heard Zach say can we talk he asked
I looked over to the girls then got up and walked over to him. We headed outside to my favorite spot.
Are you okay he asked breaking our silence
I'll be fine I said looking out at the view trying not to look at him much.
Lani just talk to me he said
Zach there's nothing to talk about. I'll be fine I said looking over into his eyes. I broke our eye contact when I heard a door open. I looked back and see Jaden coming outside.
Lani Bryce and I are going to head home. Josh is flipping out and we don't want him to show up here he said
Okay let's make TikToks before you leave I said getting up
Always for you he said
After about an hour of making TikToks with everyone. I noticed Zach wasn't anywhere. I looked over to Jack with a questioning look which I'm guessing he noticed what I wanted to ask.
He's out on a date with Kay he said
Okay I said

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